
Remade from http://profile.aryion.com/profile/Vladimir due acount loss.

Name: Vladimir Ikarin Soklov.
Specie: Felis silvestris catus
Age: 19
eyes: bright red.
Hair: Black as his fur, even darker.
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 130 lbs

So i will rebulid it with better gramar ^_^

Im vladimir as you guess, and im are a "magical" Black cat, im on mah nineteen. Well, mah personality... im trying to be less... how to say it, "FUCKING RIDICULE" ^__^

Plus theinformation upthere, i uses dark clothes, a coat, and an black undershirt, black pants black thong... its contton, so... very confy -w- and a pair of black work boots, soo yes im the cat in boots. For some rason when i change my form to a cub... well, my clothes usually get bigger an i cant use it, soo i have espare clothes on my house, and uses (when in that form) only shorts and a littler vercion of the work boots.

Of course i have others clothes, and i will try to upload it all... i try XD

I live in a Deep forest, with a even deep mist, that usually makes imposible to walk through it, because that the old owner build and sub... sort of... i go through it from the next city, about to 100 - 200 miles away... with some of my vehicles: actually a jeep, and a hovercraft, and a old motor-bike

Motor-bike it like a this... for me...

And, well, the rest is just mah house, filled with weapons and books... and cushions... on all the floor.... covered with cushions >w< soft cushions...

And i said weapons?...

I also Have a wide variety of Potions, tranformation ones, and some shriking one, growing one, and several other i can use anywhere... sinse i doesnt have that much friends i tend to make shipments to buy Ingredents from many universes,in the guess that these ingredents could build any tipe of potions, usually shapeshifting changing you to some species of these specific worlds, so there we have pokemons for example is made ut by the complex combination of Berries and sort...

Me also likes food and i have three floors of food stocking area, and one more of aparatus variatus! (variate mechanic devises) and all of these below ground... and even below the sub level...

the sub also its a dugeon... actually a lot of theses tunels were damaged by time, and the only one reforced by concrete is the main one, these ones just end nowhere on the forest, and as i guess the last owner loss his or her life here... (and then he find the entrance when was homeless, and said "Me la suda mah friend" and own it to himself) other tunels, have dead ends, and is said to have teasures... some of then made by myself after i find the real ones (how you think he paid for his weapons and vehicles ;D) but the ones i made myself were just as dangerous as the others, just that filled with modern traps, like explosive Bobby traps and like... the older ones just are... well, traditional... vennon spikes, spikes's launching machines.

His personality its really hyperactive, and easy to get bored, playful sometimes, but if get angry (or are just bored) he switch so flip up... wanting to fight everyone, even (but no usually) his owns allies afther the enemy is down, he eats big quantities

i not great with gramar as you can se, but im better that before... sorry.

For now, is just helping at NSC as a volunter Intel specialist, since spying is the only thing he can do right XD.

Da fucking vore battle?-

Name: Vladimir Ikarin Soklov.
Specie: Felis silvestris catus
Age: 19
eyes: bright red.
Hair: Black as his fur, even darker.
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 130 lbs

--Oral Vore: This is the most basic type of vore, and is a pretty safe battle tactic. Phases (as previously explained) are:

[Vlad holds B] >> [Vlad puts B in mouth] >> [Vlad enters A's throat, taking 1hp constriction damage and must roll a 12 or higher to scape] >> [B enters stomach and takes 3hp of damage per turn and must roll a 16 or higher to escape to the throat]

--Cock Vore: Fighters with the manly member may opt to CV their opponent. This call is made BEFORE a roll, and can only be done in the "holding" phase. So if Fighter A wins the starting roll and holds B, then wins the next roll, they may begin CVing the opponent. Phases are:

[Vlad holds B] >> [B is partially engulfed in member] [B is completely engulfed in member and must roll a 9 or higher to escape] >> [B enters testicles and takes 4hp of damage per turn and must roll a 12 or higher to escape]

--Anal Vore:
[Vlad holds B] >> [Vlad begins AVing B] >> [b is now completely in the anus of Vlad, thus entering the large intestines of Vlad] >> [B enters the first part of the small intestines of Vlad] >> [B enters the second part of the small intestines of Vlad] >> [B enters the stomach of Vlad and suffers the usual 3hp of damage per turn]

Important notes for this type of vore:

- When you are in an opponent's intestines, you must win a roll with a 10 or higher to actually make your way out. If you win the roll with a number below 10, you stay in the same spot and take 1hp of constriction damage. If you lose the roll, you will move to the next phase and take constriction damage if you are moving into another part of the intestines.

