Welcome to a new world...

Welcome! As you may have guessed already this isn't so much a "character" profile as it is a setting. This profile is meant to be used for long-term story RPs taking place in their own worlds. The worlds available will be listed below, as well as some information on the proper partners for these worlds. But before you attempt to enter such an RP, there are a few things you MUST know, so please read this before you approach!
-Any given RP will usually assume that your character was born and grew up in the world in which you are playing. If your character's backstory cannot be easily tweaked to allow this, (Or if you simply don't want to) I suggest you choose a more appropriate character, or even make a new one.
-With any luck, you won't be the only player in the world. Though it's rare that you'll actually encounter each other, you can expect to hear about other player's actions. Some of them may even directly affect you and your story, so be prepared for that.
-The above being true also means that each world must remain the same after its creation. Therefore, there will be no editing of the world to better fit your idea or character, as doing so would also affect the other players. Only in-RP actions can change the world, no OOC changes.
-Note that this alt has turned out to be VERY popular! As a result, I may not have time to play with every player who wants to every time I get on, even if you've started a story. I usually try to play with a maximum of only 2 people at once, so expect you may get turned down sometimes due to business.
-Finally, note that this alt is meant primarily for story scenes. Often vore and sex will be included as well, but don't necessarily expect them to appear each time we play, as you will likely be disappointed.
The Worlds:

A Pangea type world, the vast majority of Senuma's land mass is concentrated in a single continent which covers about a third of the planet's surface. The rest of the planet is covered by a vast ocean, dotted with the occasional small island. Only a few of these islands are large enough to live off of, and only two are known to be inhabited, each sporting a single small village. The main continent is split up into dozens of kingdoms and empires, varying in size from a few tiny villages to dozens of sprawling cities.
While first glance would put this world's technology in the medieval stages, many areas have in fact advanced far beyond this, while others have remained strangely lacking. The architecture, for example, is quite beautiful. Buildings in the larger cities, though made of little more than stone, are often quite intricate and well designed, both sturdy and pleasing to the eye. Weapons technology, on the other hand, has advanced little; the sword and bow are still the standard issue weapons. Magic is prevalent in many countries, and many odd devices and inventions powered by recent discoveries in this area can be found on many a street corner. Though magical firearms do exist, the general lack of speed and damage of their bullets when compared to that of Earth's has allowed the sword to maintain its place as the most used weapon of Senuma.
There are three sentient races of Senuma: Humans, Earthbound Elves, and Winged Elves.
The humans are the most common race to be found in Senuma, and are by far the most industrious. The sprawling cities dotting the landscape are of their design, as well as most of the wars that break out between them. Strong, resourceful, and intelligent, the humans are easily the dominant species of Senuma... Though perhaps only because the Winged Elves have no care for such a title.
Earthbound Elves, simply called "elves" most often, are only slightly more rare than humans. However, in most countries, elves are now subjugated and used as servants, or even slaves. The elves did not take such a position willingly, but the war between them and the humans was one they lost direly. Though the elves were not wanting in skill, the humans nearly matched them in that regard, and easily outclassed them in numbers and technology. The last war between humans and elves was thousands of years ago, and the Earthbound have not yet found the will to rise against their masters since. The immortality of the elves has sharply declined since these events, and they now live hardly any longer than humans.
The Winged Elves, however, are far different. They possess extremely powerful magic, enough to deter any human attempts at subjugation, which have been both few and short-lived. Additionally, as their name implies, they do possess wings capable of carrying them great distances. Despite this, the Winged Elf population is incredibly small, and they rarely visit the cities that the humans are so proud of, or the small towns where their few free Earthbound cousins gather. They prefer instead their secluded homes high in the mountains, near impossible to reach for one with no wings. Because of their power and privacy, many have come to fear the winged elves, though some revere them instead. Unfortunately, most winged elves have little more than disdain for their earthbound relatives, and have shown no interest in freeing them from human subjugation.
