
Age: 21
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 178 lbs
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: White
Skin Color: Fair White
Heritage: Irish
Employer: >> Self employed, though looking for work! <<
Location: Part of the PredCity setting.

BIOGRAPHY (( You don't have to read this! ))

At a young age, Colin had quite a knack for anything electronic. He even took apart things like phones, remote controls, televisions, whatever he could get his hands on to see how it worked. What made the little boards inside do what they did? It always intrigued him. When he was old enough to talk, he was on a computer playing with the keyboard and clicking the mouse, learning how the computer reacted to each of his little commands. As he grew older, his complex of having to know how EVERYTHING worked grew as well. He struggled in school... even high school... because he rather ignored anything that didn't have to do with computers but managed to pass. His parents thought it would be best to send him to a technical institute for computer sciences.

There, he would learn all the basics but it wasn't enough. The internet helped quite a bit..., every night he'd learn something new until he found that his schooling was useless. He tested the waters.., he hacked into the schools network and changed his records around so that he could graduate sooner and be done with it. His roommate found out what he did and offered him $100 to change his one C to an A grade. Colin then realized something... THIS was how he was going to make money!

Colin finished college and moved into the big city with the money he made hacking various college network systems and changing student records for profit. At home, he hacked more and more... each job getting more illegal than the next. From school networks, to bank networks and eventually government networks.... he hacked them all.

And now, he's one of the most wanted hackers in the world but no one knows who he is except for a select few people. Many know of his alias "Decrypt", but few who know that name know his real name, and visa verse.



Colin is a bit of a recluse since his work is very secretive and illegal. Though that doesn't at all mean he's a total shut in. Computer nerds have needs too, after all. Since Colin almost always has flexible income, he goes out on a night on the town every now and then and attracts a young women to entertain him simply because of his wealth but usually it all goes back to normal the next day. He can be quite the charmer when he feels like it. In fact, his power and wealthy kind of developed a flirtatious and cocky attitude!

Though that doesn't mean he'll just walk up to anyone and start flirting with them. Heaven's no. Some women are dangerous! He wouldn't walk up to a naga or a some kind of drider. They'd devour him! He's much more tactful. With that being said, he actually has a a slight phobia of both snakes AND spiders! He'll keep quite a distance from anyone with attributes from such.

Colin's Hobbies and Interests (( RP IDEA INCLUDED ))

Colin hates the governments across the world for many reasons, but the biggest thing that irks him the most is their complex of trying to control things they don't understand. He has found countless demons, mutants, sentient biological creations, and aliens held in captivity all over the world. Using his abilities to hack into systems and crack security fire walls, he'll occasionally tamper with locks, doors, cameras, and employee schedules to create an opportunity to help a captive escape and be free. Many times, he leaves his identity unknown to the captive, just letting them think that their escape was strange happen stance.

Those of whom were freed by Colin's work:

- Work in Progress! - I think I need to RP with him once or twice to get him finalized. Won't you help me? :3
- Does this mean you have to be some kind of techy character to RP with him? NO! I have ideas around his lifestyle. I'm also willing to take Colin into other settings and adapt him as needed!
- Predators: Are you an assassin? There's a bounty for Colin dead or alive! *Hint hint, nudge nudge!*

ASK for prefs~
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Just about all vore types are good~
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Though I'd like to point out this is something I'd like to do more of. ^^
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Often times, yeah.
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike Open to some scat related things.
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike Post Vore Disposal is a favorite of mine, but doesn't have to be included.
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Pretty much all partners are welcome, but there are some race/gender combos that I don't like. For instance, Human M/M vore isn't quite my thing.
Fur Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Well, I'll at least say that I absolutely love scaly predators. Dragons, snakes, lizards, etc. Furs are equally loved!
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike Please, please, please, PLEASE send me a whisper. Even if you do not want to RP, I'm friendly and can chit chat about other things player to player.
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike I prefer doing things in whispers and PMs.