巨乳学校 の 美女たちAll girls on this list are students at the Kyonyū Gakkō (巨乳学校)‼ ![]() The Kyonyū Gakkō is lead by a board of investors, of which the First Chair is Gaw the Philanthropist, who serves as the school's headmaster, and is legally -and functionally- the owner of every last schoolgirl attending the Academy. |
♥ Tamae ♥mid-to-late-teens, 4'9", 36JJ-24-40, 99lbs ![]() She's always making friends, even if those friendships don't tend to last very long. Even the scariest of monsters are befriended if they seem nice enough. Even if she's got a nervous disposition and a demure nature, she's willing to try out new things to humor any friend... eventually. When starting High School, she started dying her hair blonde, because she likes the look, and because it seems a lot of her friends like the look on her, too - she's even become more confident and assertive over time. A local candy store owner has gotten her hooked on lollipops, and she's often found sucking on them, if only because he's convinced her that 'a pretty girl like (her) should always have something in (her) mouth to suck on'. She works part-time at a fast food restaurant, flipping burgers and waiting tables. She is one of three people in the local franchise location that knows the secret of their exceptionally delicious milkshakes. Tamae has been getting used to being a strong, confident girl, and has been considering for a while becoming an adult movie star after graduating high school, stripping at a local club to pay the bills until her 'movie career' picks up. For now she occasionally streams, wearing a domino mask (and little else), on a popular webcamming site, earning some side money via donations of her adoring fans... TRIVIA ♥ Tamae's nickname 'Bunny' (兎 / バニー) or 'Bunny-chan' (兎ちゃん / バニーちゃん) is because of her always putting her hair in bunny tails since the start of High School. Only her family and closest friends call her Tamae-chan (玉恵ちゃん).♥ Tamae's favorite flavor of lollipop is banana, though her second favorite, strawberry, is much easier to find in most stores. She goes to specialty candy shops to stock up on banana flavored lollipops. ♥ Despite Bunny being an absolute tease and an insatiable flirt, she's still a virgin... ♥ Tamae is 100% tameable, even trainable, given the right circumstances and nurturing. |
♥ Emi ♥mid teens, 4'4", 34MM-20-38, 116lbs ![]() She's still getting used to being topheavy, and has become clumsy as a result, stumbling over, tripping, once time almost falling down a flight of stairs. She's gone from being this breezy, up-for-action athletic kind of girl to this gorgeous albeit somewhat awkward wallflower who has to think carefully about every step before she takes it, lest she tumbles forward onto her pretty face. At the very least, she's now extremely popular with the boys, and some of the girls, and is making a lot more in tips at the maid cafe she part-times at. If only people would stop putting her tips into her cleavage when they pay. Not that she'll tell them off like she would have done before that fateful summer - she's now much more of a doormat, speaking in squeaky whispers rather than give anyone a true piece of her mind. Over the past few months, her oldest friends have noticed she's been behaving a lot more submissively, no longer so active and assertive as before. She's been struggling with dealing life in this 'new body' of hers, but her online friends have been very supportive of her. She's, however, cautious to meet any of them in real life, because she's recently found out she ended up in a community for prey seeking predators... TRIVIA ♥ Emi's nickname 'Mune-chan' (胸ちゃん) is something she really hated when people started calling her so, but over the weeks she's become quite fond of the name. Still, she'll only permit people she likes to call her this.♥ Since that fateful summer, she's had this strange craving, and no matter what she tries she doesn't seem to be able to sate it... |
♥ Kasumi ♥mid-to-late-teens, 4'8", 34QQ-22-40, 122lbs ![]() She's got a great singing voice, but doesn't like to sing in front of a crowd. Still, she has hopes for recording the theme for a future Super Sentai series, and she'll work hard to make that dream happen! Kasumi used to be a real tomboy growing up, and played a lot of video games with her cousins growing up, leaving her now quite nostalgic for retro games and their consoles. She has a few of her own that she takes good care of, and plays regularly. Modern gaming, however, does not interest her at all - especially online multiplayer games, she thinks those are a huge waste of time. She's quite active on chat sites, interested in meeting new people - and she's not shy of showing herself off if she likes whoever it is she's talking to. Because of this, you can easily find topless pictures of her if you run a web search for her online handle, the 'Sentai-Senpai' - though her face isn't visible in any of them. TRIVIA ♥ Kasumi goes by 'Kasumi-chan' (霞ちゃん), though if she really likes you she'll let you call her 'Kasumi-tan' (霞たん).♥ Her favorite Super Sentai ranger is Pink à la Mode from Jushi Sentai / Shin Kenjushi France Five. ♥ Recently, thanks to a nice instructor at her local gym, Kasumi learned a neat party trick; she can flex her pectorals to lift and jiggle her tits on command, even making them audibly clap together. |
