Name: Zelis
Race: Succubus
Age: Unknown, looks 16ish
Disposition: Cheerful, nommy
Threat Level: Inconvenience
Zelis looks normal enough, at first glance. Looks like a high-school student, female, maybe sixteen years old, with an athletic and yet pleasingly curvy figure, about five feet tall with long, black hair worn in a pair of tails behind her head, with bright purple eyes, with all of this wrapped up in a tasteful school uniform, or in jeans, sneakers, and a tank top, with a jacket depending on the weather. Of course, then you look closer, and see that her fair skin is covered with swirling purple marks. And, if you look really close, you might see purple wings, and a long, thick purple tail with a heart-shaped tip, as well. But, most people don't see THOSE unless she wants. They might, however, see some cute fangs in her mouth.
As you may have realized, Zelis, here, is a demon of some sort. Specifically, she's a succubus, and a rather cheerful one at that! Which, at first, may make her seem less than threatening, but at the same time, she IS a demon. What, exactly, that means, is up to you later.
Her modus operandi is simple, though, because she's simple. The girl craves friends and company, so what she does is find people in her age range(on any of many worlds) and do what she needs to to get close to them. Then, once she's found a few people she likes, she'll move in... and she'll do something unfortunate.
It's not her fault, really. She's just not really found the right place, yet. You see, for Zelis, being friends means one thing: Being food. Someone's gonna be the other's food, and most humans can't eat HER, now can they!? So, of course, she's gotta eat them. Why, exactly, she thinks this way, is an amusing story for later, though.
You can see the problem, though. Zelis, here, by her actions and her basic nature, is a troublemaker. She doesn't MEAN to be, perhaps, but she IS. She'll rile up villages into angry mobs, start legal hearings, and perhaps cause government investigations, depending on the setting, simply because... well, she wants to be friends. None of this, however, seems to get her down, and she's gladly 'died' before to calm people down. It never seems to take, though.... why THAT is is related to her though process.
Zelis, really, is simple and to the point. She wants to make friends with attractive, tasty people in any number of ways, but she's far too forward. What she NEEDS is someone to muzzle her somehow, and teach her proper manners. Whether she'll GET that is up to you, and it might be tricky, because of her abilities.
Which, really, are interesting! She can eat... anything, for a start. That's a big one. Anything, anyone, any size, they can be food for her. For another, as a succubus, she can change her gender at will. This, apparently, is because of hentai featuring these themes, but she's not complaining! And, as well, her tail can devour people in multiple ways, and may, in fact, have a mind of its own. Also, because it'd be wasteful otherwise, she can bring back any friends she eats. Enemies too, probably.
Lastly, though, she has a second form. The reason for this, what this means, and what it can do, is an utter mystery, but she seems unaware of it. IN this form, her skin turns silvery-gray, but aside from that, there seems to be no difference. Hrmn.
Anyway, profile's probably a bit rambly, but there you go.
Alt by The Tower