This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
What happens... when gods sleep? When they dream? What happens to the world around them? No one really knows...
Except, perhaps, for Willow... not that you'd know to look at her, and that's not really her name either. She is, however, a goddess...
One who has been asleep for a very long time.
See... way back in the early days, gods and goddesses were rather more... abundant, and visible, in the world of men. Some of them were right stingy bastards with such things as fire, and the like, while other were really generous, giving out magic and blessings and the like... and then, there were those others who'd just do as they damned well please. Killing, raping, etc. Not a good thing.
Of course, they gave the other gods a rather poor name, as you may well imagine. Needless to say, some humans got rather upset... and took matters into their own hands. They learned how to deal with deities.... rather efficiently. However, as they could not kill them, they devised means to imrpison them. At first, it was just the ones who had wronged them...
But when those were gone, they started to think that they may be better off if there were NO gods or goddesses who could disturb them.
Of course, some knew better. Most did, in fact. Many refused to take part.... but there were fights, and arguments, and a few accidents. And, when a goddess showed up to ask a simple question, all that tension overflowed onto her... onto Willow.
She was captured, through magical means, and trapped. Sealed into a cave, warded with glyphs, and cast into an enchanted slumber... all over a simple misunderstanding.
The thing is... sleep isn't that restrictive for a god or goddess. Willow was soon able to move outside the cave... after a fashion. She managed to craft an avatar, as she slept, and dreamt of freedom... of course, it took her quite some time to get to that point. Still, she has a measure of freedom, and her powers are still quite intact...
Which can lead to some problems. Big ones. See, sometimes Willow isn't aware she is dreaming. Her powers bring her bad dreams to life, make them real. good ones, too, but those are another matter entirely. In short... she's dangerous, but not on purpose. A lucid dream of being outside is typically how she interacts with the outside world.
Just pray you don't meet her while she's having a bad dream...
Player LOVES storyline. Please PM if interested.