Age: 16
Height: 5 inches 1 cm.
Weight: ???
If all the Zoans roaming Czerfel, Rodent types are often considered to be very looked down upon and are at the bottom of the foodchain...which is why the gods of Czerfel blessed them with unique Edges all their own that are wielded well enough to fend out their natural enemies in the land of Czerfel.
One of the many rodent Zoans, however, is still learning how to use her Edge as well as summon it out. Her name is Yispa from the mouse tribe. She is the feistiest of the bunch in her family as well as her tribe...not to mention looks the most demure in terms of appearance. She is 16 yet still looks to be a girl half that age which often raises her ire. Nevertheless, she continues to strive in her life no matter how tiny she is compared to others.
This course of action, however, has landed her in several worlds and with much more unusual predators than she is used to. She will likely get the training she wants from these journeys...but will she be able to survive it all through her willpower alone?
Only time will tell...
(canon stories go here~)
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