This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.

^He's bigger than that, but oh well!
Normal form:
Female African Wild Dog (or Painted Hunting Dog, African Painted Dog, etc.)
5'6", 125 lbs
22 years old
The sane half is actually female. Also an anthropomorphic wild dog, she is fairly ordinary all around. Her appearance betrays no hint of her dark secret. She has an average build and is modest at most in terms of measurements, with only her markings setting her apart in a crowd in their vividness.
Were form:
Male African Wild Dog
11', 800lbs
Anathema is a massive beast of a canine, incredibly powerful and swift even beyond what his heavily muscled build suggests. While capable of speech and relative thought, he is driven solely by the urge to mate, to kill, and to eat, not necessarily in that order. There is no begging, no threats, nothing that can stop him from pursuing what he wants, and very little that can physically slow him.
While mortal as anyone else, he is remarkably resilient to bodily harm to begin with. His skin seems to harden in this form to make for a natural sort of armour, capable of absorbing numerous bullets of all but the highest caliber. These make for some nasty bruises for Kamaria though. He also is very swift on his feet for such a giant, moving as fast as the fastest of creatures, though not quite to supernatural extents (though he has caught up with fleeing vehicles before). He is strong both in body (enough to tear the roofs of said vehicles) and in jaws. Much harder things than skulls are turned to powder when he bites down, meaning anything living caught in his teeth when he bites down is not going to stay whole for long. Aside from sheer power, he is also remarkably capable of keeping his prey alive for much longer than would seem possible, prolonging their torture and fear even when they are half devoured. The way his fur reflects light, he becomes as if invisible in the moonlight until he is very close, so that his meal can only hear him as he chases them down. His one major weakness is eyesight, but he can track most prey by scent alone, especially once he has caught a whiff of their fear.
While heavily toned, his body is somewhat lean, building on Kamaria's moderately lanky form. At least until he eats someone, which tends to add more muscle as they digest. Similarly, while it is no easy task, his masculinity is modest enough to fit the knot inside most medium-sized victims (but it won't be easy). Getting the knot stuck in someone's mouth is often fatal for the recipient. He carries his height in a low slouch, to the point that he uses his hands to propel himself when needing speed. Claws on fingers and toes alike (which are opposable) are short, but sharp. They're not quite long enough to shred open his meals by themselves, but they do a good job latching on and holding them where he wants them.
Despite his extraordinary lust, his sexual abilities not actually far beyond an ordinary canine. One orgasm is all he can have at a time, though the buildup of pre and musk can make it seem like more. Not to mention, once he starts having an orgasm, he ejaculates in moderate doses for an additional 30 to 40 minutes after the initial explosion, much more heavily than most canines. His knot won't deflate until this period is done, though it can be pulled from someone with an
extreme application of force. Thus, once he ties with someone, they're stuck until he's filled them or chooses to remove them. They won't be getting away. Receiving the full load would probably burst an average-sized victim.
He gets very musky once he's aroused, and it's present on his breath and insides as well. A hot, thick scent, it's actually thoroughly pleasant to smell for most, even if it tends to make eyes water and generally overwhelm. Any contact at all with him once he's musking will usually leave a lasting scent on someone if they live through the encounter (very rare), and the surroundings usually retain the scent for some time too. He can also dispense a light, liquid musk from scent glands either onto his victim or objects. Inhaled too deeply, this musk can be fatal, and while time dulls the effect, it is impossible to 100% wash away.
It is (theoretically) possible to reason with him, despite his mostly feral nature. There is very little that can convince him to keep from satisfying his hunger for flesh, but someone who satisfies him in other ways to the full extent of his desires may be kept alive, at least until they no longer please him enough. Such survivors are generally cursed to serve him sexually whenever he is in the mood, unable to escape with his scent guiding him wherever they go.
His eating abilities are possibly the most superhuman (supercanine?) feature he has. Able to digest meals so fast he can watch the process, and with considerable control over his acids, he can eat his way through a whole crowd given time. His digestive system is very efficient as well, so that even bones and thick clothing cannot resist being broken down and churned. Other entry points in his body are also strangely absorptive, meaning he can feed himself through the rear end (albeit with less efficiency than his stomach) or refill an orgasm using the churned body of someone forced into his shaft. Both of these points don't have any trouble at all taking a whole person right inside, though it's definitely a tight fit.
The transformation itself can be triggered by several things. First is the mere buildup of desires. Over time, change is inevitable. Kamaria has learned to know when she's waited too long, and for the most part undergoes these changes in controlled circumstances, sometimes even choosing a victim beforehand. Not necessarily someone who has done her wrong, but preferably someone she's not fond of, if available.