- If the predator rolls under a 10 while the prey is in the intestines (win or lose), they take 1hp of damage from the pressure of the prey's weight.

- When the prey is in the stomach, they may choose to exit either up the throat (roll of 16+) or through the intestines (roll of 10+), but they must determine where they're trying to exit BEFORE the roll.

AV is still very experimental and will be changed if it needs to be. It requires a lower roll than the throat does, but it is a bit longer and more trying to escape the intestines. Try it out!


1.- Felin reflexes: Opponents loss -2 when trying to hold Vlad

2.- Felin lust: Vlad loses -2 when the enemy use sexual/sedction attacks, and gains +2 when attacking with sexual based moves.

3.- No big dogs: Vlad loses -2 when fight against canine like cratures (?)

4.- anti-acid medicine: if vlad get inside a stomach, he have +1 in the scape roll.

5.- Felin instint: due he is a cat, he gain +2 against rodent, and loses -1 against humans.

6.- Real: vlad cant use normally clone based attacks, and the enemy loses -2 in clone related abilities.

7.- Irreal: Vlad can shatter the reallity, soo at the start of the match he throw a dice, if the dice get 20, he can chose one of this

The Mist Forest Exterior: the batle site changes into a deep forest, giving vlad a extra +2 in magic related attacks.

The timeline pit: here vlad Bypass the real trait.

if the dice get 1 the enemy can chose:

The Forgoten Lair: Vlad loses -2 in magical related abilities.

Shrinker: vlad get shrinked and loses -2 in all stats unles he have a grow potion.

The timeline pit: here the enemy can use the clone based atacks, and if the enemy have it from before, gain +2 in these tipe of atacks.

If get from 2 to 19, the dice effects is neggated.

8.-Sensitive ears: vlad have highly sensitive ears, so if the rp someone touch it before the fight, he automatically loses -2 permanetly, and the enemy have +1 in sound based attacks.

9.- Experiense: every battle that vlad wins he gain +1 hp (actually 10/10)



Cat slap (physical Attack): vlad jump over the enemy and start to slap him with his sharp claws.
1-8 Vlad jump but fail, lossing -2 on the next round.
9-16 Vlad jump and slaps the enemy dealing -1 hp
17-20 Vlad epically jump over the enemy, claving his claws on the enemy's face, dealing -3 hp

Dagger (Weapon based attack).
Vlad lauches a dagger to the opponent.
1-10 misses it and cant take it back.
11-15 hit the opponent but makes little damage (-1hp), like a scratch on a cheek, or on a leg, and cant take it back.
16-19 Hit the oponent making high damage (-2hp) but cant take it back.
natural 20. Hit the opponent, stabing it (-2hp) and toss a coin (!1d2)
and if 1 then vlad run towards the opponent, making a jump and kicking it on the face, making -1hp of damage, but a -3 in the next roll.
But if 2: vlad misses, hitting the ground and lossing -2 in the next roll. Also only works if vlad have his dagger at hand.

Load and armed (Weapon based attack).
simply shots a fire weapon, usually and little glock he usually have with him.
1-7 Vlad misses the shot. getting frustrated so -2 in the next roll.
8-14 Vlad misses the shot, but enough close to do make the oponent deaf for some turn, making a -1 damage in the next roll.
25-19 Vlad hits the opponent, and makes a 3hp damage, and the oponent have a -1 in the next attack.
Natural 20 "BOOM SHOT!" vlad makes a "head shot" dealing 4hp of damage on the oponent, and thus ending the battle (if not multibattle) one of these moment where i can just eat the dead bodeh... i guess..." only works if vlad have a gun of any type.

Cat tounge(Sexual based move).
(opponent must be in hold fase)
Vlad Tries to give the opponent a very good licking over with his rough but soft tongue were he pleases for the next three rounds, thus dealing 1hp damage for these three rounds.
At the third round, he can (have to win opponent roll) causes the opponent to climax, dealing 2hp damage.
After his opponent climaxes, they have a -2 for two rounds from the after glow, augmented if the opponent its a female by one turn more.
(if falls, the oponent just recive a 1hp of damage)

Tail treat: (magical and Sexual based move): (opponent must be in hold fase) Vlad a spell on his tail, and them use it to pleasure his opponent by shoving his tail inside them for three rounds dealing same effects that "cat tounge".

