An alt of the Shrine_Of_Tails
Wakahisa, Hoshiko. Also known as the forever young star child. It is a rather fitting name for someone of her stature since she is for sure going to be forever young, and she also wanders underneath th shine of the stars meaning she could very well be a star child. Unfortunately her story is a little bit sadder than this.
She used to be a princess of a rather great nation, unfortunately her mother, the Empress of the nation was too naive to understand that the foreigners coming to their lands would eventually bring their wars there, and this is just what happened. Two factions fighting each other for the resources in a land that was not even theirs, and her mother was forced to choose a side, she chose the wrong one and it ended up in a rather bitter defeat. Their castle under siege by weapons they could never imagine being true, cannons so heavy that even the stone walls could not withstand it. Her mother was killed by one of these cannon balls hitting her right on after going through two or three walls, the young girl was only able to see the remains of her mother pretty much splattered all over the place alongside some of her decapitated helpers.
With the loss of their castle the young princess tried to escape to one of the neighboring castles instead to gather up some of her own troops or perhaps try and negotiate a peace treaty with the winning side of the war, her mother had been too stubborn to betray their current allied but Hoshiko had always hated the people from this specific nation, they acted like asses and never followed the customs. After several days of travel she finally arrived at the other castle, it was bombarded and destroyed just like the other, even worse the soldiers were still there and even on horseback the young princess was unable to escape from them, after a long run the horse grew too tired to continue on and in the middle of an abandoned village she was captured by the soldiers. Abused, beaten and even violated a couple of times, she was quite the beauty after all, she was ordered executed.
It was not exactly a nice execution either, she was tortured, a bullet wound to the knee and one to the arm to let her feel the pain of being shot, an arrow fired into her gut then broken off and the tip pushed even further inside. She laid by one of the small village houses bleeding to death while the soldiers simply left, they did not finish the execution job, the order itself didn't even come from one of the higher ranking officers but rather a low ranking newly promoted soldier, but not that it helped her much. It took a while, long enough for the pain of bleeding out to actually stop, she just wanted to get peace back to her country, and that is still her mission to this day even though the war is long over. She now wanders the village and the country itself as a ghost, she has retained most of her beautiful looks, however her skin is pale, her hair is white and her eyes glows red of a ghost. She wears the same white kimono, tattered from the torture and abuse she had to withstand before her death. In her hand she is often carrying a lit lantern, perhaps the light attracts someone who wants to help her reach her goal and finally have some peace.