Vito is a trap, rather simply put, no? and a very succesfull one at that! he can hide his package -very- easily and has a little enchantment to make it even easier, just in case. His nickname is "vita' when he goes as a female persona and hes overall happy go lucky-if a bit too curious for his own good, he can be a tidbit shy as well-he has a job as a maid..mostly because of his sheer adorableness rather than his cleaning is why people hire him, but he doesn't mind! it pays the bills!..when bills needed to be paid..quite a while ago the goddess
Hakase got her hands on vito and made him her little pet, and they have a adorable daughter together! even though he gets flustered as a tomato whenever shes around because of the things they do together..
Vito's Body:
Age: "18" ((May or may not be younger)
Personality: Carefree, shy, curious
Skin color: Creamy
Hair: Dark-blue
Eyes: Hetero-chrome one Yellow one Blue
Height: 4'10
Weight: He refrains from saying this.
Hair Length: Down to lower back
Tail: 2 ft long 4 inches wide
Length: "What are you t-talking about?" (leaked info, 8 inches, effectively hidden)
Attire: Shown above.
OOC Notes:
Talk to me like a person.
Player is Female
RP Statuses:
Online: Figuring out what I want to do, go ahead and talk to me.
Away: I'm away from the computer.
LFRP: Looking for a RP, public, or, private.
Do Not Disturb/DND: Do Not Disturb Me.
Prey: Prey-mood
Pred: Predatory mood
OOC: Likely will never use.
IC: In a RP, I can talk, but don't expect to RP with me.
Open: Open for just about anything.
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