
Age: 2-3ish (appears 15-16)
Orientation: Lesbian (like mother, like daughter)
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: A-B range
Height: 5'
Normal Weight: 150 lbs

Zzzz... zzz... hnn?
This little sleeping beauty here is what happens when ZergAlts lets their resident lesbian snow woman get involved with a deity, despite said lesbian's monotheism. Warly Paola is a young snow woman born of magic methods and bears lethargy that's near-legendary among the RenaHome household... as well as the rest of the surrounding neighborhood.

What Warly is wearing in the picture is a spare shirt that Rena happened to have left over that didn't fit her anymore. A blue-striped undershirt of her own choosing is typically worn underneath to substitute for a bra. Underneath the white and light-blue layered skirt are silken white panties for the viewing pleasure of those Rena deems worthy of going out with her daughter. As for shoes, she typically goes for solid black sneakers, like her mother when in tomboy mode.

In opposition to her mother's hot blood and implied masochism, Warly is somewhat more predatory... even though she is quite the lethargic young thing. Perhaps due to the method in which Rena was impregnated, there's nothing quite like having a full womb to Warly, except being in one, herself. She seems to be quite patient if not for the reason that she's usually asleep at times. However, when she wakes up, she wakes up and it's easy to see where she gets her awake behavior from. She's almost like a smaller, short-haired version of Rena, albeit without her skill in ice creation and manipulation. The only real discrepency between the two's personalities is that Warly's predatory nature, which frightens her mother somewhat.

Speaking of, being Rena's daughter, Warly is also a snow woman. Being so young, though, she doesn't have quite as good of a grasp as Rena does, so she usually keeps it away from her body when she does, and she's rarely able to intentionally make anything recognizable, let alone any sort of full-sized ice clones. Basically, think Pichu from Super Smash Bros. Melee sans the self-damage, and that sums up Warly in comparison to Rena.

Lazy-onna of ZergAlts. D'aaawwww...

*snrk* Wha... who was talking about me?

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to ZergAlts for full sliders.
Whisper Always/Love