
scp - 1155

object class keter

containment procedures

scp - 1155 is to be held at an abandoned lot, if asked, stories to be given are structual damage and sinkholes. if it continues class C amnestics are to be used at discrtion

scp - 1155 takes the form of grffiti which is depicting a homonid creature with a head and beak of an owl and long arms which are have mucles visible
the pose it takes is variable though most reports have shown it to be hunched over, with reserchers commenting that the eyes follow their movements

when someone views the anomaly they will be drawn to it, seemingly unable to tear them away from it, this occurs from dirct viewship

however this effect is not recorded when in sight of another person or obstructed.
this effect does not occur in those aware of the properties

when within six feet of the anomaly the victim will have eyes, tongue and soft body parts removed. this attack lasts six secounds
attacks will halt when another person makes eye contact wth the anomaly

after the attack, a relocation event will occur within a week to a random

good for hard vore and possible absorbsion?

form of thehunger