Feudal Japan. It's been 13 years since an event called "The Great Fracture." Rumors make mentioned of a powerful kitsune's power shattering her form and her magic washed over the land. Causing magic and mutations. People of the lands have been transformed into varies monster races. Humans are still the most prominent, but it's not uncommon to see people with animal ears and other features. Also came a violent usurping of Japan's throne by a woman calling herself "The Queen." She and her elites, dubbed Princesses, have taken the emporer's seat and now rule from the center of Japan. Ninja clans openly opposed the Queen, her Princesses, and her many samurai. The reason the Queen stayed in power, is that her forces were one, working together was little issue. The Ninja Clans were scattered and many, a large number of then were destroyed as they simply couldn't come together as a single force.
These days, the wars still silently rages on. Ninja remnants still control the outer regions and islands of Japan, but the Queen hold most of the mainland. On the isle Kyushu, has arisen a new clan, calling themselves the Chinatsu. This clan is an oddity, most ninja clans are lead by....well, a ninja. Chinatsu is lead by, if rumors are to be believed, a male not versed in the ways of such. They represent the Shinto way, Shinto is the common term for ninjas that oppose the Queen. The Chinatsu have quickly grown to be the top power on the Isle of Kyushu. Their domain expanding almost the entire isle.
Lastly, is special male called, Princes. These are males touched by the magic of the great fracture, but in which didn't mutate. Their bodies begin natural host for the kitsune's magical essense. Seekers of power oft hunt them, as their souls hold great amounts of power in which they can steal for their own. The only way to truly stop the Queen, is by removing her from the throne, and placing a Prince upon it. Only then will Japan return to its proper course!
This is what happened to this young boy below

This is Takehiko Koizumi, young little brother to Yumiko. He was born with an immense potential of power inside him...gifting him with the unique Alluring Vision...a hypnotic power that can hypnotize any female who has non-familial love for him...but sadly this power came at a cost as he was soon to be hunted by the Queen and her Princesses's forces. Yumiko being a hunter but also a Samurai Archer, pleaded with her family that she needed to take her brother to safer lands away from the Queen's grip..leading to her and her brother leaving their hometown. Yumiko acting as her brothers escort and protection and confidant...the pair travelled the lands with Yumiko finding work as a huntress for wild game where she and her brother constantly avoided the samurai and ninja of the Queen's faction while trying to head to the safer Shinto Lands.
-Yumiko Koizumi-
Yumiko herself is a young girl of about 19 years of age...a young girl of a strong will and heart who's made it her duty to protect her brother from the cruel world that the Queen has made. Yumiko has trained herself in the way of the bow and is a master archer able to snipe alot of opponents from long distances and is a high grade huntress too. However she lacks in a few close range options. Making ninja's one of her main weaknesses, it's only been luck that only Samurai have been sent after them so far.
-Takehiko Koizumi-
Takehiko is a young boy around 12 years of age and hasn't yet reached his growth spurt making him look younger than many beileve. He's kind, gentle and naive about the world and is very attached to his protective big sister. He's rather shy around others but if someone shows they aren't a danger, they can find a friendly and kind young boy...however his adorable charm mixed with his power makes him rather dangerous...as the minute any girl who likes him looks into his eyes when his power is on will find their mind slipping away...becoming harder to think until they are ready to be molded by his gaze...it's only fortunate he's too soft to do anything with this power. Takehiko is gifted with a Dark Focused magic in his Alluring Vision but is untrained and clueless about most of his potential.