♥ Umeko ♥mid-to-late-teens, 4'7", 36JJ-20-35, 96lbs ![]() She's always rocking the latest fashion, the newest devices, and parties at the fanciest clubs. She's also very physical with her affection, and isn't shy of feeling up her friends - and letting them feel her up when she's close enough with them. She's also quite tender, and tends to cry over even a bruise or a scrape, and gets really sad whenever she steps in or brushes against something dirty - so she's always super careful when she's out and about. She's also a bit of a neat freak, but keeps herself in check around people she likes so she doesn't make them uncomfortable. It's an open secret that Umeko keeps her grades up by letting all the male teachers take turns screwing her, and she openly kisses them on the mouth, and lets them grope her breasts. As long as she passes the class, she doesn't really care what people think of her - it's the result that matters! TRIVIA ♥ Umeko goes by 'Umeko-chan' (梅子ちゃん) or 'Ume-chan' (梅ちゃん), meaning 'plum'.♥ She's got a thing for older men, and enjoys flirting with them in front of their wives and girlfriends. |
♥ Nanako ♥mid teens, 4'4", 34II-16-36, 90lbs ![]() She absolutely hates cooking and cleaning and mending things, but when she has to do any of these chores she gives it her all every time, and she's quite excellent at all three of them. Still, she's likely to complain about it, grumbling the whole time. Nanako's love language is touch, and is always clinging to one friend or another. Standing close to her friends, holding hands, even rubbing the side of her hips against a friend is something she can't resist doing. When greeting and making her goodbyes, she tends to favor the quick peck on the lips. She's also a worrier, and tends to need a lot of reassuring when things go bad, even when it's a minor inconvenience. She can be completely unfocused when something is going on in the life of someone she cares about, and often little upsets affect Nanako more than the friend it's actually happening to. Nanako comes from a poor background and her habits still reflect this. Her clothes are all well-worn and often-patched, repaired manually and taken good care of to make them last. She'll never toss anything that can still serve any manner of use, grinding down pencils to the smallest stub. TRIVIA ♥ Nanako prefers being called 'Nana-tan' (菜々たん) or 'Yome-tan' (嫁たん), meaning 'wife' or 'bride'.♥ Even though she likes holding hands and rubbing herself up on her friends, those same friends can't just grab her anywhere. The quickest way to lose her friendship is to be too forward with your hands. ♥ Nanako can suppress her gag reflex and open her mouth wide enough to stick her whole hand down her throat, just beyond the wrist. It's a popular party trick of hers. |
♥ Hana ♥early teens; 4'0", 30FF-19-30, 80lbs ![]() Just like her big sister is named 'Bunny', Hana is nicknamed 'Mouse', because of her soft-spoken personality and general meek demeanor. She's also very inquisitive and likes to go quietly exploring, even if it's usually this that gets her into trouble. Luckily her big sister gets her out of half of all scrapes she gets herself into. Because of her beauty some of the boys (and girls) in her class have confessed their crush on her, but unfortunately for them, Hana is aromantic. Still, you can't get mad at this innocent little angel for refusing, as she doesn't want to lead anyone on... TRIVIA ♥ Hana is aromantic, but she's bisexual. She gets really annoyed when people don't know the difference, and accuse her of lying or leading people on!♥ Her preferred nickname is Hana-tan (花たん). |
