
Name: Yahui
Gender: Femboy male
Height: 4'9" (1.45 meters) Weight: 88 lbs (39.9 kg) Hair: Red.
Eyes: Blue.
Species: Red fox.

The exact details will change from setting to setting and story to story, but the core concept of Yahui is simple: He's a sly, teasing pervert who almost certainly was asking for whatever is about to happen to him.

Oh, sure, he endured some bullying when he was young, maybe even a lot of it for being a girly boy, a sissy who looked prettier than half of the girls around him, even without trying. Even bullied by girls who were jealous of him, or thought he was a tomboy girl instead of an actual guy. Maybe he even has some deep seated issues regarding his gender identity that he never really resolved. Not that he'll admit to such if they exist without a bit of pushing, or a solid temptation to do so.

But regardless of any of that, Yahui is a trickster at heart. He enjoys teasing people, seeing them off balance and embarrassed, and feeling superior for his clever little tricks. And at some point, after having been teased for being girly one too many times... he decided that there was absolutely potential in being so cute that it should be criminal. He decided to embrace it completely, and to use it. And so he delights in walking into places men aren't allowed, chatting with his “fellow” girls and batting his eyelashes at the guys who would have teased him, now laughing behind their backs as they fluster and blush without knowing. He'll gleefully flirt with girls with double-entendres and play innocently dumb, and do his best to try to cause as much gay panic as he possibly can before revealing his actual gender to girls (or other femboys he didn't realize weren't girls) he's managed to get interested in him. Of course, people who are already being actively buillied or seem down and depressed, he's more likely to try to avoid going too far with his own teasing of and maybe go out of his way to help out a little.

And of course, he's also one of those sorts who can dish it out, but really, really can't take it. When he's finally taken off balance himself, he tends to quickly lose his composure, leaving him easily teased and bullied in turn. Plus, it turns out that no amount of clever words really help much when someone he's annoyed turns out to be stronger than him and just decides to grab him for some revenge... playful or gleefully sadistic...


Pretty femboy fox who is going to get himself in trouble. Feel free to bully and abuse him. Also pairs well with shy characters who can be pushed and teased to the point that they snap and turn the tables on him despite their luminous blush.

Extra Notes:

Player has a weakness for other femboys, tomboys, athletic girls, small doms, bratty doms, energetic and playful characters, easily teased characters, kitsune, fairies, and much more.
Most commonly used in High school / college settings or urban fantasy settings, though also fits in some D&D style worlds as a rogue.
May or may not have magical ancestry in magical settings without any idea of how to use the magic from them, if only to make him a tastier treat for such predators.
While Yahui is mostly designed for play with female characters in specific sorts of situations, that should not be viewed as a limitation on what I'll use him in. More just a default idea to start from for easier scene ideas and setting choices - I'm more than happy to use him out of his normal element.
May be played without the fox bits as well for normal human version in settings that don't support demi/anthro characters. Maybe have the ears and tail as props he uses for an online streaming persona that he dolls up more than he does in person for scenes where he hasn't quite fully embraced the femboi life.

(Reference image commissioned from MaximumImpulse)

Random RP ideas:

