Nycole_Silks alt
Cassandra_Latests' Estates storyline.
if you see anything with a [*] by it, click on it. it is a button to expand the text and pictures. it'll prevent the profile from being a wall of text!
The art of wielding a sword seemed like the best choice for any adventurer type, yet in this realm, sometimes they became a liablity. The creatures of this realm veried from very weak to very strong, yet that wasnt the issue. It was the fact that all the creatures were geared to provoke a sexual response from their prey. it didnt matter how hard of a hit a mortal could take or how hard of a swing that could give, it was how long their minds could hold out when the creature was trying to assault them emotionally.
A sword wiedler must be aware of this, they couldnt foucs their will on just their body or just their mind, they had to merge it together and know just when to strike. The quicker the attack, not the strangth of the attack was generally what mattered most.
A mortal of this "Class" was very tasty. the breaking of the prey, the submission of the prey was where the real energy/neutrition was. The longer the creature could hold the victim and allow the mortal to submit before they consumed the rest of them, the more delightful the mortal was.
Zenne was a toughy alright. Strong willed, eligent in her attacks, sensual in her interactions. She had been thou countless adventures in the forest helping Cassandra learn it's serects and collecting those rocks. She was also an invester. Having been able to collect enough gold to buy herself her own place in a town or city, she prefered the life on cassnadra's estate. She almost felt like the "business commissinor" helping the vendors finance their items so they could buy and sell among eachother creating a mini-ecnomey.
Every male and female in the area always "Tried" her, that sexy body of hers showing off the roundness of her breasts, that enchanted fabric supporting her breasts in a soft fashion yet the fabric becoming a strong armor when she needed it, her short skirt showing off her legs oh so teaisngly, the skirt itself an enchanted armor. She had never been one to have a "lover" so to speak, but every once in a while she would "just need it" and would of course, get want she needed from who she needed it from.

Danni was one of the more "lustful" members of cassandra's little shanty Bazaar. She was always flirting with the boys and trying on erotic clothing for them, even thou her general attire was erotic enough. those heavy breasts of hers supported by the same enchanted fabric that Zenne had, yet more transparent. Her top hid very little as it covered all of it.
She was a fine party member thou, able to tease the monsters and other creatures themselves at times, she'd often tell the monsters that she was hunting them and she was the apex of this forest. She was able duel wield her blades in a very eligent manner, dancing in the wind some would say. She always knew how to strike, where to strike and when. Generally she would only need to strike once, the rest of her movements, were just for show. She knew she had a fine figure and she wanted everything to enjoy it's sight for all it's worth before she ended it's threat to her.

[*]Magic Users NPCs[*][*]Close[*]
Mage users are able to change or command the elements of the envoment to suit what is needed. Sometimes it is the water or the mist in the air, but other times it can be the scent of the air or the aroual of the event. Magic users are mentally strong, able to resist mental attacks much better then the average non magic user.
a magic user's body will become a source of magic itself. Mana is needed to charge up a skill or spell. Mana is not "used up" but is merely used as a means to "use the skill or spell faster" The more mana the magic user has, the faster she can cast that healing spell or the more powerful that fire ball will be. Because of this, different entities and other forms of magic users have learned how to "milk" other magic users for their mana and magic-will reserves. Females produce "mana milk" from their breasts, Males produce mana cum.
Brittany: The Red Mage
Brittany is a very teasing girl. Being a red magic user, she uses her own emotions as a source of "power." this allows her body to charge her mana much quicker then a normal mage. The trade off thou was that the "power" behind her attacks and protection skills were never to be as strong as the other groups of magic users. This didnt matter to her thou. her sensual and flirty nature allowed her to have a "kick" to her arts that other red mages could never dream of having and sometimes on par with some well known Magic users.