Points of Interest:
Senuma suffers under a huge monster population. Some of these dangerous creatures are intelligent, while others are simple beasts. All of them despise any not of their own kind, and will attack on sight. The constant wars between kingdoms make it nearly impossible for the armies to focus on keeping the monster population under control, and as a result they have thrived. Over the past hundred years, more and more dangerous types of monsters have begun appearing, leading scholars to believe that something terrible is about to happen...
Additionally, Senuma possesses a large moon, called Vexaleon. Vexaleon is nearly a third of Senuma's size and hangs in a relatively low orbit, but is made up mostly of gas, at least on the surface as far as anyone on Senuma can tell. So how does all that gas not end up getting caught up in Senuma's gravity and pulled down? Who knows... Despite Vexaleon's low orbit and large size, it only causes solar eclipses once every few thousand years... An event that won't be coming around for another century or two.
Vore and sex:
Vore does exist in this world, and though there are few capable of practicing it, those few come from all three races. Rumors often persist that all winged elves are capable of vore and will happily swallow you whole if given the chance, though there is little evidence to back up these rumors. Fatal vore is illegal in almost every kingdom in the world, and heavily buried under red tape in the few that do allow it. Safe vore is more common, and legal in most (but not all) countries, so long as both parties are consenting. Laws regarding sex differ from country to country, but are most often rather lax... Getting caught having sex in public will most often result in little more than a rebuke from an officer.
Ideal characters for this world:
A character who can easily fit into a setting of sword and magic. It is highly unlikely that I will accept any story that involves the character coming to Senuma from another world or elsewhere, thus a character's backstory should be, or be easily changed to, one that includes being born and growing up on Senuma.
Current players for this world:
Kirsti wants to carve out her own little piece of the world to rule! She got off to a good start and has recruited many people to her cause, but in the process of rescuing one of her followers, she has lost the use of the one of her legs... How will her adventure play out now?
Dawn_Windsong is an elven slave in lands far to the west of Kirsti, only just having been purchased by her first true master, she will try to survive, and maybe even escape...
Ellinel_Whitestar is a winged elf sent on a reconnaissance mission... And taking the chance to enjoy herself away from the strict laws of her people.
Ti'lani, a free elf played by Kuumorn, is a researcher, and one of the few looking into the rising monster population...
Dorselsia_Helman Has become the bodyguard for the princess of Senine!
A squad of elves hunts down and enslaves other elves!

Rogue Planet:
Asion is a rather interesting world. Being a rogue planet, it has no star. The only light on the world comes from a gigantic golden tower, which has found its way into the center of most maps. This golden tower lights the entire hemisphere of the planet in which it is located. The "night time" is caused by a rotating shield at the top of the tower, which blocks the light to approximately one fourth of the hemisphere at any time. This massive shadow moves in a constant circle, completely blocking light to any place behind the rotating shield. This darkness lasts about five hours, where as the day time lasts about fifteen. The other half of the planet is perpetually dark, and home to some rather... Loathsome beings. Additionally, Asion has no moon.
Asion is over 80% land, and contains no true oceans. However, the golden tower puts out a life-giving energy that makes plant and animal life abundant even in areas where water is scarce. The hemisphere in which the tower is located is generally very comfortable and flat, with few notable geographic formations. The dark half of the planet is rocky and difficult terrain, with little to no plant life. though that is by far the smallest issue of that side of the planet...
The golden tower puts out a constant life-giving energy. As a result, the people of Asion need less sleep, food, and water than denizens of other worlds, though they do still need some. Additionally, harnessing this energy has led to some interesting methods of construction. Buildings can be built out of the tower's energy, giving them a magnificent appearance, even after they have solidified into normal materials. Even the smallest Asion villages would be stunning to most people new to the world. Each village and city also contains a teleport pad, enabling safe and easy travel to and from the golden tower. Finally, magic is used almost entirely in conjunction with weapons and tools. Rarely is a spell cast out of hand, but rather, weapons are enchanted to deal additional damage, and tools to better serve the craftsman.
Asion is inhabited by three intelligent races: Humans, Strangekind, and Scions.
