![]() Following a strange spell cast on this poor young kitsune, she has been turned into complete slime. The gelatonous vixen is now simply known as Goovixen. She was told to remove the curse she must digest the one female with the right gene that can reform her body to its original perfect state. Over the 500 years she has been goo, she has found rather enjoyable ways for both her and her victums to spend time together. ![]() Her true form is that of a seven tail Kitsune. While she had this form she possessed great mental powers through telekinesis, illusion, and telepathy. She could even control the mental world of others with weakened wills. Her name, Kokoroko. She can revert back to this form with the help of an incantation. VoreBattleRules Blob Vore She is incapable of any other type of vore. So to take in her prey she must engulf them. [Blob grabs A] >> [A is partially engulfed] >> [A is fully engulfed (phase 1) and must roll a 12 or higher or else they will take 1hp of damage and move to phase 2] >> [A is fully engulfed (phase 2) and must roll a 14 or higher or else they will take 3hp of damage] Body like Jello [It's alive!] Her body is a firmer form of slime that is able to be held. A grip around her body will simply compress her form, not seperate her. She does not suffer from constriction damage or instant fatal moves from constiction, compression, or pressure. She also starts with 25% more hp at the begining of a battle. Like slurping soup If a predator is able to move her into thier mouth, they have +6 to thier rolls to take her into their stomach. This only works during the trip down to the stomach. Once she reaches the stomach, the predator no longer gains the bonus. The taste that doesn't go away If she is orally vored, if at any time while inside the digestive system and she rolls a 15 or higher she begins to move back up the throat and the opponent has -2 to their rolls to keep her down. The -2 penalties stack every time she rolls a 15 or higher. That won't hold water Opponents who try to Cock vore, unbirth, or bladder vore her have -4 to all rolls for these vores. She is completly immune to vampiric vore. Slurp! If at anytime she rolls a natural 20 and more then half of her is outside the opponents body, she changes into a pool of slime before immediatly fully englufing ehr opponent. I have her in places I didn't know I had places. After fully engulfing an opponent, her goo enters every orifice of the opponent. The opponent rolls for each orifice. the roll must be 12 or higher with no bonuses. For each failed roll, the opponent suffers -2 penalty to escape until they are no longer fully engulfed. Males roll 2 times. Females roll 3 times. Limitless Slime Her body can produce a limitless amount of slime to engulf any opponent regardless of size. Squish attempts by large opponents move them into the first stage of blob vore instead. Again regardless of size. It came from within If it benefits her, she can willingly enter the body of another through the mouth. she does this in a way that appears to be regular Oral vore. If she wins the unmodified roll against the opponet she is holding, she gains control of that opponent. She can then activate new abilities listed Below with ~ ~Suprise kiss~ Forcing the host body to use thier natural charms to lure the new opponent closer, she can force the host to kiss the other allowing passage into the other body. Leaving the host body in this manner stuns them for 6 turns. ~Master Bait~ Forcing the host to thier knees, she can make them pleasure themselves or the victum they are holding. Each round the one being pleasured loses 2 HP. This will not cause them to drop below 1 hp. If this lowers them to one hp, that participant has an orgasm and is stunned for as many turns as they were pleasured. If the host is the one pleasured, she can freely flow from the mouth and grab hold of the opponent. ~Activate the Lasers!~ While controling the host, she may activate or deactivate any ability of the host at will following all restrictions of that ability. ~Escape through the Emrgency hatch located in the fornt or the rear of the vessel.~ If her host is being vored she may escape from which ever orifice is easier to escape from. She simply must roll a 12 or higher. If the host is fully inside the predator when she escapes, the predator must win an additional roll agaisnt her to keep her in. If they lose one roll, she is completely expelled and the host is partially expelled. Finisher ~Blob Bomb~ Using her limitless ability to produce slime, she can expell herself out of every orifice of the host and grab and partially engulf, every opponent around the host. This can only be activated after rolling a natural 17 or higher while inside the host. The host is reduced to 1 hp automatically and is immune to damage from blob vore until all other opponets are fully engulfed or fully escape. |