Kaylei: The white mage

with her pink hair and those innocent yet naughty green eyes, Kaylei is one of the more "loved" Questers who live on Cassandra's Estates. Being a white mage she can support others and defend herself against the threats of the lands. Resistants spells, Mental health recovery, physical recovery and also, the most importent spell, Her Teleport spell. Its VERY useful to get around with.. she hasnt mastered yet, but with practices, comes prefection.
Sarah: The Blue Mage
Sarah was a naughty girl. The Save crytals were a dream come true for her and her choosen "calling" blessed with a limitless "will", she was able to become a blue magic user. What is a blue magic user? Well, Its the mimicy of Monster like ablilties. Breathing poisoned breath, blowing allrudine pollen, forming spider webbing with her fingertips. Just about every creature abliltiy could be learned and altered to fit a mortal host.
Generally, blue mages were very rare. Its hard to convince something that desires to eat you to teach you something. Sarah can get around that aspect by repeat encounters with monsters. Of course she's food.. and she is a very welcomed guest to many monsters. She has even converations and nicknames for eachother.
Even thou she is "Friend-ish" to the monsters, they both know where eachother stands. In a group she is loyal and cunning. of course she'd love to see her party members enjoy things as she does, yet she knows there are other things in life, other then just sexual repeat pleasures.

Rangers were a very "Common" class of adventer. Most who wasnt seen as a pure magic user or a pure sword-welder were just called "a ranger" The term could be anything. A rouge, a Theif, a Hunter, a Beast/monster tamer. The "Ranger Class" ranged from low skill to alot of skill. The person never needing to go "one direction" in there trainning.
Vicky is a slippery one. Sneaky, cunning and at times very naughty and mean. Whenever someone welcomes her into the party [because they need her skill set] they are always worried about the outcome. She may have plans of her own for her party members or be side tracked by another peice of loot that she just HAS to get her hands on.
She loves to Loot. It does not matter if she's stealing it or taking the useful and harvestable remains of a fallen monster/foe. She is also a horder of sorts. The maid in her room has to have 3 full dressers in her room for the amount of items she has "looted" some of the items are junk, but a number of people have found "just the thing they are looking for" in Vicky's care.

DeeDee is a more noble and childish "creature" of the estates then a normal person. Rumor has it she was raised by dryids, others think El-kind Forest dwellers, well some say she's a lucky product of a tentacle creature trying to breed into a new lifeform.
Regardless of where she comes from, she's a contract adventurer for Cassandra. She is one of the more delightful and, even thou it doesnt seem that way, aware people who live on Cassandra's lands.

Snake is an oddity to the estates. Image if you will, a strong willed, bright and cleaver soldier mixed with the childishness and hunger of a teenager.. plus an event dealing with a purple portal mood and a Demonic serpent from another realm who feeds on souls?... well, you get the loveable if not slightly frightening "Snake"
You are on the menu with her. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. She sees everything as her food.. which is what a snake would see the world.. She is very sensual and clingy.. she loves to wrap her tail around people.. she can be friends with her food. she treats them like a normal person would.. but you are food to her. She is a combat expert. there isnt anything Magi-tech related that she dosnt know atlest something about. When it comes to ground combat and commanding small groups, she is your go person. She might also eat you.
[note to players: just like demonic creates before, she feeds off of the sensual/sexual submission of wanting to be eaten. she'll sex her food until they are begging to be eaten.. then she eats you like a snake would.]

[*]Vendor NPCs[*][*]Close[*]
Vendors thraive on trade. Their only goal is to produce some sort of profit. Different vendors desire different types of goods. Some dont even deal in gold, copper or silver, yet other more exotic types of monies.
Often times, Vendors are used for sources of infomation about the outside world and will lead to quests dealing with them or their goods.
[*]Mie Wio Zsums[*][*]Close[*]
Mie wio Zsums only takes customers by appointments only. It is not because she is renowned in some manner. Its her trade. She collects fluids from different life forms. She uses this to create medical items and drinks.

