
Vault 699
Population:30 males 3 females , inflated to 10 females and 80 males
Current population:0 surviving males, 1 female
Vault 699 was an experiment in sex, plain and simple, Vault-tec scientests realized the need to breed in generation ships, and the Main experiment was to test the sexual drives of humans on these ships , the amount of duress a fertile woman could take on an out of balance population, the attitudes towards sexual relations for breeding and . Vault 699 was a relatively small vault in the gulf commonwealth, set to be populated by the residents of a nearby out of the way highwayside township-Known for being an infamous den of prostitution and pimps, only the most attractive and fertile women,and Powerful and virile men were allowed into the vault, vault tech employees enduring a meticulous selection and testing program.
Once the vault was sealed, the inhabitants would find a few things off right off the bat about the vault, unlike most vault experiments, where the conditions take a while to come to light, vault 699 would find it's food supplies more than well stocked, in fact, many luxuries like chocolate and booze were included in the vast cellars of vault 111, however, there was only one room for rest, populated by many comfortable looking silken beds, the room seeming much larger than it needed to be, the vaults medical centre also contained a large maternity ward, stocked with instructions on delivery and birthing. Most reading material in the vault was quite...curious... books acclimitising the men to 'using breeding sluts' posters proclaiming women as 'holes' and each room being stocked with pornography of almost every fetish and kink humankind had thought of, as well as sexual tools to enact some of the more...realistic scenarios. there were also several curiosities, the vault suits being very tight fitting and easily torn, and the pip boy images being quite...provocative

What was even more insidious, was the potent cocktail of chemicals being released into the vaults air and water-Aphrodisiacs, Hypnotic scents to increase receptiveness to the vaults subliminal and overt messages, and even tiny doses of mutagens, namely FEV to keep vault occupants sexy, fertile, and other such things- it also had the side effect of making the occupants stronger than normal, but that fact was not discovered until much later. It took longer than expected for the building sexual frustration in the vault to lead to the first sexual act but it happened eventually. at first the sex was rather quiet, and attempts at hiding the act were the toilets, dark corners of the vault, near the generator...but mounting frustration, and lack of women in the vault that was made sure to be %100 straight exploded, and eventually multiple men were unabashedly using the women to their advantage. The FEV preventing prolapsing, or any sort of damage that prolonged, multiple days of sex can cause, and boosting the residents stamina, the pahrodisiacs turning the residents, and even the staff into sexed up animals within the first few days. pregnancies were abound, and the small population exploded. Sexual deviancy became rampant around the vault, latent kinks emerging, or even being subliminally ingrained on the subconscious of the residents. The vault was rife with not much work, and plenty of sex.

Years later, about 2261, a new woman was this point the severely degraded women had been denied names, and as such this newborn was referred to as all the others- Vault Meat. However, Meat was always different from the others...her brain, though still afflicted with lust and desire, was capable of thinking about things besides kinky sex...and inbetween hours of fucking and being used, the woman would go out and do other things...learn how to fix and mend things from the manuals and computers, learn how to fire a gun from guard training manuals and practice on the matinence level, and taking the naturally bred endurance and Agility of 699 residents in self defence. she was derided for this, and treated to rougher than normal rope play, S&M training, and was even threatened with removal of limbs, but by the time she was 20, Meat would find these skills she'd learnt useful, as Raiders managed to bust their vault open. All the idiot, deviant occupants of the vault were slaughtered by the Raiders, except for Meat, who managed to use her skills to fend off the raiders, taking their weapons from them, and exiting the vault before any more showed up. Meat, having no other name in mind for herself, decided to keep the derogatory name, and venture out into the wasteland that is and was America, deciding to put her skills to good use.

The woman herself Knows she's very attractive, Meat lavishing in the stares she knows she's receiving, having a very teasing, unabashed personality. while she is more intelligent than her fellow vault dwellers, she is still quite taken by sex, and the hundreds of kinks in her brain, and is quite slutty, taken by the idea of a nice hard dick in her...or indeed licking a wet pussy, indeed her bisexuality one of the many odities with her birth. She is surprisingly strong, despite her size, but she has a crippling weakness in her susceptibility to 'heat' being overcome with the need to breed, while sex is all very well and good, presenting oneself to a deathclaw is..less than ideal. Thankfully, if not for the pheremones her body produces when in heat, she would have never crossed a mile of wasteland soil..Meat knows what Deathclaw dick is like

and what their claws are like, she knows what she'd rather in her. This tendency for heat has annoyed the snarky, curious adventurer more than once though, getting captured by enemys she should easily beat simply because she's weak at the knees....however,even if she's in the most dire situations, she's been known to be saved by a strange appetite, and a strangely expansive belly......
When exposed to a large amount of rads, she experiences some...strange side effexts


Free use-Pulling a hole open in her vault suit and fucking her while she does something else, hell yes
TF-Transform me against my will, FEV, radiation...or 'magic' as you call it.
Anal insertion and huge anal insertion-yup
Bad End scenarios-It's the apocalypse, but that doesn't mean things can't get worse for meat! tie her up and make her your sex slave, getting kidnapped and used as a breeding many opportunities to lose her forever
impregnation and breeding
Dominant Loli/shota
Feeding, inflation, stuffing
Weight gain
Gang bangs
Cum inflation
And now to rate my Faveourite types of vore

Happy Scavenging~