
Alt of Dimension_Gate
The Girls Story
Cassie and Lea were in a car crash with their parents, and the twins were the only ones that survived it. They were old enough that they remember it but not old enough that they could they understood what exactly happened. Both of them were very sad about it as their parents were all they had and the two were sent to an orphanage. Lea would cry from the pain of losing her parents as she was the one with the kinder soul. Cassie however would put the pain of losing her parents into anger and she would bully the other kids at the orphanage and she would bully her sister. Cassie made herself feel better by making her sister cry and sad, Cassie just seem to get a thrill out of being dominant over others. Lea was the opposite always giving in to others and being so submissive.
Several months after being at the orphanage someone came to it looking for Cassie and Lea. Apparently their parents had left them a huge amount of money if anything had ever happened to them. Both girls have full access to the money and use it in different ways. They both decided they wanted to go to school so they used the money to enroll themselves in one. That is one of the few things the girls agreed on and agree on. Once enrolled on the school how the girls act in school just like their personalities is opposite. Even at the school where there are more people around Cassie is still a bully to everyone including her sister. Cassie is not the only one that bullies Lea and Lea just takes it all. She is far to submissive to tell someone no or to stop it. Cassie can be seen in the school in crowded areas because she loves attention and does not like it when it is not on her. Lea is usually by herself being almost pretty much a loner. Since the girls were enrolled in school they both decided that it would be best that they moved out of the orphanage and got there own place. Lea wanted a home with just a maid and cook, nothing too fancy. Cassie however wanted a mansion with a full staff to wait on her hand and foot. Of course Cassie got her way, all she had to do was bully Lea into saying yes and Cassie got what she wanted.
Even though Cassie bullies and picks on her twin and sister Lea she still loves her, whether she ever says is or not even when blaming her for their parents death. Just like other twins the two can sense where the other is sometimes. Also if Cassie sees or finds out someone has been bullying Lea they will find Cassie bullying them. If Cassie finds out someone made Lea cry there will be hell to pay, she is the only one that is allowed to make her sister cry. When around others Cassie acts like she does not care about Lea but when the two are alone sometimes Cassie shows care for Lea between the bullying and making her cry. The twins are as different as night and day but they are all that they have left of there family. They will forever be sisters no matter how one treats the other or what happens.
(( Girl on Left ))
Name- Cassie Williams
Age- 15
Height- 4ft 3
Died in a horrible car crash
Twin sister- Lea Williams
Cassie Williams is alittle bitch alot of the time she blamed her sister for her parents death so bullies her along with all the other kids. Cassie is one of the most popular girls at school because alot of people are scared to mess with her even though she is young, her rage is fueled by her parents death. Cassie enjoys hanging out with other people as she likes to push them around to keep herself popular, she rules the school though fear, and loves to show off the money she and her sister got.
(( Girl on the right ))
Name- Lea Williams
Age- 15
Height- 4ft
Died in a horrible car crash
Twin sister- Cassie Williams
Lea Williams is the shy twin she loves doing all her work and is a huge teacher's pet she makes sure all her homework and school work is compelte to the highest standard this means she is a prime target for bullies forcing her to do their homework and placing her in horrible places, her sister Cassie does most of the damage, locking poor Lea in lockers and toliets.Lea likes to spend time alone in the libary and use's the money she gained to help those in need and chairties on the street, she is easy to manuplate aswell.