Humans of Asion are quite similar to those of Earth and Senuma, with little to make them remarkable amongst the other branches of humanity. The strangekind, being similar to demi-humans in that they have the ears and tails of animals, are not a truly separate species from humans at all. Strangekind appear to be born entirely at random, often to two pure human parents, whereas two strangekind can easily give birth to a pure human. What causes this odd phenomenon is unknown, but strangekind are rarely regarded as hugely different from humans.
The Scions inhabit the dark half of the planet, as well as virtually any eternally dark spot on the light half, such as caves and the like, as well. Creatures of the darkness, they take on many shapes and sizes, varying from the size of a small dog to that of massive beasts. The Scions are invariably hostile toward anything not of their own species, and little is known about them. Their skins are tough and resist all but the strongest of enchanted weapons. However, the light of the golden tower quickly destroys them, regardless of their size or strength. Scions never fail to attempt invasion during the night phases, crossing over from the dark half of the planet and out of their caves and hiding places to strike at any human settlement nearby. Rumors persist that Scions are created out of pure darkness, and can appear anywhere there is complete darkness. While no true evidence supports this claim, the tendency for Scions to appear in the most unlikely of places during the night phase lends the rumor credence.
Points of Interest:
The people of Asion suffer from only two diseases: The corruption, and the Sunblight.
The corruption is caused by prolonged exposure to Scions, or even places that have not seen light since a Scion passed through. It can also be caused by attempting to wield Scion weapons. The corruption will not heal on its own, but it will not advance further without further exposure either... Until it hits phase two, at which point it begins to expand on its own until it takes over the body of the corrupted person, turning them into a creature called a "blight" which is very similar to the Scions, though not as strong. The corruption can be healed, but only with powerful sun magic from the strongest healers, and not after they've become a blight.
The Sunblight is caused by exposure to the inside of the golden tower, or attempts to wield relics from inside. It heals slowly when not being agitated by further exposure, but once a certain tolerance level is hit, which varies from person to person, it will quickly consume and destroy the body of the afflicted person, turning them to ash. The sunblight cannot be forcibly healed, but will heal on its own as long as the tolerance level has not been reached. Those who are afflicted by Sunblight glow brightly, and those who have it often volunteer for night time guard duty against Scions, until the disease dissipates.
Vore and sex:
Vore is not known to this world, though it is possible that some individuals may be capable though unaware of the ability. There are, however, a few types of animals capable and willing to swallow a person whole, and many types of Scions would do the same.
Ideal characters for this world:
A character who can easily fit into a setting of sword and magic. It is highly unlikely that I will accept any story that involves the character coming to Asion from another world or elsewhere, thus a character's backstory should be, or be easily changed to, one that includes being born and growing up on Asion.
Current players for this world:
Ziana_Rivasier_ Wishes to create a town on the dark side of the planet, by creating a device to keep it lit!

The planet of Edaris is similar to that of Earth. Though the exact shape and arrangement of the continents is completely different, it still has the same basic structure. It is 65% water, 30% land, and 5% toxic wasteland. The oceans reach a similar depth to that of Earth's and despite Edaris' high level of technology, many of these depths remain unexplored. Due to terraforming to increase livable areas, Edaris has few mountains and is predominantly flat.
On Edaris, Technology is the name of the game. Though the governments of most countries technically retain control, rampant corruption means that the one with the most money usually has the final say in... Anything they wish to have a say in. And that means corporations. Though it is never admitted publicly, it's generally accepted that the most powerful corporations essentially rule the world from the shadows. And the way they do that, is technology. They earn money any way they can, from making indispensable inventions for the common folk, to making weapons for armies, (including their own private armies) to spying and stealing from other corporations.
The one upside that has been caused by all this corruption is that the technology level has increased rapidly over the last few decades. Cars no longer need wheels, hovering above the roads instead. Many AIs exist for both household and military use, and nanites are present in nearly every single thing on the planet. Genetic enhancement and cybernetic augmentation is available, though very expensive, and cybernetic organs and limbs can function just as well as real ones... Perhaps even better if one has the extra cash. Finally, machines patrol the streets of Edaris' many sprawling cities more often than men do, in every form from small floating cameras, to massive crowd control mechs.