As well, any surges in strong emotions can bring about an unexpected change, regardless of current desires. This can include arousal, anger, fear, or even just amusement. On the one hand, she is capable of having sex without changing if she's careful not to get too worked up, and on the other she has changed merely by laughing too hard at a film. It is circumstantial, not consistent. One thing that does always set her off is the threat of rape. Her tendency to stroll through the darkest corners of the seediest of neighbourhoods has made her the target of such acts more often than normal. An alleyway is such a fine, isolated place for a meal, after all.
Finally, although rare, there are times when her change comes upon her with absolutely no warning whatsoever. While she has no conclusive theory on the pattern of these, she has made the hypothesis that they may have something to do with
not thinking about her feral desires enough.
As well, though it is so rare sometimes Kamaria isn't even sure if it really happens or she just dreams it, there are occasions when Anathema takes her over only in body, leaving her mind intact...
The Story:
Kamaria did nothing wrong. She was merely a smart girl. Now she is a monster. It wasn't quite a comic-book transformation that made her into the raving, bloodthirsty were-dog she is now, but rather years of exposure to dangerous chemicals. A rising name in the field of chemistry before the change, Kamaria was never one to be held back by the conventions of safety. Not with fame just within her reach.
For years, she showed no ill effects of her negligence, until one romantic night turned tragic. While her career in basement laboratories didn't lend well to a prosperous social life, she was by no means the stereotypical socially awkward nerd, and had gone through a number of fellows without incident. None of them were keepers though, until she met one fine dragon. He was a timid one, but ever so sweet to her, and at a comfortable, slow pace, a romance blossomed between them. More than just the few weeks of sex she normally had, it was intimacy like she'd never felt before.
Over those same months, she'd felt odd. While never exactly one to say no to a little indulgence, her appetites were growing to the extent that they were a big nuisance. For sex, leaving her pleasing herself when her dragon wasn't around, and for food as well, never quite sated even in total gluttony. She never put on a pound either. Something was most definitely wrong, but it was nothing she could have explained through what she knew of her science. Thus, she could not stop it in time.
The night of the change was one of a candlelight dinner between her and the dragon she was almost certain she loved. He'd always been romantic, but was often too afraid of doing something wrong and thus such an event was a rarity. She went into it expecting a ring, and it was a ring she got, with only the slightest of mixed emotions. Mostly she was happy, happy and horny. She practically dragged him into the bedroom that night. That lust inside her was stronger than ever - she couldn't recall the last time she'd been so aroused. Her husband-to-be's eyes became more and more fearful as she became more and more aggressive, until finally she just reached a peak, and it happened.
Her eyes clouded over with ferocity. Her lips curled back into a snarl. Fur frayed, joints dislocated, muscles deformed to make her into something beyond natural. Twice as large, many times more powerful... and male! As foreign as having a penis was to her, she knew just what to do with it. Before long her very much straight dragon was crying out in pain and terror, turned bloodcurdling once she started to tear into him. Why, her jaws could even pierce scales. There was no stopping her, all she knew was pure, feral hunger. When it was over, there was no more dragon. She'd eaten everything. Her lover was gone, killed forever by her new form... and it felt
fantastic. All those desires building over the months, they were all released. For the moment.
In time, she returned to her much smaller, female form. She wept for him, she wept in fear of what had happened to her, but she could not strike it from her mind just how much pleasure she'd gotten out of the incident. This "were" form, of sorts, she dubbed Anathema. As much for the meaning of the word as for how cool it sounds to her.
At first she struggled with it. The form returned to her, seemingly at random, but in time she learned to recognize the signs of its coming. There was no way to stop it. No drugs, no self-discipline, no rituals. She lusted for food, sex, and murder, and she took it. A menace to society, she told herself. Suicide would be the honourable way out. But even in her shame and regret, the pleasure... oh the pleasure!
She lives now as normal as she can manage. Painting herself as a typical isolated science nerd has allowed her to keep her distance when needed, while still managing to hold some sort of social life. Several friends have disappeared. She tries to keep from eating those she likes, but the sheer forbidden nature of eating someone close to her is so tempting...
Loves: Screaming, crying, begging, panicking, generally acting pitiful, struggling to the very end, males played as straight, initially cocky prey, long chases, multiple meals, horrified witnesses, fearful reverence, being worshipped, complete enslavement, utter disgust, driving to insanity, and otherwise -extremely- unwilling prey generally speaking.
Dislikes: Fearless prey, prey that dies too fast, prey that doesn't react.
- Virtually anything goes.
- No IC greetings please.
- This character is meant mostly for a modern setting. Horror movie cliches enthusiastically welcomed!
- Pred only, and always extremely aggressive and often violent, though he CAN be played as gentle and even playful, catching him in one of his very uncommon states of flux between his were and normal sides. I like to take an 'anything goes' approach to voring and sexing his catches, but I won't stray past any limits we set up beforehand. Oh, and requests are welcome too, if you're itching for something in particular.
- Alt of

^Obligatory mawshot!