-=Back Story=-
Eclair was born in a tribe in the moauntains. When she was three she started to read scrolls and she got to act ten she was a master of using any wepon she could grab. She had too if she wanted to survive living in her village, for she live a ninja village.
When Eclair was the age of 15 she left her home to study the world and learn from the best. over do time she was train and master water magic. Eclair took on many battles and grow more powerful.
At age 25 she went to take on a water demoness , that took over a temple and made it into her water castle. Eclair fought her for many days but in the end Eclair use a new move to add the demon powers to her own.
She took over the temple for her own and gather her self some slave to playwith and evensee how far she can break them.
((more to this tail soon))
Jun_Raino: Thank you so much...you help me greatly in making the grate deal of my VB...thank you so much. <3
Kunoi_Duo: Very horny ninja...Eclair love hem...in due time maybe make them her lover.
~ I enjoy talking with people in or out of charter.
~ I only vore in vore battles
~ If you have bad grammer or spelling I don't care I do to. ((don't ask me why))
~ I am trying to be more open minded for stuff so if you want to try something let me know.
~ I enjoy S&M, bomdage, foot play, goo girl play, licking, brain washing, rape, Imprenaget other girls and the list go on.
~ Don't like...right now Scat
~ I love to turn herm so if your into that kinda thing let me know.
~ Tell me what kind of rp you want to do....I really...really don't want to as well as in start it up.
~Issues that your having or issues you might think we will have tell me up front so I can try to avoid or stop before I or you make a fool of are self and not like each other.
~ For comics of where I got the pic go here.
-=The other tales with Eclair=-
(This is for storyline rp that isn't apart of my main one.)
-=Vore Battle=-
~ Refreashing: Due to her power with water she get +1 to rolls if she attack in the water. +2 roll if the water wasn't made by Eclair.
~ Strong Grip: Due to her training all her life as well as she have demon in her now Eclair gets +2 on grapples, holds and escape checks.
~ Spoils of Defeat: Should Eclair lose a match, She may choose to learn whatever move caused there defeat(pending the approval of there opponent), as long as there bodies is capable of it. This does not apply to losing to basic vores(but special moves involving them apply still).
~ Quick Wit: Train to be smart and stronge and for that... at the start of battle: Eclair's mind works on a battle strategy. She gains +2 to the initiative check. then Her rolls 1d4. In that many rounds, depending on the situation, one of the following effects activates.
1: Holding the opponent: Her Quick Wit makes the prey easier to manage by using pressure points to paralyize 1d4 body parts. Each limb paralyized grants a -2 to the opponents next roll. The paralysis is over after this round.
2: Voring Opponent: Her quick wit now makes it tougher for the opponent to escape. Using the natural enviroment to she advantage, her deals 1d3 damage to the opponent and then the digestion/constriction damage.
3: Being held: Her quick wit helps she catch the opponent of guard. With a mere phrase, she can mess with the opponent's mind and cause a instant let go. A roll of 13 or higher restarts the battle without healing HP.
4: Being Vored: Her quick wit helps she here by finding a strategy to get out. By touching, caressing, or tickling the inside she causes the opponent to make a roll a score of 13 or higher is required to keep her inside.
~ Slime absob: In the begin of the battle if she face a slime, goo, blob, ect. person she can roll as well as her oppent to try to fight it. If i win the roll toss, The frist roll after words wold be + the differnts between the two rolls then every after roll is a perament +2 wail your oppent gets perm. -2 on there rolls. If Elcair loss the toss up my oppent get +2 for two rounds. The diffents between are roll is my - to my next roll and -2 after that roll.
~ Slime Close Up: Up close attack from slime/goo/blob/etc. person or if she grab or suck in cuz you ate part water she gain +1 to her roll. if the area there in is water add a +2 to it.
~ Water Gathering: Some areas don't have water, so she has to do the next best then, She draw out the water where ever it may be. some areas just water from underground. some times the water has to come from rivers that might be near, some from trees and plants suck dry. and in some despreat areas draw water from the air if there is effot. She can not draw water out of you unless it's from like an army of you...i don't cheat like that.
~ Water Clone: I cut myself and drop a few blood ing the water to make my self an army of myself in the form of go girl water. All clones will ger +1
1-5: I only draw effot blood for one clone.
