
"I don't have a sister, Demon. Just a sad fact of life."
Warning!This character contains major spoilers for Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt! This is a future rendition of Panty!
For Those Familiar with Her Story
Ah, the deviant Panty. Originally this Fallen Angel's sin was lust, but after some rather chaotic events transpired, the flirtatious and fun, hotheaded angel turned into a cold, calculating ghost-destroyer and demon slayer fueled by naught but rage. Then again, what would you do if your sister ultimately 'killed' you, diced you into little pieces, and then left it up to some mortal geek to find you? Only to learn that the corruption of said sister into a demon was a result of her affection for some pitiful ghost? That's right, anyone would snap at that point. Panty fought with Stocking often, but this was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Needless to say, she was ultimately returned to her normal body, having been repaired during the second attempt to open the Hellsmonkey Gate by Corset, though her mind was all sorts of broken. Rather than aiding the process, 'urging' Brief to reveal the key again, she simply went nuts. Empty threats by Corset and Stocking to kill the boy were unheard as Panty began firing off her trusty pistol, Blacklace, shooting until nothing was left of the once proud Demonic Lord. Stocking, Scanty, and Kneesocks had retreated, and Panty ultimately left as well, noting that she hoped never to see 'Geek Boy' again. She's devoted herself to tracking down signs of the unholy, hoping that she'll ultimately be lead to her treacherous sister. In the process, she also happened to raid Stocking's wardrobe, particularly taking an interest in her winter coat, which she wears often, as well as her 'gambling attire'.
That's not to say Panty's totally abandoned her instinctive urges, but she goes about seducing men of interest a little differently now, taking her time rather than jumping right into the act. In that sense, she's matured into a lovely, deadly diva...
For those Unfamiliar With her Story
For sake of simplicity, it should be noted ahead of time that Panty uses a gun formed from her panties, named Blacklace, and that she's capable of creating other weapons from the undergarments of other beings, be they mortal or celestial. Not all of them are effective, however. Blacklace is a Holy Weapon, and relatively ineffective against anything that isn't ethereal. It does devastating damage to anything considered 'unholy', however.
Panty and Stocking Anarchy were angels cast down from heaven due to their sins of Lust and Gluttony, respectively. The two quarreled often, chastising one another's vices and habits. The girls were tasked with destroying Ghosts and collecting Heavenly Currency in order to to return to the plane above. During this time, they lived in the church of a priest named Garterbelt. Along the way, the two faced many challenges, most of which were posed by their demonic counterparts, Scanty and Kneesocks and their father, Corset. The latter of the group planned to open up the Hellsmonkey Gate, which would summon a giant Ghost formed of the souls of the damned with which to conquer Heaven and Earth. Needless to say, his initial effort failed, foiled by the hands of the two angels.
Unfortunately for Panty, Stocking and Corset had an exchange prior to the final battle in which the younger of the Anarchy Sisters was lead to fall to her darker impulses and transform into a demon. She betrayed Panty, cutting her into little pieces and laying out a trail for Brief, the mortal whose body contained the key to the Hellsmonkey Gate, to collect and follow. Once Panty's body's portions were reunited, her body was restored to normal and she was revived by a combination of Corset's powers and those of the immortal Garterbelt. The resurrected Panty, however, was overcome with rage and started attacking Corset, rather than playing along with his plans again (as, originally, she had aided in the opening of the Hellsmonkey Gate, albeit unintentionally). The revived Panty proved to be a force he hadn't entirely taken into consideration, wielding a modified version of Blacklace and snatching one of her demonic counterpart's pistols, as well. She ultimately destroyed Corset, forcing the demonic sisters and Stocking to retreat. After this, she left, stating she never wanted to see 'Geek Boy' again, her final goodbye to Brief returning a nickname to him which she had previously abandoned when the two became close. From that point forward, she pursued traces of the unholy, hoping she would ultimately be lead to her sister, whom she intended to kill as brutally as possible, sending her to Hell where demons like her belonged...
((Under construction! Alt of AnarchyStocking, go to her profile for preference bars until I can get the ones for Panty up. They're pretty similar, anyway.))