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PLEASE NOTE: This profile is not 100% complete, and even when it is finally finished it is still subject to change at any given time. If you find an issue, feel free to send me (TheHungryELf) a message via PM. Also, any bio or information given about this character exists only in the world of fiction. This character is not real, nor is any biographical information, but that can be figured out just by looking at his species, so I just wasted your time.
ANOTHER NOTE: I mainly RP over PM, so message me at TheHungryELf. Maybe if we're on mostly at the same time to avoid my hectic work schedule being a burden for us we can RP over chat, just maybe.
Also, NO FLAKING! If there is anything I hate more than FPS games it's flakers! If you are leaving, please message me beforehand. Don't be an ass, say when you leave! How hard is that?
Please note that any of this can be changed for a single roleplay by the other partner.
Basic Information
Name: Vash the Destroyer
Age: 1265
Species: Elf
Subspecies: Dark (Known to some as a drow.)
Weapon of choice: Twin sabers
Gender: Male
Penis Size: Nearly a foot.
Occupation: Evil overlord
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Vore Role: Pred, unless faced with a monster stronger than him.
Alliance: Heroic Evil
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: White
Location: The dark lands.
Height: 7'5"
Weight: 100 lbs.
>Vore Statistics
This counts how much prey Vash has consumed in any way, shape, or form, and how many times he has been eaten by predators in their methods. This is constantly updated.
Updated as of 8/25/2015
Prey eaten: 0
Eaten by predators: 0
Prey eaten orally: 0
Prey anal vored: 0
Prey cock vored: 0
Prey unbirthed (if Cboy or Male Herm.): 0
Prey anally unbirthed (Entering through the anus into the womb, can be preformed as a genetic male): 0
Prey vampiricly vored: 0
Prey soul vored: 0
Prey navel vored: 0
Prey unconventionally vored: 0
Males eaten: 0
Females eaten: 0
Others eaten: 0
Eaten by males: 0
Eaten by females: 0
Eaten by others: 0
Children produced: 0
>What I am interested in at this moment.
(Optional, subject to change.):
-Blank for now
Vash’s Biography
(Please note, this is optional. And changes can be made to it for certain RPs. It will also be updated from time to time to add more detail and fix mistakes.)
Vash did not have a normal life, far from it in fact. He was born to another great dark elf named Drake. Drake was one of the first dark elves to ever live, and because of that he was very old. At the time his son was born, he was around 9500 years old, and while he was still healthy, he could see death ahead of him. He had no wife, or a drive to get a lover, so he was left with one option in order to continue his legacy of destruction, use magic to impregnate himself and thus later give birth to a child. He put this magic into effect, and sure enough, around a year later, he gave birth to his only heir. But, would he be worthy?
After his birth, the baby dark elf was named Vash, which means "death" in elvish, in hopes that Vash will be as deadly and blood thirsty as he was. When he was old enough to hold a sword, Drake trained the little dark elf in combat. After a while, Vash began to show promise. In his teenage years, he grew muscles which were on par with teenage humans who constantly worked out, and he was an elf, meaning he was even stronger than they were. Vash grew up quickly, and by the time he was 30 years of age he could finally overcome his father in combat. Drake was finally happy with his results... he had created a rightful heir to his empire.
However, Vash's eyes began to stray in other directions than conquest. He had discovered the arts of music, writing, painting, and so forth. However, he was split, should he focus on arts and science, or being a evil villain like his father? He decided to do what his father did, and do what he wanted to do behind his back. He apparently did a good job at it, for he did not find out at all. However, around 200 years later, tragedy struck.
Drake laid on his death bed. After helping his son grow up to what he wanted him to be and even going on raids with him, he was happy in death. Vash was not happy, though, he was worried. While he had more time to be with his father than all humans got, it was still a very short time for elves. Still, he sat by his father until death, sharing stories of their greatest moments of conquest with each other. But finally, Drake gave his last breath, not before giving Vash one last request, to continue his legacy as the greatest villain to ever live on the surface of Paradenchia. For what seemed to be an hour, Vash cried into the chest of his dead father, the only person he ever loved... was gone.
