(Will take down the image on request)
Woobie is an enchanted blanket that has ran away from her master. It is unknown how her nature came to existence, or if her master is trying to find her, or has been released by his command. She even has a tag attached to her fabric, but has faded over time since her enchantment. All she wants to do is cuddle others or be cuddled. She even recently discovered a spell to turn others into plushies in a temporary state. Should she swallow them, they would remain in their plushy state until she spits them back out.
Physical description
Woobie is a shape shifting blanket. She has no genitals, so technically she is an it, but likes to be called a girl and referred as a her. Because she is a shape shifter, she can change her width, length, even thickness and texture. She can change color to look like and imitate things, ranging from a small napkin, to theater curtains, even clothes. She can form a gentle face on her fabric when she wants to, or can form a full female body too. But because she is a blanket, she can form most other things too, like a phallus and a scrotum, wings, tail/s, a vagina, belly button, even an asshole. She can become a giantess or micro when she feels the need. She can also mimic most if not everything, like people, objects, places. Woobie is capable of swallowing anyone or anything that she can fit her mouth over, and her mouth can open pretty wide! Be warned though, she is mostly made of the same material as any plushy, and could easily absorb them when they are in her stomach. Her tag is very sensitive however. If anything should tickle it, she would giggle/moan uncontrollably. (Think of it as her clitoris.)
She is easily weakened by water, but becomes fire resistant as a result. If she has a tear or rip in her fabric, she can regenerate her wound easily over time if she focuses on the tear. Her tag cannot be destroyed, since it is technically her heart, mind, and soul. If the tag somehow got separated from her 'body', it can connect itself to another type of flat fabric material. Once connected to a different material, like paper or clothes, she can control that material which then becomes her new body as a result. If she doesn't find any sort of nearby fabric, Woobie would just produce her own but will be at her weakest, temporarily. Due to her enchantment, she would smell quite sweet. Some would even say that her fabric has the scent of their most favorite aroma.
She has the power to turn people, animal, or even beings into plushies, either as a way to pleasure and satisfy herself or to pleasure and play with her special friends. This power can also be used as a means to punish her enemies, making them spend an eternity with her inner fluff, stuck in some fluffy void of space that somehow exists, only to be forgotten.
Woobie is extremely shy. She will not talk to anyone that is a complete stranger, though encounters may vary. Over time however, she will trust that person and eventually open up to them, even share a conversation. She loves to be carried around and covering a person, or persons. Over people she is absolutely smitten over, she will swallow them whole and store them in her soft fluff that forms her stomach. She may appear to be somewhat bloated post consumption, but would gladly spit them back up to cuddle again if requested. She doesn't like to get wet or have her tag tickled since doing so paralyses her, but she has a fear for fire and edged weapons. She is very protective over her friends however, and will even fight a complete stranger to do so. She does like to eat plushies, but she is very shy still, and would only eat them if she knew them more, asking permission if she found them as trusted friends.
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