((WARNING: This alt is a total-cannon alt. This means that everything that I do with them, every rp, will be considered cannon, and will be reflected in the profile. And yes, this means permadeath. Killing any of these chars WILL result in permadeath. The ONLY excception to this rule is chars with the word
BRANDED next to their name. This means that they are strickly reserved for Yuri. I do NOT play
Breeder_Yuri ))
((None of the pics belong to me, and I will gladly take them down if the artists requests such))
The cattle of Breeder_Yuri .
Welcome to Yuri's very own cattle farm, where he keeps girls of all shapes and sized to be bred with, milked, and even slaughtered for their meat. Be warned before you enter, however, as the owner does not take kindly to most people. However, if you wish to buy from this farm, then please, step right up~! We have only the freshest milk, and the most tender meat here~
Name: Cora ((right))
Type of cattle: Meat
Personality: Broken

Cora is one of the older cows on the farm, old enough to already have her daughter, born on the farm, be producing young. However, Cora has hit the end of her line, and she knows it well. Unfortunatly, her life stopped mattering to her long ago~
Cora's time finallly came, and Yuri shot her through the gut. she fell and died with ease, and he then stripped her body of it's meat, packaging it for delivery to the person who had ordered it. He gave the head to Shi, a gift that the young girl treasures.
Name: Cherry
Type of cattle: Milker
Personality: Denial

Cherry was once a hit pop star, she had it all. Fame, money, glory, but then she was kidnapped and shackled by Yuri. Now, she is in denial of what she is, which is why Yuri slaughters her young, making her a pure milker. He lets her sing from time to time because he finds it entertaining.
Cherry never saw it coming. She had been purchased by Kira_Springfield who had put her on livestream camera. THinking this was a preformance for her fans, Cherry happily danced and sang. The torment began when Kira threw the tumbtacs at her feet while she danced, and followed up with a sledghammer to the knee. Then to her pregnant belly, making it cave in, and killing the baby inside. Next her breasts were smashed byt hat hammer, and then Kira sawed halfway through Cherry's throat. But Cherry kept up he rstate of denial, thinking that this was simply the end of the preformance. She waved to the camera, and said goodbye until her next preformance, before Kira swung the hammer again, taking Cherry's head clear off.
Name: Tina ((left))
Type of cattle: Breeder
Personality: Horny

Tina was just a little girl when Yuri abducted her and her sister. But from the moment they lost thair purity, both girls have just been wanting more
Poor poor Tina, ripped up by the hungry teeth of Kira_Springfield and then the leftovers devoured by Amira_Springfield after. She never even got to deliver her first calf~
Name: Becky ((right))
Type of cattle: Breeder
Personality: Horny

Becky and her sister were taken forcefully from the nearby playground as little girls. Now, they only play one special kind of 'game'~
Becky came so close to giving a new calf to the farm, but unfortunatly, she was unable to. Sui_Springfield made sure of that wen she mercilessly devoured the little girl, leaving her to be digested inside of her powerful gut.
Name: Karen
Type of cattle: Breeder/Milker/Mother
Personality: Motherly

Karen is a kind woman, and while she doesn't like what Yuri has done to her and the others,s he understands that there are new lives being made at this place. because of her caring nature, Yuri has put her in charge of helping raise the calfs.
Karen was caught off gaurd when Sui showed up at her pen. She had no way of knowing that the woman was about to rip her body slowly apart and devour her meat right off the bone, beofre finishing her off with a pitchfork to what was left of her
Name: Rachel
Type of cattle: Breeder
Personality: Insane

Poor Rachel was once a kind loving woman, but ever since Yuri broke her mind, she has become a mad cow indeed.
Oh dear, it seems Rachel met her demise and never even knew it. Kayleigh_Equine had snuck into the farm, seemingly hungry for meat, and who woudl she stumble upon but Rachel, the mad cow tasked with cleaning up after a slaughter. Well, she won't be cleaning much anymore, as a lump of meat in the equines gut.
Name: Marris
Type of cattle: Breeder/Milker
Personality: Accepting

Marris was one of the first girls to be shackled in Yuri's barn. It is very true that she struggled for her life for a very long time, but by now, she has fully accepted what she is. A cow, cattle to help breed more meat for her owner, and produce milk for his profit.
Marris was getting old, and she knew it. Unfortunatly, so did Yuri. He had brought in a special new toy of his, Autoslave_036 , and had the android swallow the cow. Once inside of her, the machine turned the inside of its stomach into a blender, and turned Marris into girl sludge.
Name: Jenny
Type of cattle: Meat
Personality: Stubborn

Jenny here was kidnapped only recently, however, she has clearly taken to certain aspects of this life. Mainly, being fed for free. However, she stubbornly refuses to mate, and as such, might find herself with a bullet through her head before she knows it!
Poor dumb Jenny should have never been so stubborn. Yuri got fed up with her, and had his new android process her into blended goop.
Name: Sherry
Type of cattle: Breeder
Personality: Clumsy

