The current goddess of the Moriya Shrine after defeating its resident goddess, Suwako in the Great Suwa War. She desires to collect massive amounts of faith and does this by pushing the Moriya Shrine's influence as far as she can. In the ancient past, Kanako took over the Moriya Shrine and let its original goddess, Suwako Moriya, stay (although this was mainly due to the fact that Kanako couldn't really control Mishaguji-sama). This is presumably to keep favor with the original faith-goers. Originally came from the outside world due to a dwindling amount of faith that threatened to cause both her and Suwako to 'disappear'. As a counter-measure, the Moriya Shrine was then 'moved' to Gensokyo where they remain up to this very day. Has had a hand in introducing Nuclear energy to Gensokyo. Kanako is often associated with snakes, some even overlapping her dominion over wind for that of the serpents she brings into existence. Along with this are her 'Onbashira' which can be summoned from around her as well.
A wind goddess, summoned from the Touhou universe by the
Circle_of_Jermod, not finished, but wutevs bro.
Here's a fattyKanako for your troubles...