
Totally nothing here, move along now.

if ya didn't below here are the alts of mine. they exist, some probably dead but who knows and i just make em when i'm bored so enjoy.

FoxFire: Desert_Pyromancer, Caradhine_Firefox

Borg overlord: H47

Lurk alts: MULE Lemurian Lil_Proto

Others:Mizu_Zul Abby_Navarro, Miki_kitsune, Small_Kurama, Becca_Zoologist, Kuri_BattleMaid, Ender_Dragoness Maaru_Goodra Opal_Reshiram, Raul_LucarioRu_SparksPaige_Turner Loona_Hellhound Ivar_Braixen Zorro_ Ginger_garchomp Dragon_Princess_II Raul_Tonix Latex_wolf Zergling Kuri_Kitsune Chris_Woodard Ivara_baphomet

Heckin old alts: Tamamitsune