♥ Aoi ♥mid-to-late teens; 4'6", 34JJ-20-36, 82lbs ![]() Though she seems very polite and reserved, the ideal daughter, she's actually into some truly depraved matters that she manages to -for now at least- sate online. It started with a milking fetish, born out of her own massive, jiggling bosom, which got her talking to perverts and deviants from all over the world who got her interested in BDSM, pet play, a leash kink, and findom. She's got a few paypigs spread across the world who wire her half their paychecks every month just for being gorgeous and strict with them. Recently she's been on vore sites, discovering this new, ultimate form of domination... but she can't decide which end of the gullet she wants to be on. Beyond that, she's interested in trying out other kinks, and lately she's had her eye on trying out hypnosis. TRIVIA ♥ Aoi hates being called 'Aoi-chan (葵ちゃん)'. She prefers 'Aoi-san (葵さん)', or, if you want to be dramatic about it, you can call her 'Aoi-Kakka (葵閣下)' - this this only when alone in private with someone she likes.♥ She'll never admit it, but she's got a big crush on her best friend Tamae. |
♥ Aika ♥mid-to-late teens; 4'6", 32JJ-19-38, 84lbs ![]() She's outspoken and very direct, something that bothers her prim and proper cousin to no end. Aika loves getting her cousin riled up with how she acts, but will never go out of her way to do that. She believes messing with Aoi should be the cherry on top, not the whole dessert. Aika doesn't believe in dating or monogamy, but she's said often that she's willing to reconsider should she meet the right person. If there's one thing she's not, it's stubborn - all her life she's kept an open mind. In that way she takes after her mother, a former local beauty queen and most popular stripper at the club she dances for. Since a year ago she's been registered on Mastur-Date, where people can pay to e-meet with Aika over a live stream, for a one-on-one 'date' in which she'll get you off with nudity and dirty talk. She's in the top 5% of most requested girls on the site, and they've even sent her a little decorative plaque celebrating her popularity on the net. TRIVIA ♥ Aika's preferred nickname is 'Aika-sama' (愛華様), especially if whoever says it playfully acts subordinate to her - to a point. Some people take it too far and that creeps her out! Most people who don't know this tend to simply call her 'Aika-chan' (愛華ちゃん).♥ Even though everyone thinks she is, Aika is not the girl sucking dick through a glory hole... but she knows who is! She's promised to keep it a secret, though... |
♥ Manami ♥mid-to-late teens; 4'10", 32MM-21-36, 89lbs ![]() She likes cute things, shiny things, and tiny versions of large things, and loves to accessorize to her outfit. One week she worked everyone's nerves because she wore two dozen little bells in her hair, and they kept ringing. What she'll never wear is a bra, because her massive, soft breasts are so sensitive, she can't stand having them confined in bra cups. Even so, she's surprisingly mobile, running and jumping with her breasts bouncing all over the place. TRIVIA ♥ Manami keeps it simple and goes by 'Manami-chan' (愛美ちゃん).♥ Manami never wears a bra because of how sensitive her breasts are. And, she often (but not always) goes around without panties, too! If you want to know if she's wearing panties or not, feel free to nicely ask her to flash her ass at you. |
♥ Kumiko ♥mid-to-late teens; 4'9", 30HH-19-34, 86lbs ![]() Since it's impossible to tell them apart, they've made a game out of trying to convince people they're either one and the same person, or pretending to be each other. They've gotten really good at it, too! If you manage to figure out which one's which, you usually end up with a big hug or a nice kiss for your troubles... She's surpisingly shy around boys, but once the ice is broken can be incredibly forward, often letting the boys kiss, grope and fuck her on the first date. She's even been part of a few group sessions until her sister came to drag her home. TRIVIA ♥ Kumiko prefers 'Kumiko-tan' (久美子たん) even though people may think it makes her sound silly.♥ Some of her admirers have taken to calling her 'Kitten-chan' or 'Koneko-chan' (子猫ちゃん). |
♥ Kayo ♥mid-to-late teens; 4'9", 30HH-19-34, 86lbs ![]() Since it's impossible to tell them apart, they've made a game out of trying to convince people they're either one and the same person, or pretending to be each other. They've gotten really good at it, too! If you manage to figure out which one's which, you usually end up with a big hug or a nice kiss for your troubles... When out and about by herself, she's surprisingly flirty, when she's not babysitting her impulsive sister. She's got a flair for older men, complete with dad bod, and has more than once snuck out of the house to meet one she met off a dating app. TRIVIA ♥ Kayo goes by 'Kayo-chan' (嘉代ちゃん) for most people, and by 'Megami-tan' (女神たん), meaning 'little goddess', by those who've known her a very long time. How she got that nickname is a family secret...♥ There's a dirty rumor going around that she's having an affair with a middle-aged married man, the father of one of her friends... but nobody's ever managed to prove it! |
