
Age: ??
Orientation: Bisexual, female lean
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: B range
Height: 5' 6"
Normal Weight: 109 lbs

Cop: Step away from the WIP ZergAlts, or I'm gonna taze you.

Old woman: I dare you.
- Does not vore on the job. She saves that for her down time.

- Mostly a computer expert, though has a kinky side that she shows to female crooks.

- The way she catches crooks is usually by turning the defenses of whatever building they're in against them, since she's intended for futuristic/modern settings. Like, she can turn on overhead sprinklers to heckle suspects or have those paint packs attached to fire extinguishers go off as the suspect passes by.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love