
this was a fantasy world like many others, before the cataclysm, the godess of lust and hunger Devoroa casted a powerful spell that turned all the women of the land in flesh-eater predators and all the males in sweet little preys.
3 years of full chaos were kingdom falled and gods and men alike get eated arrived, at the end a new order was born.

now males and females live in different villages, there is a comon law called the order that prevent females to siege the males villages even if many of them stalk their borders for meat.
females can spawn more than a dozen sons at the time and females born are rare, soo the boys who born get brought in the fathers village once reached 2 years of life.

With fear of get eaten by his love mate a reality many humans do not leave their villages and this created ignorance and superstition between the males, without consider males are more then females Trhee hundreds to one

one hundred years after the cataclysm, now is you turn to change this world

what you will be? a survivor? a predator? a adventurer? a witch?... only you know


Locations and facrions:
village of Blueoak: a male village in the North, woodworkers and sheephearders for the most part

village of Blackhearth: a female village, sorceres and fishers they often go seek for males in the nearby territories

City of wardstone : one of the few cities in the all world were females and male cohexust but is a fragile peace

Tworock town: a mining town in the South, many males come there for work in the tunnel under the city, gangs of criminale and thugs comand the streets with names like the butchers,uneated,skullgirls and snakes.

New hungry world: after the islands of the pirats lay a new worls not explored where many adventurers seek glory and wealth, sadly is also populated by inteligent female animals that enjoy the presence of strangers, expecialy their taste.

Big-belly tribes: female barbarians clans from the North they still worship Devoroa as a godess and plan to see her dream of a world with no males reality

Sisters of mercy: a order of priestess devoted to Endora they travel araund villages and try help males when founded... help in many ways.

order of the wayfinders: Endora rangers and male followers who protect the roads and bring ((or are)) willing meals for the deity priesthood

the ratfolks: under the city of Wardstone a comunity of female outcasts and rat-creatures get up from the sewers at nigth for prey on the males.

the boys-eaters: a secret organization of noblewomen and merchants devoted to Devora inside Wardstone, their goal is eat all males.

Ladies of flies: slavers, necromsncers and mervenaries under the service of Gothoa, they are allowed in Wardstone but mostly hated.

knigths of the firekiss: a order of warriors devoted to Tarion who try figth predators

stagqueens: a alliance of bandits and outcasts that rob and plunder on the kingdoms roads


Tarion : LG, favorevole weapon: Longsword, The main deity of the males also called the lord of iron the lawbringer and the allfather, he teach to protect the weak and to obey laws, he is the maker of the Order and one of the few male deities alive

Endora: CG. Favored Weapon: Mace, a Female deity of Hope, healing and travels, she teach her followers to protect the males as are needed and to eat them only if willing, to spawn more males as possible and to love and care for them, before they reach their belly-grave

Devora: CE, Favored weapon: Maw, even if is sed was slayed by Tarion there are many cults of the mother of dragons and the great devourer, she hate humans and males and want nothing more than see them as fat

Gothoa: NE, favored weapon: flail, lady of flies, death, vengenve and entropy, she is the rival of Devora and wish take her place as mother of hunger, she is worshiped by evil monsters and females who want a lustfull and cruel life.

Trixie: NN, favored weapon: Maw, lady of nature, animals, fairy and laughter, feral inteligent animals worship her for the most part but have created cults between humans as well

Mearion: CN, favored weapon, Dagger, the prince of tricks, survivals, truoblemakers and alcohol,the outcast deity, hated by nearly all other gods except Trixie, he teach his males that life is short and is best enjoy it before they get in a belly.

the cult of Faux: CN favorite weapon trident and net, a recently borned cult of The_Fauxs_Claw, a heresy for most who worship the members of the family as deities, following their individual teachings of sin.

Vaarin: CN, favored weapon rapier, Vaarin is the deity over beauty and want. His vanity is a staple among his followers who believe that the world belongs to those with the passion to take it. One of the few deities that allow male predators to worship him though only if they meet his standards of beauty (Femboys).


Noble houses of Wardstone:

The nobility of Wardstone is ruled by a Matron with her few female daugther and have as retainers and servants many males, most of them sons of the actual matrons or just males who pove themself capable enough to be accepted as retainers, with time and skills this retainers dream to became Knigths or even actual lords of the nobility
The houses compete with one another for prestige, honor, divine favors and respect.

House Goldmoon: Bankers and law-keepers they are at the moment the strongest of the houses

House Ravenstorm: magicians and historians they are a cult of Trixie inside the city and powerful in magic

House Silverwind: Sailors and merchants they have controll over the sea routes and the fleet of the city

House Greywood: A pious house devoted to Endora, the most renown priestess of Endora are Greywood.