6-10: I make 2 clones and if im in an water area that wasn't made by Water Gathering then all my attacks with them would be +1
11-16: 3 clones would come out to play. If the water area that was use wasn't made by Water Gathering then all my attacks with them would be +2
17+: 4 clones would be there smiling and look hungery. Any Water at this point would give them +3, Add +2 if it was water that was all ready there.
~ Water Sphere: Eclair wrap a bubble of water around her foe if they get close effot to her. Oppent is stunn for a turn.
~ Dark Kiss: Eclair places her pussy on her opponent's face and grinds away at them! Who knows you might get suck in.
1: Stage she just griding at you so she could begin.
2: Your head sthat to her push in
3: Your body is haft way in her body now. - 1 to your opent roll.
4: Your all the way in. -2 on your oppents next roll.
5: Your trap in her womb, till she let you go. Must roll 13 or higher to escape.
~ Water's Grip: If Eclair could get far away or her oppent is busy with Eclair tricks. she would try to use the water around them to wrap, tie and hold are brave foe in water froming into a giant dome of water around them.
1: Water begin to grab hold the person.
2: Wrap a round and is tying her foe in the water. -2 to there next roll. If oppent breaks free in this stage Eclair gets stun for one turn and -1 on her next attack. ((the move takes alot out of her you know))
3: The water stound you making the dome fill with water, with you in the center. This is when Eclair decide your fate, you must move fast or suffer the end. roll 13 or higher to breack out compleatly, no - points on you to worry about, just get out of there. If you do get out for the next two turn Eclair is stun then -2 on her next two rolls. It's the price to try to finsh you off and your reward for getting out of it.
~ Water's Grip Thinking Time: If you remaber what I said in part three of her attack =Water's Grip= She need to think of how you will be going. For she have three way to do end you in there. and if you remanber all you have at this point is roll a 13 or higer and you get out.
~ Water asorbtion: W.G. ending move 1. Eclair squeeze her hand and make the water melt your body to nothing pout energy so Eclair could add you to her. I roll 1d4 will you still try to get out. I keep rolling the 1d4 till I get up to 10 + of points at that point you would become no more. remaber 1d4 is damage points to your helth.
~ Water Crush: W.G. ending move 2. She might hate you...she might want to just see you die. what ever the reason she would tighten her grip and let the pressure of the water cursh your body. at this time you can still try to get out by rolling your 1d20 tring to ger that 13 or higher or you can beg and say you surrender and let her decide your fate. If you do decide to fight eclair would roll a 1d4 till she gather up to 10+ points, If the water is water that she didn't gather and it was allways there then she roll a 1d10 till she get to 20+ points then your live would be at zero and your body or what left of it is at her feet.
~ Water Play from Hell: Final W.G. ending. Something about you. You might be cute...or your strong and skill full, or she want to see you suffer in the most un-human way. She would make the water around you tickle you all over some go inside your body to rape it and tickle your inside. Eclair want to see you have fun agian and agian till you one of the otions. This is the most unstable one out of three, how ever don't thing your out of the woods. You roll a 1d20 and trying to get a 5 or more....thats right your freedom from this form of hell it a 5+. the only issue is Eclair rolls a 1d6 and what ever she rolls incress how much you need to roll. ((In normal water her dice is a 1d10)) the moment you can not roll one of three options((You can pick if you like)) would happen.
Side Note: If you brake out of this move she is stuns for one turn and -2 for turn.
1: She would leave nothing happen to your head and let your body be played...how long can you hold your breath be for you open it and drown?
2: Your get play again and again, till you snap and become Eclair ne play thing.
3: Eclair would watch you till she gets bord and walk away leving you there forever bliss.
~ Water Armor: ((This is mostly is mostly for some combat if you don't like a lot of fighting in your VB tell me a head.))
~=water Clone moves=~
~ Deep kiss: One would get infront of the girl and kiss her. She would slide her tongue into the foe mouth and force water into her body. -2 on the next two roles.
~ Clone water suit. one of the clones would try to pull you into there watery body. there three sages to try to get out.
1: the girl got you and is now trying to pull you in.
2: haft way there
3: pull you in to make you enjoy her suit.
after stage three you can roll to break free from it, if you dont you are stunn for two turn then could re roll to try to get out. and it would just repeat till you can or you get to tire to care. If you do break free after 3 then the clone would brust.
~ water dildos: One of the clones would walk up to there prey and froms a cock and a dildo. If she starts to and able to fuck you - 2 to your rolls till it is pull out.
((FIY water suit + dildo is a perpetual technique, for ever love...in my way))
((Coming soon when I get Ideas for it.))