Sherry was born right here on the farm, and was always a clumsy little calf. She got into things she shouldn't have, and one day, she found herself in with the bulls. the next thing she knew, she had been fucked by so many of them, that she had become a breeder before she was supposed to!
Sherry was shocked and confused when Vast_Vicar showed up, and claimed Sherry to be her snack! hat confused her was that her master owudl eb angry with her if she dind't die at HIS hands. Additionally,s he wanted to at least birth her first calves! Well, as it turns out, Vicar wasn't COMPLETELY without a heart. She sliced open Sherry's belly, letting her four babies spill out onto the ground, before crunching up the poor girl.
Name: Carrie
Type of cattle: Calf
Personality: Attention hog.

Carrie is one of Sherry's four daughters. She loves it when people notice her, especially master Yuri, so she will do anything to get people to see her. She is always more than happy to put on a little show for someone, be it masterbation, or otherwise.
Dumb little Carrie, she hsouldn't have been showing off the way she was. She was masterbating in the calf pens, showing off for the other claves, and moaning as all eyes ere on her. Little did she know, she had also caught the eye of a Wild_Foxy who wanted some easy prey~ The fox girl snuck into the pens, and before Carrie could stop her or call for her master, the fox girl began tearing away at the calf's flesh, devouring her meat bite by bite, until she finally took her face, killing Carrie. Her corpse was then dragged off by the fox, to feast upon later~
Name: Sayako
Type of cattle: Unknown
Personality: 'Better than you'

Sayako is a realativly new addition to the farm, although she doesn't seem to be taking to Yuri's training, thinking herself to be better than the rest of the simple minded cattle. She has yet to be bred, but if she keeps up the way she is, she will be headed for the slaughterhouse soon.
Sayako found herself naked and hog tied while Yuri was out. He had left her liek this because he was still trying to train her. Unfortunatly for Sayako, Sui_Springfield had chosen to bust into the farm while the owner was away. Seeing the tied up naked girl, Sui decided that it was time for lunch. She folded poor Sayako in half, then ate her like a sandwich
Name: Shiana ((left))
Type of cattle: Breeder
Personality: Shy

Shiana was born right here on the farm, and as such, she already knows her place as a cow, and has already begun producing young~! She is a shy cow though, only having warmed up to Yuri so far.
Oh no! Sui broke into Shi's pen! She took one look at Shi and thought that a preggo would make a wonderful dessert~ She barely had to try, she just snapped one of the girls legs, then slurped her up like a noodle. The last thing remaining of Shi is her head, which Sui bit off at the neck.
Name: Katt
Type of cattle: Calf
Personality: Learning

Katt is one of Sherry's daughters. She knows her place as a calf on the farm, but even so, she is still learning how to be a good cow. She gets frustrated with herself when she can't get the hang of something.
Katt died protecting the farm. When Pregnant_Cynthia came from the future to destory the farm, Katt, the little confused Calf, dind't want her to! after all,t his was her home, and she loved her master and the other calves. She jumped in front of Cynthia's cannon, and was vaporized, leaving CYnthia too guilt ridden to keep Rebecca from cutting her head off, killing the Calf killer.
Name: Kathy
Type of cattle: Calf
Personality: Eager

Kathy is...well...eager, to say the very least. She is absolutely obsessed with becoming a breeder, and she takes every chance she can get to sneak off to the bull pens, in the hopes that today will be the day she can breed. Unfortunatly for her, she simply isn't old enough....yet~
Well, looks like Meriko wanted to help Kathy's dream come true~ Well, in a manner of speaking~ After purchasing the young calf, Meriko proceeded to fuck her sensless, before slurping the little one down her cock, and churning he rinto cum, which she then pumped into Rebecca's womb after taking that cow down and fucking her as well~
Name: Tora
Type of cattle: Breeder
Personality: Willing

Tora is rather new here at the farm, however, thanks to Yuri's treatments, she has become curious, and has even allowed herself to be knocked up~ Won't you help teach her? She is oh so willing to learn~
Master Yuri hired a new bull to come in and breed the cows~ Unfortunatly for Tora, Ian_The_Wolf saw her more as a chew toy then a sex toy, and after viciously shaking her in his jaws, and snapping her spine in the process, he slurped her limp body right down.
Name: Collin
Type of cattle: Milker
Personality: Ditzy

Collin was never sure what was going on in her life. She simply glided through, a though the world had no hold on her, and because of this, Yuri hates her. He can't torment her, or make her depraved, cause she has no idea what he is doing when he tries. Because of this, he makes sure her young are slaughtered, making her a pure milker. He doesn't want any more of her around, but she DOES make good enough milk to survive herself.
Ah, dumb little Collin. When Sui_Springfield offere dher a reward for something, of course she said yes~! She just dind't expect the reward to be up Sui's ass. But, she wasn't one to turn down a reward, so she eagerly went right up that rear. The last thing left of Collin was a huge belch after Sui rapidly digested her.
Name: Hazel
Type of cattle: Breeder/Milker
Personality: Grumpy

Hazel doesn't mind being treated as livestock. She doesn't mind the constant sex, or the though that she might be killed at any time for her meat. What she minds is the fact that the one who caught her, who turned her into this, is Yuri, someone she used to pick on. Now she's paying the price.
Dumb little Hazel. When Soffix bought her and promised a life of luxary, she actually beleived him~! But when he revealed his true intentions, to use the cow as she was meant to be used, for her milk, she actually tried to rebel against her owner. But don't worry, she was quickly put in her place, and once she was down for good, Soffix had her stuffed and turned her into a decoration for his room~ Nothing but a Taxidermied statue now.
Name: Ruthy
Type of cattle: Mother
Personality: Flustered

Ruthy is older than she looks, she's actually a teenager. She is still learning ho to deal with being cattle, and on top of that she has been assigned to help Rebecca with raising the cattle! Unfortunatly for Ruthy, these energetic youngsters leave her head spinning.
Poor dumb Ruthy, when Gluttonous_Sui ordered a meal and Ruthy arrived,s he got more than she bargained for! After seeing how fertile Ruthy really is, Sui called her doctor and had Ruthy slaughtered, so her body could be used as a breeding machine~
Name: Sally
Type of cattle: Breeder/Milker
Personality: Slutty

Sally was once the sluttiest girl in school, now she's the sluttiest cow on the farm~!
Name: Sona
Type of cattle: Breeder
Personality: Scared

Poor poor Sona was kidnapped along with her mother by Yuri not lng ago. When her mother failed to get pregnant, Yuri had her slaughtered, leaving Sona scared and alone
Name: Brittany BRANDED
Type of cattle: Milker
Personality: Confused

Brittany was very confused when Yuri took her and told her of her fate, and for some reason, her confusion annoyed him, to a severe degree. now, she is a pure milker, which means any time she gives birth, the baby is slaughtered and sold as veal.
Name: Jessica ((left)) BRANDED
Type of cattle: Meat
Personality: Broken

Jessica is actually Brittany's mother, as well as Yuri's! She was taken in at the same time as her two daughters, Yuri's sisters, but Yuri was much harder on her, since Brittany had enraged him so. This lead to Jessica breaking early, which is why she is already a meat cow.
Name: Samantha ((right)) BRANDED
Type of cattle: Breeder/Milker
Personality: Breaking

Samantha is Brittany's sister, and when it came her turn to be treated, Yuri was still very pissed, but had calmed down. Luckily for Samantha, this only left her partially broken, but she is going further by the day.
Name: Maria ((BRANDED by Sui_Springfield ))
Type of cattle: Breeder
Personality: Greedy

Maria was always a cowardly girl, and once she was kidnapped by Yuri and left int he barn, this fear just grew and grew, so she made sure to look out for number one, herself. She made absolutely sure she ate more than the other cattle, and got more attention, leading to her having more babies, and because of this, she is actually closer to becoming meat than she realizes. But she doesn't know that...
Name: Breanna ((BRANDED by Sui_Springfield ))
Type of cattle: Newborn
Personality: Learning

Breanna is one of the newborn calfs on the farm, not yet old enough to start making babies or milk, but is getting there quickly. She enjoys going down tot he big cow pens and watching the others get rammed by bulls and knocked up.
However, she has now come of age~! Not only that, but the moment that she got confirmation that she was able to breed, she ran tot he bull pens. Now, she is pregnant with four little ones~
Name: Rebecca
Type of cattle: Breeder/Mother
Personality: Kind

Kidnapped by Yuri to replace Karen, Rebecca actually makes a better mother to the calves than Karen did! She cares about the little ones,s o much so that to keep them safe, she makes sure tot each them only what Yuri wants her to. That way, there is less chance of them breaking the rules, and getting killed. She even feeds them more than Karen did, to help get them plump, since that is what Yuri wants.
Name: Suzy ((left))
Type of cattle: Breeder
Personality: Slutty

Suzy is actually the daughter of Brittany and Yuri. That's right, she's a calf born out of incest, though Yuri doesn't see it that way. She is one of the horniest calves on the farm, which is why she's a breeder at such as young age.
Name: Amy ((right))
Type of cattle: Breeder
Personality: Horny

Amy is actually Suzy's cousin, and at the same time her sister. She is the daughter of SAMANTHA and Yuri. Unlike her cousin, though, Amy was made ot be a breeder by force when...well...Yuri forced her~
Name: Shelby
Type of cattle: Calf
Personality: Content