House Nighthold: a mysterius house, nothing is knew of them for now

House Blackwing: Thanks to the actions of Bethany_Swan this mysterius minor house that accept only females servants is growing in power

House Goblinchaser: a little house under Ravenstorm, borned by two knights who saved the matron's son by a hungry goblin.

1) thanks for read until here,
2) this is a fantasy setting alt inspired by Gulp Quest the game and Pathfinder, you can approach both OOC and IC if you understand the setting
in this setting all males are prey and all females are pred WITH RARE EXCEPTIONS (femboys Predators are rising thanks to new deity) we can discuss...
3) Preys here should try not get eated as there is no reforming and is fatality, if you play as a prey think well that the setting want you to survive, if you are a pred instead remember you have a unnatural hunger on you and all boys are like the sweetest thing for you.
4) have fun!


PrinceEliot is a retainer of house Goldmoon in Wardstone and gained the rank of knigth after some secret work for the Matron.
The_Fauxs_Claw Opened a Tavern in the lower city part of Wardstone, they have having a decent suxcess so far even if some clients do not leave.
Avandalon is a retainer of House Ravenstorm in Wardstone and gained the nickname sugarelf by the house heir after some events.
NobleLadyShez and her retainers joined the infamous bandits know as the Stagqueens.
Liana_Nighthold of House Nighthold managed to recover a sacred relic for the glory of her house, the Chalice of Tarion.
Greed_Faux Is often seen travel the streets of Wardstone and many females are sure to have eated him, yet he is always araund, strange
Avandalon is a retainer of House Ravenstorm in Wardstone and he went in the sewers under Wardstone for a secret mission on the house, seems something is lurking down there.
Lust_Faux and Envy_Faux founded some boyfriends they resisted the desire to eat soo far , a Tiefling and a Former retainer adventurers called Ferraus and Tris, they went in the tavern with some friends but seems the other did not managed get undigested.
The_Moon_Family Decided to explore the World as a mercenary company, the city or Wardstone sended some retainers to them for discuss peacefully, they eated them all.
Pastry_Chef_Owen Believed was a good idea open a tavern in Wardstone open for all genders, a trio of preosperous females payed him a visit and one of them leaved the tavern with a round belly.
A odd creature know as a Displacer_Beast is lurking and hunting nearby Blueoak, seaching for creatures like him.
The_fauxs_Claws Tavern necame one of the most renown and popular of all Wardstone.
Avandalon somehow appeared the blessed pillow tavern, and never get out.
Two girls hungry and horny tried enter inside Alexdra_Sorca's tower, and never get out.
SexyRatMommy Nora opened a Flower's shop in the city of Wardstone, seems she is having a lot of suxcess.
Ra_Zala is a gnoll walking outside the land of Wardstone, acting as a travelling mercenary.
Sundi_Castle appeared close to Wardstone, and many adventuers want to try their luck there.
Alyssa_Smith Is a Nomad Travelling down to Wardstone from a temple of Trixe in company of many young boys, 4 departed, how many will reach destination?
Thuja is a Stagqueens who had the luck to capture and devour a band of Endora's pillgrim boys.
Little_Clementina became a priestess of Trixie and now she live inside the sacred garden of Wardstone
Thuja eated a entire gang of tworock becaming a gnoll giantess
Bethany_Swan Is been adopted by family Blackwing as heir of the house, she is growing both in size and in political power
the Elven_hero know as Hanor defeated in duel a champion of the faux wrath heresy.
The Incest_Family Know as Cestsea live outside wardsstone walls and are know as farmers be odd looking
Woodland_Bandit arrived in Wardstone with plans, but get eated by a minotaur couple.
PrinceEliot became the heir of Goldmoon fiance and protector of the house
Markus_Daggerhold make his appearence (Another alt of mine)
Medb_Glittergold and Trhee woodsmen started their adventures in the land of Voralion
Tito_Lovell opened a tavern in Wardstone, and started eat people in it
Camilla_Demigoddes isa soldier of House Ravenstorm
Mendacium is a son of Matron Ravenstorm and is been responsable to the rise of House Goblinchaser

scenes i'm looimkimg for: a little girl who want eat a knigth, a gentle elderly woman , a boy who depart from a village for became a knigth, and feral preds... i LOVE animal preds UwU
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depending on the RP i can do both
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Males in this world are preys, there can be male preds but is extremly rare (Femboys Preds are Okey)
Female Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike I decided to allow females to eat eachother because of request
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Same as females