It's hard to be born into responsibility! This lovely young vixen girl has to deal with the fact that her mother, Mizrathia is a guardian spirit of the woods. Though really, some guardian spirit! She keeps gobbling up everyone that wanders by her. That doesn't seem very guardian-like at all if you ask Yretha, but who is she to say? She supposes that when you've lived for hundreds of years, you get to choose exactly how you'd like to flaunt your powers and rule over your charges. Still, she likes to think she'd be a little bit nicer to people. Besides, some of those people look a bit...scary. Who would want to get on their badsides? It isn't like they are all powerful. To make matters worse, it seems her mother went and got herself churned up! So now Yretha has to take on all of the responsibility and...she's kinda bad at this! Stupid lions.
Yretha likes to spend her time exploring the woods and the nearby park. She doesn't usually wander much farther than that, though she has been into town a few times to check out just what it is the denizens get up to when they aren't lurking about her mom's land. Also, she much prefers the clothes she can pick up there (via five-finger discount of course!) as opposed to whatever her mother tries to conjure up. The kimonos got a little drab after a while, you know.
To those who come across the kitsunegirl, she's easy to spot with her thick and fluffy tail as well as the positively massive, fuzzy ears that spring from her blonde head. A decorative earring of her mother's symbol of worship dangles from one ear. She accents the rest of her assemble with whatever jewelry and frills she has picked up here and there and the latest cutesy outfit she's maneged to pick up. She lacks a lot in ability so far, but is slowly developing into the same powers as her mom.
A HappyFlowers Production.