Vash had Drake buried near the hideout they lived. While he was saddened, he was filled with a new determination. He wanted his father to be happy, even when he was dead, and so he began planning something... big. Vash started his wave of conquest by training himself as a thief, stealing tons of gold and many rare artifacts. Never once he was caught, as the people who chased after him were slain. He had local towns and cities gripped in the icy claws of fear as he robbed, stole, and killed. The reason? He was building up an army, an army powerful enough to take over one of the largest kingdoms ever... the Novi kingdom.
For around 100 years, he spent his time gathering up gold through illegal means and using said gold to get other dark elves to join him. Eventually, he had 500 dark elves under his wing, but that was far from enough, the Novi kingdom had over 200,000 wood elves for their army, they would not be able to even make a dent in it. However, things were making progress. And eventually, the dark elves he had hired started creating their plans of action for Vash, allowing him to return to his arts once more and practice them.
Good things come to those who wait, and Vash had waited for almost 900 years to build up his army, and now he had it, a quarter of a million dark elves are his command, all of them well trained and ready to kill. The time had come... to kill. In the blackness of midnight, Vash as his legion marched upon the doorstep of the Novi kingdom and declared war on the spot. In response, the army of the forest rushed out to battle them. The fight was not fair for them. The dark elves were stronger and able to take more damage. For every dark elf that fell, 20 wood elves fell in their place. And Vash... well, let's just say nothing stood a chance against him. Left and right, he slaughtered wood elves like they were pigs. His devilish roars and battle cries risen up over all the other sounds of murder, making his presence known. He even grabbed the head of a horse with his bare hands and tore it off, and swiftly did the same with it's rider!
In only a couple of hours, the army of the Novi kingdom was slain, leaving Vash triumphant at last. However, it was not over, with a select few, he burst into the castle and started slaughtering wood elves left and right as he made his way to the king and queen. Like the rest, they were found, and killed. The kingdom was his. However, a few managed to escape, and thus he sent a few dark elves out to take care of them. Once he heard the news they were finally taken care of, Vash could relax. He had his own kingdom, and a legion of dark elves under his command. He had gave his nomadic subspecies a place to live at last! That was why he was driven to do this, to at last give his people a safe home. The corruption of the dark lands had snaked it's way into the kingdom countryside in just a few short weeks because of a powerful magical spell Vash and his most skilled black mages cast together. This was to make them feel more comfortable... and to make things harder for intruders. His legion wanted to crown him king of the dark elves, but e despised that given name. He was no king, so he took the name... overlord instead. That was what he was, Vash the Destroyer, Overlord of the Dark Elves.
Now, Vash could relax. He was left alone in his new castle fortress, and there was nothing that could remove him from his position. However... there was a bit of a rocky road from this point on. Do you know how hard it is to keep a quarter of a million dark elves fed inside of his castle? Almost impossible, he was surprised the old elvish king managed to do this before. Thus... he had to... let people go. Most did not like this idea, but they understood Vash's logic behind it, and so they left, not before stating that if he ever needed their help, they would follow his command without question. However, he kept around 10,000 dark elves so he could pull off his heists with ease. However... something else popped up.
Blue, a 15 year old wood elf, the rightful heir to the throne of the kingdom Vash had claimed, although he was unaware of this. Vash did, however, and he would never say it to him to avoid even more hostility from that little monster. Their rivalry began when Vash was attacking the capital of the New Leaf city, which was near the home village Blue grew up, to extract data on a newly discovered power source from an ore deep underground. However, just as he was about to pull it of, him and Blue encountered each other for the first time, right after him and his two friends killed the 35 dark elves he brought along with him. He looked just like his father... even his eyes were exactly the same... the only difference was the hair and the strange human clothing covering his body. He might have let this catch him off guard, as Blue knocked him out of the building through a window, causing him to crush the USB drive he had to steal the data into a clump of plastic and broken electronics. He was forced to flee and hide, for the police had arrived. And if there is anything the internet taught right, it's that the police are very dangerous, and will kill on sight if you had done anything wrong.