[*]Plot Driven NPCs[*][*]Close[*]
[*]Katherine LeChants[*][*]Close[*]

Cassandra_Latests' lover
Katherine was one of those people you didnt see very often. In fact, you did not even want to see her at all. Generally when someone tells of a story, an encounter with his sensual yet wicked woman, it never ended well.
She has been by Cassandra's side and in her bed for as long as anybody can remember, even Cassandra's children remember her in their earliest memories. She had been by Cassandra's side while she layed the eggs that devilish Naga impregnated her with. Katherine mostly goes unseen, doing as she pleases, even Cassandra's children.
Siren's Song: Being 1/4 Siren by birth, When she would "sing" a word or a string of words, it would effect her mortal target.. The "sung" words were more like a command " its okay, ~ just relax for me ~ baby... you should wiggle you ~shouldnt resist me~" The effect would last until the target's life was ended, which is generally by her hands. Prolonged or repeated assaults by her voice will result in permanent brainwashing.
Tentacle Heaven: Being 1/4 tentacle monster, by birth, she has many tentacles hidden inside her body. if you were to see her nude, you would notice different sizes of "spots" erotically placed along her hips and lower back. these were in fact the resting places of her tentacles. She had all different sorts.
Tentacle Hell: a woman has to eat, and she eats with her maw. if she is in the mood, she will slowly consume her prey into herself. This does not cause her body to "Swell" or anything of the like. Her Magical body is re sizing the victim as it's being swallowed. By the time the victim is inside her stomach, they are quite tiny. The Digestion isnt the same as with more creatures, her stomach isnt just a meat sack with fluid in it. It is in fact a tentacle pit of the worse kind. inside her body her victims are slowly sex'ed into goo, being digested as they cum for her repeatedly. The tentacle pit itself has secrets, the type that only herself and cassandra are aware of.
[*]Dr Balanna Anna'Neerana[*][*]Close[*]

Balanna is the head researcher on soul science for Cassandra_Latests She was the Dark elf who discovered the forumla needed to infuse the souls to their save crystals. Dark, Devilish and wicked in all her actions, she looks onto any one "below her" in status as a mere item. Spoiled in a manner, whenever something of hers did break, she would just ask Cassandra to "buy her another" .. Cassandra was all to willing to comply, even when she started to "break" her children and other more, expensive "items".
Being a dark elf, she was extermely magical in nature. Even thou she does work mostly on Magi-tech objects and artifacs, she had the abilities one might expect from an experanced Dark Elf Sage.
[*]Gail'Cindy Fizt'Gold[*][*]Close[*]
Gail'Cindy Fizt'Gold, or "Cindy" as she likes to be called hails from the Kero Port City, just outside the enchanted monster forest on Cassandra's lands. She was once just an outcast by the more noble people and families of the Port City, being a bastard child and all.
She was a genius thou when it came to economics and generating a resource chain. She met Cassandra and her lift changed forever.
No one in Kero Port City would dare speak bad about her. She had the money to hire any sort of merc to kidnap you or worse, just remove you from the living realm all together.
Of course, it wouldnt be as simple as being a normal woman under the employment of cassandra's Estate, would it. This lovely blonde haired blue eye delight was quickly conscripted into one of first proto-evlotions that Cassandra was testing out. Using the emotions of Cindy, she was changed into quite the woman.. with a golden touch so to speak.
She would, using different methods, seduce her victim into pleasuring her herm'ed lady cock. She didnt care for their pleasure, she cared for her own, and the effect of her cum on her victim's body. The more pleasure they gave her, or rather, the more she was pleased by them the better the grade of gold and rare metals the body of her lovers would become.
Cindy knows her place now, and the place of others. Most are merely tools, resources to generate more resources. She sees people as being parts and having roles, and of course, sources of income then something is needed.
She is competely loyal to Cassandra Via Katherine's "instructions". She is loyal to the estates, just not to any of the people who work for cassandra themselves.

[*]Characters "Alt" Form.[*][*]Close[*]
(( OOC: During the Role-play of Cassandra's Estates campagine, it is not uncommon for the Players of characters to "grow" or "evolve" new forms. Either thou age and maturing, or maturing a unquie skill their physical appearance may alter some one then their "normal appearance" Some of the forms are parment transformations while others are more temp in their display. ))
[*]Suzune's "Alt" Form.[*][*]Close[*]
Suzune is being tutored in the art of blue magic by Suljin_Allures
The more blue magic she learns thou, the more it corrupts her physical body and mental since of self. This is serectly welcomed by Suzune, being a pervert in her mind.