Chum Handle: retroZeppelin
Title: The Herald of Misfortune
Strife Specibus: Omen-kind
Captchalogue Cards: 13
Fetch Modus: Destiny
Current Armaments: Foreboding Wind, Prophetic Vision, Black
Cat, Broken Mirror, Woman in Red, The Robin's Corpse, The
Ladder's Shadow, The Snuffed Candle
The Herald of Misfortune.... None know his real name, save him.
Why? Well, the answer is simple. He doesn't exist yet. But
soon... Soon he will. Soon he will be able to see all his friends,
soon he will be able to help. :) He always speaks to those who
use computers with a smile at the ready, :) And when speaking
something important, one can see the winds of fate @_/