♥ Asumi ♥mid-to-late teens; 4'8", 30II-22-36, 92lbs ![]() She's fairly easy to get along with, given you're a polite, kind person, though she does have a knack for getting in trouble. And, usually, the people in her immediate vicinity need to scramble to either keep her under controle or to fix whatever she screws up before it gets out of hand. Asumi's always struggled to think ahead about the consequences of her actions, and usually goes with her gut, even though it's so frequently steered her wrong. Her heart's definitely in the right place, and she won't put up with the wrong kind of people who try to use her or take advantage of others. TRIVIA ♥ Asumi has always preferred 'Asumi-tan' (明日美たん), as she's always felt like a child at heart...♥ She's sometimes called 'Puppy-chan' or 'Koinu-chan' (子犬ちゃん) because she often acts like a dogbrained ditz, giving in to her impulses and gut feelings. |
♥ Nozomi ♥mid-to-late teens; 4'6", 28MM-20-39, 95lbs ![]() She can go crazy at concerts, jumping around, bouncing all night, and still be up for school the next day - present in body, if not in mind, at least. She does try not to overexert herself, because she knows how important it is to keep her grades up. She's extremely flirty, and this has helped her more than once to get in somewhere she wasn't supposed to be, be it backstage at a club or in a bar with an age restriction. She doesn't mind going through with things while she's flirting, because she'd rather be a slut than a tease... TRIVIA ♥ Nozomi's friends call her 'Nozomi-chan' (望美ちゃん), though she's fine with most anything that comes from a friendly place.♥ She's got a fancy electric guitar on her wall, that she got as a thank-you present from a musician she met at a punk gig. Apparently Nozomi sucked him off so good he blacked out, and he felt that deserved a reward... |
♥ Bella ♥mid-to-late teens; 4'8", 30KK-21-38, 97lbs ![]() She's famously high-strung, struggling with anxiety. The attention she began to receive when she started developing into a top-heavy beauty pushed her more and more into self-isolation. For this, her parents sent her and her sister Bessie (so neither would feel all alone) to the best all-girls academy they could find, sending them far abroad for Bella's well-being. Bella works part-time at a dairy farm, one or two hours after school, and about four hours on saturday and sunday. She loves the quiet 'pastoral life' and would retire as a hucow if she ever got the chance. TRIVIA ♥ Bella has quickly earned the nickname 'Ushi-chan' (牛ちゃん), but no-one wants to be the one to explain to her what it means...♥ When Bella's stress levels rise, she'll almost petrify, locking up in place unable to think or act. Luckily her sister Bessie knows how to get her out of that state. |
♥ Bessie ♥mid teens; 4'6", 29HH-20-37, 91lbs ![]() Unlike most big-sister-little-sister relationships, Bessie is the one who takes care of Bella, because of her nervous disposition. It's really the only time you'll see Bessie act mature and responsible, when it's concerning her beloved sister. Bessie puts out on the first date, and often doesn't wait for the end of the date to start taking her clothes off. She's active on all the dating apps, and barely ever turns anyone down - only when there's obvious red flags on their profiles... TRIVIA ♥ Because of her big sister's nickname spreading like wildfire, people now call Bessie 'Koushi-tan' (子牛たん), and just like for her sister, no-one will tell her why.♥ Bessie loves to shock people just to see their reaction, and will often claim that she's 'sucked more dick than the catholic church'. ♥ Bessie frequently takes her clothes off on social media, posting spicy pictures almost every day. It's made her quite popular, and thanks to generous donations she keeps her and her sister living comfortably. |
♥ Aurelie ♥mid teens; 4'5", 27JJ-19-41, 93lbs ![]() She made her fame with a limited set of amateur videos in which she is thoroughly penetrated anally by a mystery man in a gimp mask, which has given her a modest following of devoted fans online. She hopes to re-establish her presence as an amateur porn star at the Academy. Aurelie often falls asleep during classes, finding it impossible to stay awake for anything that doesn't thrill her. Even being sent to the vice principal for a scolding related to nodding off in class puts her to sleep. Fellow students have found that when she's asleep, it's really hard to wake her up, and it's become a running joke to steal her bra or panties while she's in dreamland... TRIVIA ♥ Because of her French accent, Aurelie is nicknamed 'Paris-chan' (パリちゃん), despite never having lived in or even visited Paris.♥ Aurelie has uploaded about a half dozen amateur pornos to the internet. The teacher who was involved, though masked, was later identified. Although he receved only an administrative warning, his wife (who was one of his students when they met) did leave him. He has since moved on to regularly boning a dumber, sluttier, bustier student. |
