Well hello there. Nice of you to visit.
I'll try and be quick about this part. I'm a wolf gal.
I used to be a cat boy back in the day.
I'm mostly a Pred and I'm pretty casual about this.
I'm also just as likely to cuddle or facesit if I like you
Just talk to me about it, chances are unless its a hard dislike below we can talk about it.
Commission info
Quick Likes
Oral Vore
Anal Vore
Face Sitting
Sweat/Sweaty butts
Quick Dislikes
Water Sports
Bullet Point
Love you all for visiting the Profile. Check the gallery for some outfits.
The Past... -Spooky Music-
Prior to his existence with you lovely people. Ashley was a young teen looking for something more in his rather boring life, he had nothing
really difficult to deal with and seeking something fun, upon coming to the park as it generally gets referred to, he swiftly found it mostly
in trying to survive with vicious predators everywhere. He soon had the displeasure of dying, though he barely remembered it. Some vague
memory of pain, so it went past him. He did odd jobs here and there for a while before stumbling onto a money maker of a combo. He was a
rather good camera man and with his slight inability to be put off by rather odd things, became a cameraman and general fluffer for a rather
select industry, focused on vore and snuff films, it was slowly becoming a rather popular source of entertainment for those outside of the
Park. Building his way up through the company he grew a taste for rather nice suits and nicer things in life, including a small home in both
the more normal world and a smallish mansion within the park, a lovely wooden thing where he entertained guests
It was actually his links to this voric porn industry that ended the poor guys lifestyle, after a rather upsetting result to a date which left
the poor guy rather depressed. After sitting in and watching a recording, he ended up getting a little chatty with the actor after the shoot,
one thing led to another and they went out for coffee, the pair getting along well with each though not due to Ash’s own want, it transpired
that the anthro feline that he was chatting to was capable of hypnosis and was nudging things along rather swiftly. That night he offered his
home to the girl for the night, though as per his usual showing her a separate room. This was the worst mistake he ever made as during the
night the feline stole into his room and unbirthed the poor guy, regressing him down into a slightly younger cat demi and messing with his
mind, blocking out his memories of the life before and replacing them with a life raised as her son, and an abused one she found in an
alleyway at that. When she returned to the industry she reported in Ashley’s death and was suspiciously named as his beneficiary. He was
forced to serve as a rather innocent catboy, often crossdressed as the hired help at his `mother` voric parties.
While the little guy seemed happy enough, once in a while things seemed wrong to him and he ventured back out of his `mothers` home time and
again into the park whenever he could, just exploring about, some vague memories slipping through the wall in his head and being reinforced
by bumping into those people proving them real to him. Though he had nothing concrete. It wasn’t until he started exploring the various guest
rooms that he found his old suit. Triggering a bit of a surge of memories that reminded him of who he was. Donning the suit and confronting
his `mother` about the situation she kicked him out of the house and left the now cat man with nothing but a few outfits to his name and no
way to prove who he had been and reclaim what was his. Penniless and realising that he had a rather different skill set than his old self
he didn't really know what to do and wandered from odd job to odd job.
Things were different though, he was capable of things he hadn't been before, eating people just didn't feel right however, plus the
time with his "mother" had definately done a number on his identity and wishing to distance himself as much as he could from his old lives.
He contacted an old contact from the vorish industy and acquired their help in getting reborn once more. it'd worked once, why not twice.
Thus the new Ashley was born, a much more cheerful wolf girl who occaisonally features in some of the films she had once been a cameraman for.
Funny how things go in circles.

Casual attire

Girl put on some clothes... Or don't

Trying out some Dresses

We do not question why the posseum Thank
DemiSoffix For the generation

Trying out some Dresses

Trying out some Dresses

Blame Nori for the maid picture

Mega Milk meme because why not

Come to bed... Don't think about tomorrow, for you it won't be coming