Name: Yuko Yotta
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Job: Police force her father runs
Rank: Second in command over all, head chief in America.
Family: A Father and Mother, Yakedo_Yotta is her little sister.
Relationship: Single
Weapon: A Pink Police Baton designed like a sword, a taser in the form of a black rod, a real Katana.
Born into a family of wealth, Yuko would be the first born and first in line to take over the family business, ran by their father, she would be trained at a young age of 5 to defend herself after all, a great leader needed to lead by example of how they could defend their people and the world from crime so she took up sword training, learning to fight would mean she didn't have to depend on guns.
Day in and day out, Yuko went to school, learning from the smartest teachers while coming home to train, her dad's money went to good use and for three years, it would become normal, however even after Yakedo was born, she continued to obey her father's orders, never even once acknowledging her sister's existence unless it was to tell her to shut up when she was trying to study, those drums were a pain in the ass.

High school uniform