It's not easy being a Synth.
Let's start with the basics: You were made, not born. This has pros and cons all its own. For a start, you know you were made, and you know WHY you were made. However, it could be that you were made for some skeezy guy to have as a fuckdoll. For another thing, you were programmed, and you don't have free will. This does liberate you from certain things humans have to deal with, but... at the same time, your programming dictates EVERYTHING you do. You might be forced to do all sorts of things that you might find objectionable, if you have a good enough processor to think about such things.
On a broader, societal note, Synths aren't people. They don't have the rights or the privileges of people. At BEST, some Synths attain something LIKE second-class citizenship. They're autonomous, and have something resembling free will, up until they're called upon for whatever reason. At worst... well, see above, regarding being made for skeezy guys. They can't wear certain things, either, as all Synths are marked, to SHOW that they're not people, and covering the mark for any reason is punishable by destruction.
Izumi, however, was never made for the sort of use mentioned above. She was a companion model, CAPABLE of being used that way, but left unused in that regard. An elderly gentleman had her built for him, modeled after his late daughter, to keep him company in his old age, and then, inevitably, he did was people inevitably do, and croaked. This left her in a bit of a bind, as he had granted her autonomy in his will, but she was technically classified as property, and he left all his property to his nephew. This... did not go over well.
Zumi, see, was an older model. She was with the gentleman who had her made for over fifteen years, and had had time to develop programming quirks. She was impossible to wipe clean with any sort of ease, and couldn't be assigned a new master with the same commands as the newer models. In the end, the bastard who inherited her decided to dump her in a trash heap, and leave her there, which is where she found something... different.
As soon as her hand closed on the pretty blue stone she had found, alarms went off across THREE dimensions nearby, and her homeworld registered a massive power spike, in the junkyard, along with a broad band of energy released across many spectra. There was a burst of light that was visible for miles, on the same order as a nuclear blast, even!
... and when all of this settled down, nothing was different. Well, rather, nothing was obviously different. There hadn't been a nuclear explosion, the brief burst of energy had no apparent effect, and while the alarms in other dimensions were still blaring, back home, things were MUCH quieter.... at least, in most places. Naturally, the black helicopters were sent out, but they found nothing at all out of the ordinary... and more importantly, they did not find Zumi at all.
See... Zumi ran. She ran as far as she could on her mostly-depleted battery(yet another drawback to being a Synth), and then collapsed, panting.... before feeling better. Her energy started to be restored, albeit gradually, and she generally started... well, thinking for herself! She could rationalize, make decisions, and NOT be a mindless automaton! ... and she could feel true emotions, as opposed to the pale shadows programmed into her. She could also feel things clearly, as a human could, rather than simply registering sensations through sensors. Most importantly, though, she could feel the gem set into her forehead. Perhaps worryingly, she could also hear it... but it was at that point that she could most use ANY help, so she started taking its advice to heart, as she set about finding a way to survive in a world that was not ready for her kind.
Though, now, what her kind is is up to debate.
Izumi isn't terribly impressive, physically. She looks like a fairly typical, youngish woman, in her middle to late teens, with long, pink hair worn in a single, large braid or ponytail, depending on the situation. Her eyes are a clear, crystalline blue, and her skin is fair. Typically, she can be found dressed in an older-style school uniform, such as the girl she was modeled after had worn, with long, white stockings and simple shoes. The only glaring oddity about her is the gem set in her forehead. There are also a pair of simple, triangular marks just under her eyes, in blue, and on the back of each hand, marking her as a synth.
Want to know more? Ask! Or, better yet, RP! Just be forewarned, I can be a bit picky!