♥ Kimberly ♥mid-to-late teens; 4'5", 27JJ-19-41, 93lbs ![]() She tends to leave dried-up husks of drained male bodies in her wake, often killing several of her male devotees every day. It's a side of her that anyone who would be friends with her will simply have to accept as without her behavior in such a manner, she would weaken, suffer, and die. TRIVIA ♥ Kimberly doesn't have a nickname, as she abuses everyone who tries to give her one.♥ She has promised the principal she will not drain and kill any of the male staff at the Academy, except when giving Gaw at least two weeks worth of notice so a replacement can be hired in the meantime. |
♥ Valerie ♥mid-to-late teens; 5'11", 34QQ-20-48, 133lbs ![]() She's described as taciturn and more than a bit shy. It seems she's had some difficulty making friends, as she seems to be a bit awkward from not having been socialized as a child - she has always been raised to be a prize cow like her maternal ancestors. The farm that lost her is eager to have her back, and rumor has it they'll even go as far as kidnapping her to return her to their stables. That seems a bit extreme, though the principal is reminded daily that the farm will pay good money to have Valerie back 'where she belongs'. The principal has however made it clear he consider each girl to be 'priceless'... until graduation, of course. TRIVIA ♥ Valerie is referred to as 'Valerie-chan' (ヴァレリーちゃん) or 'Val-chan' (ヴァるちゃん) by the few friends she's made so far. Even they haven't heard her speak much about anything.♥ She requires a milking session two-to-three times every day, and she's very happy to subjected to these events. Where most girls enjoy student life more than being milked, Valerie only seems to flourish in the barn. |
♥ Tiffany ♥mid-to-late teens; 4'11", 34MM-21-50, 108lbs ![]() She's kind and friendly, and noticeably charitable with not only her time but also whatever she has on her. It's hard to dislike her except when trying to get her to learn or do anything beyond the superficial. Tiffany works part-time at a bikini car wash for some extra spending money, as she receives a modest monthly allowance from an unknown party. Tiff herself claims it's from a great-aunt twice removed, as she's the only family she has left, but according to official school documents Tiffany has no living family left. Outside the car wash, she also sometimes makes a bit of extra money freelancing at a local dairy farm. She joins us from an orphanage, which became overcrowded. To get a better chance at more fully developing, she applied for a scholarship with us. She absolutely failed her IQ test, but she was so delightful we gave her a full scholarship anyway. TRIVIA ♥ Tiffany is referred to as 'America-chan' (アメリカちゃん) by her classmates. This is because of her great love of all things cheeseburger, the bigger the better. She doesn't come from, nor has ever visited, America.♥ One time, whilst taking an automated IQ test, she obtained a negative score. |
CUSTOM CHARACTERS ![]() There is an overabundance of beautiful young women at the academy, and if you can't find one that suits your fancy you can always flag down one of the faculty and describe the kind of girl you're after. Maybe they can find the right girl to suit your needs and urges. Some kinds of girls can't be found, however, as they would never be admitted to the academy in the first place. All academy girls must possess a necessary few properties, being they must be dumb, kind, trusting, and beautiful. There is, however, an unwritten rule that has disqualified many girls from attending the academy: no chests under a D! Of course, the faculty will never admit to this secret rule's existence... The academy girls come in all colors of the rainbow, even in several non-human varieties. There's so many of them, it can take weeks or even months before any of them is discovered to be missing... |
Custom Character Creation RulesAny proposed character must adhere to certain rules to be valid. There will be no deviation permissible from the following requirements.
A few examples for custom girls so far are: