
Soulbound <-- See here for current cravings and altlist.

Name: Yura
Species: Human
Age: 21
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 124 lbs

Bounty hunter by trade, Yura pursues her prey with a relentless passion, not giving up until she reaches her goal, and taking her anger out on anyone preventing her from doing so.

Starting out as a cutpurse on the streets, fighting for her life in a town that barely gave her a chance, she honed her skills, preferring the path of subtlety over combat, but not afraid to jump in blades first if the situation called for it. Or as the case often was, if she was goaded into talking with her twin knives due to her vicious temper.

There was one mission in particular that left Yura a changed woman, complimenting her burning fury with a ravenous hunger after a curse bestowed upon her by a vindictive mark. Now, her bloodlust had additional implications for those who cross her, as it's not just her shining blades they have to look out for.

Yura - Rogue 1
Human CN
Favored Class: Rogue
Languages: Common

STR 12 (+1)
DEX 17 (+3)
CON 11 (+0)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 13 (+1)

+ - +2 Racial bonus applied

Skill Ranks: (12 - 8 class, 2 intelligence, 1 race, 1 favored class)

Acrobatics 7 (1 ranks +3 class + 3 dexterity)
Bluff 5 (1 ranks +3 class + 1 charisma)
Disable Device 7 (1 ranks +3 class + 3 dexterity)
Disguise 5 (1 ranks +3 class +1 charisma)
Escape Artist 7 (1 ranks +3 class + 3 dexterity)
Intimidate 5 (1 ranks +3 class +1 charisma)
Knowledge (Local) 6 (1 ranks +3 class +2 intelligence)
Perception 5 (1 ranks +3 class +1 wisdom)
Sense Motive 5 (1 ranks +3 class +1 wisdom)
Sleight of Hand 7 (1 ranks +3 class +3 dexterity)
Stealth 7 (1 ranks +3 class +3 dexterity)
Use Magic Device 5 (1 ranks +3 class +1 charisma)

Traits: (2)

Lightning Reflexes
Determined Prey [vore]


Sneak attack +1d6

Combat Stats:

Fort: 0 (0 Base + 0 Constitution)
Ref: 7 (2 Base + 3 Dexterity +2 feat)
Will: 1 (0 Base + 1 Wisdom)

Hit Points: 43 (d8+2)(+1 Constitution, +1 favoured class per level) (+3 Archmage)
Armor Class: 14 (10 base + 3 Dexterity +1 dodge)
BAB: 0
Initiative: +3 (3 dex)
Movement: 30


Leather Armor
Short sword
Crossbow, light
bolts (50)

Rope x2
Caltrops x3
Thieves tools
Rations, trail (day) x5
Oil x3

25 gp