Undine, sister to Gnome, Sylph, and Ifrit, the spirit of water, one of the creators of the world. She is the mother of all slimes. She is responsible for the world's liquids, in all forms, as well as, odd as it may seem, cooking.
As the spirit of water, Undine can control any water at all, physical or magical, as well as ice and even water vapor. Furthermore, she can change any water into these states at will. Furthermore, as the mother of slimes and aquatic creatures, no slime or aquatic creature can harm her, and all slimes loyal to her can be summoned in an instant.
She is immortal and unkillable. Her physical form can be slain, but her power lies elsewhere, so a new form will simply be created for her.
She is currently bound to Oritigo, serving him and residing with him, though her duties do bring her into the Nexus on occasion.