Anabel has now been perma vored and now is nothing more then part of a tail on Lyra_Lushi

she is a 6'0 wolf herm
She now has s clone
She she is now dating the lovely
she is a nice person i you catch a pred afteyir a meal. she is a kinda akward person to talk to do to her lack of friends. she is used to being alone and will go out of her way to meet someone unless she wants to eat them
when she is the person that is lower on the food chain she will try to fight back but will not try to beg to live, she understands the law of nature and if she is to be your meal than so be it.
her little brother is Deman
she enjoys oral vore cock unbirthing breast vore and tail vore
pred: she loves to eat fighting food and isnt afraid to chew if she thinks she will lose a prey. she loves to CV someone and suck them out as cum, she unbirths prey and turns them to cum that way as well. her tail leads right to her belly so its almost the same as oral only with her tail. breast vore she turns them to milk inside
Prey: she enjoys being cock vore above all other ways. next on her list is unbirthing folowed by oral vore
oral vore: she engulfs them and swallowa
tail vore her tail wraps arounf them and slowly pulls them in through the top of it
CV she rubs them agaisnt her head and pushes them inside
unbirth she pushes them into her cunt and they pass out soon or die as they are turned to cum
Cleavage vore she shoves them all the way into her chest where they are absorbed into boob fat
breast vore she pushs them into her nipple and turns them into milk]
anal vore pushes them up her butt and into her belly
Scratch behind her ear and she will have a -2 on her next roll
hard on. she gets a plus 1 bonce to cock vore when she is being turned on by a persones actions .say they are sucking her dick or being pushed into it or being pushed into her cunt
chew: she trys to chew them up doing 1 damage each turn they dont get out can be in any first stage besides breast or clevage
Puppy like milk too: she will began to drink from her opponents breast getting a plus 1 to health each time she is successful. If she losses you hold her and get a plus 4 to breast or clevage vore on your next roll
pleasure: she gives them a blow job or eats them out. if it works they loss 5 on roll for the next 2 turns if it fails she loses 5 on her next 2 rolls
weak to cock vore- -2 agaisnt cock vore being used on me
Jack off: when a person craws out of her balls during cock vore she can start to jack off instead of push him back down. if its a 1-5 they get out and are kinda slimey and take a -1 to escapes for 2 turns 6-15 she cums them out and they take 1 damage and a - 2 to escape for 2 turns due to slime. 16-19 she sucks her dick as she dose it and they move to her mouth and it starts oral stage 1 they have a -2 for 2 turns and take 1 damage. 20 she cums hard into her mouth pushing you down her throat -2 escape for 2 turns and you take 2 damage. if she loses you climb out and take control if you win by 5 she is stuned for a turn if by 10 she is stuned for a turn and she takes a -5 for the next turn after if she loses by 15 she is stuned for 2 turns
massive hard on: if a foe plays with her dick she gets a huge hard on increasing the size of her dick. +2 to cock vore till end of match but this also makes grappling harder to do -2 to grapple
hyper cock: if she gets more love on her cock after massive hard on she gets a plus one for each turn to cv but takes a -1 for every other time it happens
Cock grinding: can only be done in massive or hyper mode. She gets on her opponent and grinds them against her massive cock each turn gives her a round of pleasure. After each round you take a -1 stacks and ever 2 rounds you take 1 hp the negatives wear off one at the end of each round after you get free. If hyper cock gets above 3her in counters it takes you a 15as to get out from under her cock. If you stay under for more then five turns it takes a 10 to get free but if you cant ctf begans to happen and you become her cock. Takes 3 turns round one lowers half round two upper body round 3 head.
horny from the start: if she wins the first grapple by 5 she starts with hard on. if she wins by 10 she starts out with massive hard on 20 she came worked up and had hyper mode at 3 all ready
doggy style: she pushes you to your hands and knees and she thrusts her cock into your ass and she starts to fuck it if she wins you have a perm -1 and -1 for a turn if she loses she loses control and takes -2 to anal vore trys cause she made your hole wider (if massive hard on is on she will do 2 points of damage and it will become a -2 perm instead . it she loses she will lose the hard on take a negative -3 to anal vore
she can continue to fuck your ass instead of pulling out if she wins. if she dose you must roll a 15 or more before the next 2 turns before she unloads her cum in your ass filling your belly up with her warm cum. you take anouther -1 to your rolls and your belly only dose 2 damage with acid now along with a -3 to your health. even if you break free of this anabel enters her massive hard on if she loses. you get a plus 4 to anal vore for the rest of the match due to all the cum inside you now. Both rolls again if she wins she my keep going to add points to hyper cock after 3 rounds she mat began cock ctf.and you will need to roll a 13. if you win you move back a stage if you lose you move up a stage.
Face fuck! Or pussy fuck!: just like doggy style only gives you pluses to the used hole instead
your face my ass~: she sits on there mouth and nose and trys to make them pass out in 3 turns -they need to roll a 14 to get free -people with long maws only have 2 turns till they are out- if you pass out you are out for 2 turns and she can ether push you up her ass or do something else.
Cleavage smother: huge her prey tightly in her cleavage. Each turn your locked inside you take a -1 this stacks till your free then it decreases by one each round she can go into breasts vore with a plus 3 from this move
Pussy grind: she grinds her pussy on you face you have 3 turns to roll a 15 before she cums all over your face. After this move she gets a + 4 to unbirth for 2 rounds
blow my load: she sits on you and starts to jack off with her cock right in your face. for you have to roll a 14 before 2 turns or she will cover your face with warm cum. the cum dose 1 damage and you take a -2 to the first 2 stages of any vore for 3 turns if i lose before i cum i lose any hard on modes i have on and take a -2 to cock vore for 3 turns
Worship it: gets you to worship a part of her body
Cock: puts her in the next hard on stage and gives +3 to use grinding
Pussy: gives pussy grind one less turn to finish and plus 2 to start it
ass:gives plus 4 to your face my ass
Breast: gives plus 4 to clevage smother
A dog with a bone: if you have less then 3 hp and loss in the first stage of cv she may trap you inside keeping you so her cock will stay hard.
when her health droops to 4 or lower she changes into a wolf anthro this makes her stuned for the turn it happens but during the turn she takes no damage for that turn
thick fur: her fur blocks the first 2 points of damage she would take after taking this form
sharp teeth: her teath have grown to a point and she now has a + 2 to all mouth based attacks that are not swallowing to throat
bite: she bites her foe 1-5 she bites onto you but it dose not hurt 6-17
she bite you hard you take 1 damage and she can try to chew or oral vore you now
sheath: she can put you inside her sheath you only take damage if you try to turn her on inside you have to roll a 12 to get out if you cant after 3 turns you will pass out from the aroma and she can ether cock vore you if you turned her on or let you out and have her way with you till you wake up in 2 turns damage from hard on is only one damage pur turn if you get out of her slit she enters hard on mode and can not use slit again till its gone
with the new maw she loses the power of pleasure over cocks but can still lick cunts with a +2 for her new longer tongue
she can only cock vore when she is in hard on mode or when they are in her slit and jack off has a -1 to it now
Gets a plus 2 to enter doggy style lol wonder why XD