Tentacle hold (especial hold): Vlad makes a summon spell (like in "objet") and call tentacles from another unverse wich:
Natural 1: trap vlad itself, making to him the same damage that "cat tounge" for the afterglow. also make him lose the control (or atleast automatically be in hold of the enemy)
2-8 the tentacles take both of they (vlad itself and B) making the same damage but releasing them after it.
9-15 the tentacles takes the enemy, making the same damage, but releasing them afther the effect.
16-19 same, but holding it to vlad.
20 one of the thetacles open a maw, starting to vore the oponent (see tentacle vore)

Clone batle Tactics.

while in timeless pit vlad can call a clone army, mostly of then with his same weapons, and these ones start to hit the opponent like several player controlled allies, max 5, and used specially in rp form, they can only make 1hp of damage every one of then by their hit.

Or can toss a !1d20 dice.
Natural 1 No organisation, hit theselves in their confusion... dealing 2hp of damage to vlad.
2-7: no hit, they miss the pounches, and shots, all of them.
8-10: all the pounches hit, but no more. dealing 1hp of damage to the opponent...
11-16: mostly of the shots hit, dealing 5hp of damage on the oponent and -3 on the next two rolls.
17-19: ALL HIT!... dealing 3hp of damage and a permanet -3 on all the oponents rolls.
natural 20: Multi "headshots"! dealing over 5hp of damage.

Lift (magic based attack): Vlad makes a lift spell, making the opponent loss the turn (negated if the opponent have flying hability like telequinetic ability or a flying spell in action) "now... shrink" can be made just afther this.

Now... Shrink (magic based attack): vlad makes a shrink spell, poweful enought to shrink a gigant atleas to his size or even less. if it got to "even" making the oponent a micro, it have a permanent (unles it have a grow spell or potion) -3 on all rolls

"objet ceal" Phisycal-magic based move: vlad makes a summon spell, calling...
Natural 1: Loser heal potion (cure 2hp)
2-7 Higher Heal potion (cures 5hp)
8-15 Dagger, enable dagge attack
16-19 shotgun, or glock, fortify y/or enables. "load and armed"
natural 20 DNA changer, enables transformation.
(its wrong i know... but i like it... XD)

Dna Changer: (ativate by natural 20 on "objet ceal", afther that dice you can call it, and toss a dice.)

1 Wrong botton.... turn vlad into a cub (fectively reducing his ability to fight, but augmenting his magic ability, go to see cub battle mode.

2-7 Black Wolf: Moon resembling eyes instead of the red ones, more fast and capable of tribal like magic. (+2 on lift, shrink and all the magic moves)

7-13 Black scaled naga like cat: skip all vore firist fase (exept tentacle vore)

12: VLad turn into a girl!?!?!?!?!?!?!????? go to see girl battle mode.

14-19 Strong: Muscles, big muscles... +5 on hold roll. but deals 1hp of damage every turns (vlad mind, isnt prepared to that body,

20 Strong fase 2: same but without the damage

The Felin Lust:(Sexual base attack)
Vlad pins down the enemy and start to fuck it on one of their holes, the enemy deals -2 hp demage every turn for 4 turn unles the enemy scapes,
if not he will climax (after the 4 rounds) in that hole dealing a demage of -1 hp to the enemy while vlad regain +2 hp,
if the dice got a natural 20 both will climax imediately, dealing a demage of -5 hp and vlad regais all his healt, but get paralised for the ne
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Ienjoy everyting ;D
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Yeah OwO
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike ...but please... be gentle ;D
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike ditto
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike while reforming aftherwards... its okay with me...
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike ditto
Oral Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike i love it &gt;w&lt;
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike meow?
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike meh why no
Soul Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike YEAH!!!!
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike mmmmm... tight &gt;w&lt;
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Never/Dislike i like food...
Food Related Always/Love
Never/Dislike ditto
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike whatever...
Transformation Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike i dont like it... but im okay with it...
Watersports Always/Love
Never/Dislike ditto
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike you tie me o i will do you -w-
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike anyone entering on mah mouth? -w-
Unwilling Always/Love
Never/Dislike no?... Oh well, more fun...
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike its help me to eat GIGANT things -w-
Same Size Always/Love
Never/Dislike its funny &gt;w&lt;
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike i love everyone as you see...
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike that soft skin aree really slick... and...
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike these ones are soo hard to eat ;A;!!....
And estrangely easy to get eaten by ;n;
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Gryfon plz :dolan:
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Evolving Character Always/Love
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Never/Dislike sometimes i want to shout to the player O_O
Staying In Character Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love