A mysterious entity from Dreamland that looks and acts like a Ninja. "Waiyu" hides in dense forests awaiting it's unsuspecting victims and, like that of any shinobi, pounces in and ambushes the opponent to catch them off guard. Boasts a myraid of ninja skills useful enough to take down the opposition, from ninja shruiken, boomerangs and deadly flame attacks. Gender is unknown but, is believed to be able to switch between the two at will through transformation skills. Implied to be more than one "Waiyu" as well. Those with adaptive properties attached to their digestive system
might be able to copy Waiyu's attributes once devoured and digested. Depending on how complex their digestive tract is, predators may get the "
Cutter" or "
Ninja" ability. However, these abilities seem to only be bestowed upon the eater IF they have defeated Waiyu in combat.
A Kirby fan-character summoned by the