Witsara was a witch for Syllea. She is now a cumstain on the ground thanks to
Xela_B_Lue now she resides in the girl's mind as a consciourness
guiding her on how to be a proper Witch
Her fate

>10:01:28 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: Witsara gave a loud huff as she looked around and made sure she had plucked the right ingredients...this should be a simple potion to train Xela on. But you never know with apprentices...that's why she would never take one on, only doing so under orders of her "landlady" to train up a new witch. "Are you ready Xela"
**10:02:56 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: “Yes maim.” She Replied, watching carefully as the previously unemployed alchemist would be under the wing of an actual witch! Teaching her how to do things like a proper witch should. She’d quietly and patiently stare, taking it in.
>10:05:04 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: "Now then...what you need to know is how to spot the difference from an Exciteshroom and a moll shroom. An excite shroom looks almost exactly like a moll shroom, except that they have 4 spots in total instead of 3....this is quite crucial because they are holy volatile" She said with a stern warning....although now that she thought about it, was this right?
**10:06:28 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: The woman would ponder and think a moment, looking and. Questioning? “Are, are you sure that’s trye? Something about that doesn’t seem right. I may not be a witch but I’m an alchemist, and I think that could be wrong...” she replied. Think. Very different from was.
>10:11:37 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: She gave a huff, how dare this non-elf girl question her. "We elves are experts of the wilds, and Im sure of what I said being true...now then to continue onward we place our Moll shroom in like so and then we can start mixing our ingredients...this will take awhile to stew so I can help you brush up on your magic. You know for a..Human right?" She said pondering it...she never asked but she looked like a human...some days. "you took to our spellcraft quite well...for the beginner spells anyways.
**10:13:30 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: "I'm a little surprised as well to be entirely fair, I hadn't practiced magic before that time, I was mostly just collecting and growing various plants in my home." She replied, but still watched and carefully listened to these various tid bits and informational pieces and what not. Though, she still felt very off about the whole deal. "Pray tell, what potion are we making now anyways?" She asked, curious!
>10:17:16 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: "oh, acutally it's just digestion cream for Princess Syllea. Im to rub it on her belly...or tail......or cock...or wherever she placed her meal so that she doesn't get any stomach aches." She said without even quipping at the fact she did reveal her princess was a predator. But truthfully she wasn't one for keeping secrets of a vapid noble princess anyways.
**10:19:37 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: Her apprentice didn't seem to mind, she herself was also a predator, but kept that right to herself. The woman quietly watching the stew bubble a moment before moving to look for those beginner spell books! Seemed they were up a little bit higher on the book shelves though, so she'd start to climb her way up as a result.
>10:24:02 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: She looked at xela and admired her frame...Xela would make a fabulous lover if the cir- Unfortunatley she was caught off mid thought as her own cauldron exploded and she went flying right up Xela's dress, her head being caught in the girl's slit.
**10:24:49 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: She'd hear a meep! An almost shrill little gasp and moan as the woman would clench her head around the witch skull, beginning to ease down and over the witch too!
>10:25:36 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: "W..what are you doing..let me out of here!" she y elled out at her apprentice.....then she realized that if Xela wanted to she wouldn't be easing herself down on her would she. "oh.....you're eating me aren't you"
**10:26:52 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: "S-So good!" The woman replied, muring and moaning out in bliss now, her body sinking and slipping over her form, starting to pant and moan out in desire, "Ha~ HA~" She replied, those wet lips moving over her head and towards her breasts now!
>10:29:57 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: "you are....oh well I guess it was time I was eaten" She said communicating telepathically towards Xela now. "Well atleast you're semi capable, hopefully you won't tarnish our bloodline's good name"
**10:31:35 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: She was barely listening by this point, more focused on feeling her form slide up and inside her waiting and murring slit instead. The woman panting and trying to get a nice thick *SQUELCH~* Nope, never mind, those boobs slide into the warm and tight interior, starting to move up and up more and more. She'd feel the ruptures and shivers of the human girl slidding over her now, was, was she related to an amazon? She was doing this surprisingly well.
>10:38:02 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: She coudl tell the woman was alot more focused on her pleasure now, so she waited til she was done to explain more. it was about time she was eaten anyways...she was quite old afterall...
**10:38:55 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: She'd soon slide around and get to her hips finally, her ass the last real issue she had to take as her own legs managed to reach the ground finally, the last of her not neccesarily slid over but slurped up and inside instead.
>10:43:05 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: Wistara calmly chanted a slick spell that would allow her to just slide up in an instant the rest of the way in, she slowly curled up inside of Xela and smiled. "Satisfied?" She would communicate tot he girl telepathically. "Well Congratulations...you'll be the new Master of the Blackbelly Witches bloodline.
**10:44:42 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: ((That's fine,)) "Ah, ah, sorry. I just, mmh, you met my slit and, oh I haven't done that in ages." She repied, moaning before she'd sit and press her frame against the library bookshelf. "Ha, ha, do, do you want me to let you out? I can, try, to do... That." She replied, before her body started to gurgle ominously, as if, hungry.
>10:47:25 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: "No...it was time for me to be eaten sooner rather than later. In truth this body is quite old, even for an elf...and if I didn't feed myself to an apprentice our line would have died without a new master. I guess you'll have to do."
**10:53:03 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: "So, so what does that mean for me then? I mean, you're, not about to gurgle into fat on me you're gonna churn into fem cum." She replied, explaining this to her.
>10:58:09 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: "Well It really doesn't matter how you eat me, our soul will bond with your either way and you'll have the wisdom of 14 different mistresses to draw on...evne if im just cum you'll churn out of your next orgasm...here let me help out" She said as she began to vibrate for the girl, making her a big warmer as well.
**11:03:33 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: She'd pant, gasping soem before murring and groping the womb snack now in her body, the warmth and her form was just, intoxicating, she'd pant and murr, petting over her body and gently groping herself over with such a sensation! She needed this, she wanted more, more of this sensation! A heavy moan was starting to escape from her, the lust psiking and growing.
>11:04:24 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: "Well there's jsut one teensy little discomfort you'll experience" She said as she began to melt already, her elven form being very easy to melt.
**11:04:54 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: She didn't hear her over her moans and all, panting in enjoyment of this lewd act instead.
>11:06:20 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: "I'll be staying in your head for a little while and continue to teach you on how to be a witch" She said as her form continued to melt into femcum, orgasming herself after feeling such an act. she kept vibraging and even conjured a metal vibrator for er in her final moments making it slowly slide down her while virbrating taking on a black form.
**11:08:09 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: She'd soon be playing with her mass of loving and churning cum, slipping down and out of her slowly, draining soon enough no doubt, as her body would begin to pant and moan in eagerness. "Ah, I, I feel that, in there. I, mmh~ I, ah!" She replied, groping her form as she'd continue, beginning to just squirt her out.
>11:10:00 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: the vibrator woudl continue to fulfill it's mistress' last orders, vibrating faster and getting warmer in the process.
**11:10:38 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: She'd moan, her body growing hotter and hotter, more and more eager, she was approaching an orgasim nice and quickly now! Her form moaning in delightful need
>11:12:24 Witsara Xela_B_Lue: as a melted form there was physically nothing more that Witsara could do, being a big pile of cum inside of Xela now to be squirted out.
**11:13:38 Xela_B_Lue Witsara: She'd soon get that opportunity as the woman would start to approach her limits, beginning to close her eyes and finger her slit before she'd let it all out, her body releasing a nice wet splash of cum out into the room, the girl feeling the vibrator slip it's way out, the owman panting and slowly calming down