Age: 101 (her lifespan is projected to be just under a millenia)
Orientation: Lesbian
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: B-cup
Height: 6'
Normal Weight: 203 lbs
Hey... why're you staring at me?
What are you staring at
on me?
Aah, Xalika Mendiu Ulthwe. Pay no mind to the minor 40k reference, I tend to B.S. names for the hell of it. Elven? Check. Tall? In a way, yes. Magic-affiliated? Quite. Lithe? Not exactly. Just LOOK at the picture. She may seem fine to most, but she considers herself very much overweight, given her race. And this is somewhat true, poor thing. Average weight for her people is the high 90's. She's over twice that.
Despite her figure, it's surprising how many outfits Xalika can squeeze into. However, since she's trying to work off those extra pounds, she's usually wearing a green sports bra and green-and-black short shorts; her workout outfit. Hence, she's almost always trying to work off those pounds any way she can. Jogging, weight lifting, aerobics, you name it. Hell, even a good bout of SEX can help her out if it means sweating that fat off.
Self-consciousness aside, Xalika is quite agreeable to be around. Nerdy as well, though not nearly to the degree of most other ZergAlts running around Eka's Portal. When not working out, Xalika is often seen with a serene expression, enjoying the world around her in all its wonders. Does that mean she's a total mooncase? Hell no, she just enjoys a good rest after exercise. ...Though, her mind has a bad tendency to rest DURING exercise at times, leading to embarassing times wherein she runs into people in mid-jog and both she and her unfortunate victim end up floored.
Speaking of, Xalika's endurance is surprisingly super-elven, and that's saying something. Most elves would be able to go from city to city on foot without breaking much of a sweat within a few days, but Xalika's endurance spans diameters of the planet if she keeps magic usage to a minimum (most of which involves shrinking and growing-related spells). Perhaps it's God's way of compensating for her stand-still pudge.
More to come when ZergAlts can get their brain working properly.