-So what are you in for?: Not every vore scene has to be leading up to a predator eating a prey. Sometimes, it could be interesting to have a scene start already inside of a predator's body, with two different prey eaten close together ending up sharing the tight, gurgling confines. When you know you're not getting out the way you came in, how do you spend your time with a cute fox boi as digestion starts to set in for you both?
-Misunderstandings: (Best for an urban fantasy setting, with magic less out in the open, but can be used in other types.) Yahui is not a kitsune, húlijīng, or gumiho. Outside of D&D based settings, he has no magical abilities of his own that he's aware of. But that doesn't mean he can't be mistaken for one. A scene where Yahui's even more out of his depth than normal, desperately trying to pretend to be something he isn't, with the danger of enslavement, digestion, and worse if he's found out or screws up, all due to a little misunderstanding and someone else's assumptions.
-Blackmailed Pet: Not everyone is going to be happy to let bygones be bygones if they find out they've been tricked by Yahui. As such, anyone who discovers his actual gender can easily hold it over him as blackmail - blackmail that if it gets out, could easily lead to him being eaten or killed as retaliation by at least someone out there. That kind of blackmail means that he really can't say no. To anything...
-Gender-bent / sissification: Sometimes, you trick someone, and they just get angry. Othertimes, they have the power to decide that no, they weren't tricked. Poof, you're a fox girl. Might be used to explore Yahui's sexual identity issues that he pretends not to have, could just be used to bully and abuse him. Could be caused by a painless bit of magic, or could be done combined with asset theft, or something slightly more violent before "healing" the damage. Or something else, with or without the physical change aspect. Be creative.
-My brother can't be cuter than me!: Adopted(or not) sibling play, with a younger sister, older sister, or femboy brother discovering Yahui trying to pass himself off as a girl, either as an online streamer or living away from home somewhere that no one knows what's between his legs. Little-sister (or "sister") doms and preds are adored.

Some extra art:
Playful Yahui looking to pounce. Art by MaximumImpulse.
Yahui attempting to be a pokemon trainer, and running into a Sylveon. May have been mistaken for a poketreat. Art by Siam/Riani.
A pixie having her way with Yahui. Art by MaximumImpulse.
Yahui up the pixie's butt.(Minor scat) Art by MaximumImpulse.
Pixie disposing of Yahui.(Scat, bones) Art by MaximumImpulse.
Valentine's day Yahui. Wrapped up as a gift. Art by MaximumImpulse.
Yahui getting shoved up a butt, digested, and disposed of.(Scat, soul-scat, piss, soul-piss). Art by Saint Of Ravens
Yahui wearing a cat-boi maid outfit. The extra tail had to go somewhere~
Edit of the cat-boi maid outfit. Now with bite marks and scratches!
Sleepy Yahui, gift from Riani's player.
...A far more predatory Youkai interpretation of Yahui. Art by MaximumImpulse.
Yahui being fucked by a femboy Braixen. Art by MaximumImpulse
Yahui being fucked by a femboy anthro Sylveon. ...He's not good at this "trainer" thing. Art by MaximumImpulse
Yahui giving a nice view from under him~ Art by MaximumImpulse.



Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can technically play as pred, but Yahui isn't really meant for it, so I use him for that only rarely and on specific request. He can totally tease and lewd shy people though, or start off teasing and dominant before getting the rug pulled out from under him.

Also, if something isn't listed, it doesn't mean that I'm opposed to it. More that I wanted to give an idea of being open to most stuff without overwhelming the preferences section with every slider that's available.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Pain Always/Love
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike Cock and ball theft, shrinking him, making him an actual girl, turning him into a fox to treat as a pet. Less a fan of inanimate, though that can be fun if used more for a brief part of the scene. Predators who can shape shift or have alternate forms are more than good as well.
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Femboy on Femboy? Yes, 100%. Masculine males? No.
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Private Always/Love
Partner's kinks Always/Love
Never/Dislike I'm open to most things, and I enjoy catering at least some to my partner's preferences and kinks. Don't be afraid to ask about something that would get you excited and energetic about a scene.
Being bullied Always/Love
Never/Dislike Yahui is pretty much made for being bullied. And sometimes bullying someone else if they give really cute reactions. :P
Profile Play Always/Love
Never/Dislike Generally not looking for anything like Perma. In-scene, death being permanent is fine, but I don't have interest in getting rid of my more established characters for a single scene. That said, if someone wants to do perma-play and don't mind it not being an established character, I don't mind making one specifically for the scene.
Femboys Always/Love
Never/Dislike Actually, let's just give this its own slider. Femboy, feminine non-binary, girl with dick... All are welcome~
Fairy/Pixie predators Always/Love
Never/Dislike Fairy and pixie type predators are a personal weakness of mine. Small doms and cute preds in general, too, but pixies in particular.
Bites Always/Love
Never/Dislike Being bitten for marking, sexual stuff, teasing, threatening, and other things in addition to other preferences from above that would involve bites.