Edaris holds only two sentient races: Humans, and A.I.
The humans of Edaris are nearly identical to those of Earth, save for the fact that few of them are entirely un-enhanced. Nearly everyone on the planet has at least one implant, whether it be a focusing module to improve intelligence, or an entirely new pair of arms simply depends on the individual's vocation and income. Those few who have no implants are still often modified genetically, (And many have both) which could be anything from heightened senses, to a compressed muscle structure which grants great strength without any noticeable changes to ones appearance.
The A.I. of Edaris come in many forms. There are both sentient and non-sentient types. Both come most commonly in the shape of a small floating sphere, capable of creating a holographic projection when it interacts with humans. In the case of non-sentient A.I., these projections are typically merely visual effects, such as a glowing sphere with many moving parts. Sentient A.I. most often take the form of humans with this projection.
Alternatively, both A.I. types can also be implanted into an android body, distinguishable from humans only by their mechanical insides... Which are understandably rarely exposed. While most sentient A.I. still have certain programming restrictions. Most commonly, these restrictions prevent the A.I. from attacking humans, or forces them to identify themselves as an A.I. when asked. However, unrestricted (Or "unshackled") A.I. are neither illegal nor uncommon.
Points of Interest:
Due to heavy pollution, the skies of Edaris are nearly permanently darkened. Though the sun manages to get a few rays through the smog on occasion, it has been years since anyone saw the sun itself from the planet. Though recent technology has greatly reduced pollution over the last five years, many fear that these innovations came too late, and the smog will never be removed.
Vore and sex:
Vore is possible through genetic enhancement. It is used most often by those spying for one of the various corporations, to remove targets while leaving as little evidence as possible. However, many more eccentric people have bought the enhancements for themselves, for various reasons. For A.I., many android bodies make use of a synthetic digestion system similar to that of humans, rather than forcing them to plug in and charge every few hours. Some slightly more secretive models are capable of devouring something the size of a human.
Sex is basically the same as one would expect from Earth, though some rather kinky augmentations can be found... Mostly on the black market. Many android models are also capable of intercourse, as any sentient A.I. is able to feel pleasure, why should they miss out on the best one?
Ideal characters for this world:
Characters that can easily fit into a high-tech world are ideal. However, expect to have to make some modifications if you intend to use an existing character rather than create a new one. As usual, no stories involving coming to Edaris from another world are accepted. Your character's backstory must include, or be modified to include, life on Edaris.
Current players for this world:
None yet!

Another Earth-like planet, Avida is slightly more land than water, though plenty of both exist. It contains everything from vast cityscapes, to rainforests, to mountains, and everything in between. There is little of particular interest to see as far as Geography goes on Avida.
Avida is a few decades ahead of Earth in technological development. Food synthesizers capable of creating food and drink from energy are available in nearly every household, and robotic servants, both sentient and non, are fairly common among the wealthier families... Or rather, they were...
This is where Avida shows its true nature. For though it boasts large cities and impressive technology, it bears no intelligent species. Galactic records indicate that Avida was, until the last few hundred years, highly populated. It was designated an max-level quarantine area after every single intelligent creature on the planet suddenly and inexplicably vanished, leaving no trace or indication of what happened to them. Since then, many investigations have been launched to determine the fate of Avida's inhabitants... Few return. Most often, the members of these investigations vanish. Even more curious though, is the fact that the few who did return reported absolutely nothing out of the ordinary about the planet, save for its lack of people... And an inexplicable feeling of being watched for the duration of their stay there.
Points of Interest:
Though Avida is techinically a max-level quarantine area, it is not actually heavily enforced, both because whatever occurred there showed no tendency to escape the planet, and because most law enforcement agencies refuse to go near the place, for fear of losing their men. As such, it has become a base for space pirates, who rarely stay long, as well as a prime target for the more courageous scavengers.
