Age: 24
Sex: Female ((Optionally Herm))
Height: 5'8 (Min of 4ft, max of 7ft in height depending on partners preferences)
Bust: HH
Alt of:
The beautiful, ruby red figure you see before you is what becomes of one of Master City's ((
Slime_Feast)) closest breeding pets when love takes hold. One fateful night, Mary asked her master that she wanted to finally take the final step to being as close to her master as possible. What happened next over the span over a week transformed the bovine into this once thought extinct Red Slime. Not only that, but the markings on her body are symbols and runes only slimes of royalty possess. This young girl has now became the first Red Slime Queen of
Slime_Feast's realm.
Above story based on
Slime_Feast canon.
Current events:
Mary is still transitioning to her new life as a slime. Being pregnant for the moment, she's forced to hide her new form from the Obsidian Kingdom until King City ((
Slime_Feast)) publicly announces it to the kingdom and the delegates of the other slime factions.
~Her Pregnant Body~