Shelby is one of Sherry's four daughters. She can usually be foudn sleeping in her pen. She isn't much to be active, and she loves to wear the little feline outfit master Yuri got her,t hanks to her behavior.
Name: Jackie
Type of cattle: Calf
Personality: Welcoming

Jackie is one of Sherry's four daughters. She loves it when people come to visit the farm to buy girls, or to buy milk. She has suggested more than once to master Yuri that he add a petting zoo area, though this is purely because she would love to see more people come, especially if they would let her eat out of their hand~!
Name: Christy
Type of cattle: Calf
Personality: Silly

Christy is the firs,t and possibly the only, calf to love grazing~! And by grazing, we DO mean going out into the feilds to eat the grass. She also loves gardening, and is one of the sole reasons that there is an abundance of flowers and plant life around the calf pens.
Name: Gretel
Type of cattle: Calf/Breeder
Personality: Kind

Gretel is actually one of Rebecca's own calves, as in her daughter, and she loves her mother dearly. She is even trying to learn from her on how to raise the other calves, and lately she has been paying extra close attention, since she is about to give birth to a calf of her own~!
Name: Terra
Type of cattle: Breeder/Milker
Personality: Loving

Terra loves her new position in life, she honestly does. Free food, shelter, and all the sex she can handle. Not to mention, she gets to be knocked up again and again, and that isn't even the part she loves the most. The part SHE loves the most, is the milking, she simply can't get enough of that wonderful feeling of having her breasts drained~
Name: Jacob
Type of cattle: Bull/Calf
Personality: Hungry

Jacob is a frisky little bull~ He's actually a former pet of Yuri's, who Yuri decided to keep around as a bull to help knock up some of the calves. He's usually the one to take a calf's virginity. Yes, he does have a little belly on him, and what is that from? Eating the very calves he knocks up~! Calves are his favorite meal~
Name: Brandon
Type of cattle: Bull
Personality: Horny

Brandon was actually bought from another similar farm~ yuri bought him because it was said that he was one of the most fertile bulls, Yuri would ever come across. Lo and Behold, the moment he got Brandon into his pen, the bull went wild with lust, trying to get at every cow he could. And when he started breeding, he didn't stop until the cow's womb has swollen with his cum.
Name: Carlos
Type of cattle: Bull
Personality: Dominant

Carlos is a true rarity. He is a male that Yrui caught and DIDN'T kill! He was actually Sally's pet before he was Yuri's bull, so he was used to having sex with humans by now. When he is given cattle to fuck, he makes sure that cattle can't walk correctly for a good few days, if not a full week. Yuri is the only one who can give him orders.
Name: Sasha
Type of cattle: Breeder
Personality: Survivor

Sash here is a very smart cookie! the moment she was taken in by yuri,s he understood she had to follow the rules in order to stay alive! And so, she let herself get knocked up, and will do whatever Yuri asks her to do, so that she can keep form being slaughtered.
Name: Rayna
Type of cattle: Milker/Breeder
Personality: Sneaky

Rayne is...well...she's a broken cow, for the most part. At first, she put up a massive fight, some of the other cattle even thought she might win, she might be able to escape with he rmind....but Yuri took care of that. After some...'solo' time, Rayna returned to her stable panting, barely able to think straight. Ever since, she had become addicted to orgasms, and will sneak in sex toys any chance she gets....
Name: Lacy
Type of cattle: Breeder
Personality: Frisky

This is Yuri's first ever furry cow~! He found her while she was on her way home, and grabbed her by the throat so he could pull her into an allyway. In there...he broke her mind in unspeakable ways...but the end result was her following him back to his farm on all fours and with a leash, to become one of the breeding cows~
Name: Francis
Type of cattle: Milker/Breeder
Personality: Cheerful

Francic, or Franky as her friends used to know her, isn't actually a fox demi. Well, not a natural one at least. no, she is actually an experiment done by Yuri. He modified her body surgically, cut off her ears and implanted fox ones, implanted a fox tail into her tailbone, he even filed her canine teeth so they would be sharp. She is a false fox demi.
Name: Berry
Type of cattle: Milker/Breeder
Personality: Obsessive

Irony abounds with this girl. She was Cherry's biggest fan, she followed her everywhere she toured, went to every concert, knew every word to every song, had every peice of memorabilia. However, when her favorite pop sensation suddenly went missing, she nearly lost her mind. This simple dissapearence, gave her slight abandonment issues. She began to investigate, and eventually...she wound up here, on the farm. In fact, she is even living in Cherry's old pen....and she couldn't be happier about it.
Such a sad ending for the cattle~ One day, without warning, Ian_The_Wolf decided to pay the farm a little visit~ After brutally slaughtering Yuri, he began picking off the cattle one by one~ And now, there's nothing left~ No cows here for anyone to buy~ Just an empty farm~