Vore and sex:
Clearly, given this planet's lack of population, vore and sex are likely to be uncommon. Though there are a few non-native people who could be found, as mentioned above, there is little to enforce any sort of laws on vore or sex.
Ideal characters for this world:
Typically, any character than can provide an excuse for being on Avida, whether it be arriving via spaceship, or somehow surviving the initial event. (Though this would also require them to be unaware of what happened.)
Current players for this world:

There is little of interest about Relis' normal geography... No, the interesting part comes in the fact that Relis is, in fact, two entirely separate worlds existing in the same place at the same time. Were one to travel to Relis from space (Though this does not ever actually happen) They would find themselves on Relis itself, rather than the alternate world contained within. Scattered throughout the world are various portals to an alternate version of Relis, which is very similar... Save for its inhabitants. There are no humans in this alternate world, only monsters. Likewise, there are no monsters on Relis, only people and animals. Additionally, the alternate world seems to be almost entirely forest, though it varies in density from place to place.
Though Relis is reliant almost entirely on the sword and shield level of technology, they seem to be masters of construction, and can create buildings out of nearly any natural material. As such, viewing a Relissian city can give the idea of a much more advanced civilization than they truly are. Still, their skill in making new materials is limited, so most buildings are made of wood, stone, or some combination of the two... Though glass windows are easily seen on every home.
Relis has two races. Humans, as usual. Aside from being slightly sturdier than earth folk due to some of their more unusual traditions, there is little worth noting about the humans of Relis. However, there is one thing worth a gander... The second race of Relis is known only as "Guardians." Each human on Relis has a partnered Guardian that they receive during their coming of age trial. The creatures vary from each other quite a bit, and though more unusual shapes and sizes have been seen, the average Guardian is a seven-foot tall winged humanoid creature, with a tail as well. They have no mouths nor any apparent sexual organs, though there does seem to be a difference in their genders, if only in the general shape of their bodies. Their skin is extremely smooth and often brightly colored.
Guardians, even just after birth, are both psychic and have limited telekinesis. It is through these powers that the humans of Relis are able to create such advanced buildings, as each Guardian is bonded with a human and will happily follow their commands. Guardians are only found on Relis' alternate world, where their eggs strangely do not hatch until a human finds them...
Points of Interest:
As stated before, the humans of Relis must undergo an interesting coming of age ceremony. The exact age varies, in some villages it is chosen by the person themselves. In others, it is the village elder or leader who chooses when someone is ready. In still other villages, it is a set age. Regardless of all this, the trial is the same. The child must go to the alternate world of Relis through one of the portals, and survive there on their own for no less than a year. The portals do not always lead to the same part of the alternate world, and even those who enter together may find themselves alone on the other side. As such, those in the alternate world are almost always alone for the duration of their year... Save for one companion.
Shortly after arriving in the alternate world, the human will invariably feel the call of the Guardian egg that has chosen them. They must protect this egg until it hatches, and then raise the resulting Guardian until it is old enough to speak with them. Only then may they return to Relis. The alternate world contains many more oddities than just the Guardians, and it is many a strange tale that is spun by those who return safely, and it is many a strange object that more adventurous survivors return with. Still... There is no way to learn what truly lies in this world, save by going there yourself...
Vore and sex:
All humans on Relis are capable of vore, but it is highly illegal to eat another human, or a Guardian. On the alternate world however, there are no rules. Many a monster would make a delicious snack... As would a fellow human trying to survive through their own trial as well. Sex contains primarily the same standards as on Earth, though again, the alternate world has no rules.
Ideal characters for this world:
A character who can easily fit into a setting of sword and magic. It is highly unlikely that I will accept any story that involves the character coming to Relis from another world or elsewhere, thus a character's backstory should be, or be easily changed to, one that includes being born and growing up on Relis.
Current players for this world:
None yet!
I do plan to create at least one more world, maybe more. So those of you who don't really fit into these, never fear! More are on the way.
Work in progress Memories_of_No_One.