Blue had defeated him many times afterwards, and each time made him hate the guy more and more, enough to crush glass cups while watching a large screen while sitting in a comfortable chair. But... Vash is not all that bad. Sure, he may kill and steal, but he has a heart and loves art. Is he cruel? Perhaps. A gentleman? Yes. Hateful? Depends. Has good taste? As much as his skin is black. While he is not as evil as you may think, if you get in his way he will cut you down. But, if you get on his good side, you are in good hands, my friend, for Vash can be a caring person when he wants to be.
Ideas for RP
(It's blank for now, but you can give me your idea!)
Vash's Relationships
This will be updated over time as I play with more people, bare in mind that I might ask for your character(s) to be on this list. If unwanted, I will not add your character to Mark's list, but you have to state this first. But, I will give links to your character page if it has one. Some of these exist in different timelines.
Vash's Family:
Drake the Powerful: Genetic Father (DEAD)
Vash's Bosses:
Vash's Children:
Vash's Masters:
Ah ha ha ha... no. Trying to claim Vash as a slave will result in anal rape and then death.
Vash's Slaves:
Vash's Friends:
Vash's Enemies
Blue, that annoying wood elf who ruins his plans. The only good thing about him is his cute little ass... which he longs to break in.
Lindar, a friend of an enemy is an enemy in Vash's eyes... although he does admire his intelligence.
Sariel, he hates him for similar reasons to Blue.
Vash's Personality Traits
Positive Traits:
-Caring to those under his wing.
Negative Traits
-Hateful towards is enemies
-Hard to be forgiving if he does not care for you
-Easy to anger
-Holds grudges
Ways of the Dark Elf:
It is known that the dark elf is one of the strongest subspecies of elf known, second to the Titan elf and just above the mountain elf. However, Vash's muscular body enhances this strength, giving him an edge in combat. Vash can also see in the dark without any source of light needed, he can even see in color, although these colors are limited. Vash, thanks to his studies in the arts of the world, is skilled in black magic, and can use it to his advantage in any way he pleases.
High Fertility: Thanks to the way he came into this world, Vash has a high fertility rate. Regardless of your gender, if he fucks you pregnancy is guaranteed. Also, if he is kind enough for him to let you mount him, he will also bare child, but this is only if he likes you enough. If the other partner does not wish to become pregnant, he can simply cancel it with his magic for all you people out there who are not fond of male pregnancy or even normal pregnancy.
Vore Battle Information
(( **: illegal in VB version 1 and 1.1, although I prefer to play with things how they are.))
Current HP: 15
LVL: 1
EXP to next LVL: 40
Current EXP: 5
HP at next level: 19
EXP Leveling chart
LVL1 Enemy defeated: 5+ EXP
LVL2 Enemy defeated: 10+ EXP
LVL3 Enemy defeated: 17+ EXP
LVL4 Enemy defeated: 25+ EXP
LVL5 Enemy defeated: 32+ EXP
LVL6 Enemy defeated: 40+ EXP
LVL7 Enemy defeated: 55+ EXP
And so on and so on and so on... later EXP gains will be decided when I encounter anyone higher than LVL 7
**Resists (-1 DMG): Fire, Darkness, and Nature (-2 DMG racial bonus)
**Weaknesses (+1 DMG): Holy, and Chemical Poison (+3 DMG racial negative.)
Sexual Weaknesses: Vash holds back for no man or woman...
**Sword Slash: Uses his sword to attack the enemy. 1-3 DMG, +1 Darkness DMG bonus. Damage depends on a !1d20 roll. If above 18, 3 DMG is given. If above 12, 2 DMG is given. If below 4, there is a 100% chance for the attack to miss.
**Blood Dart: Sacrificing some of his own blood for 1DMG, Vash channel's a bolt of solid blood to fire at his opponent with great accuracy. The attack will deal 2DMG if successful, and because of it's accuracy, 5 is added to the roll of this attack
Attack LVL: 1
MP: 2
MP at next LVL: 3
LVL up at main LVL: 3
**Element Ball: Using magic, Vash tosses a ball of an element at his enemy. An extra 1d4 roll is decided on which element shall be used. Although... if an extra turn is used to charge energy, Vash can select an element on his own, even if he get's hit. He will still take damage, but the attack will not be canceled.
1: Maro Ball: A bouncing ball of fire commonly favored by plumbers as an attack weapon. 1DMG, has a 1d4 chance to burn for 1d3 turns if hit
2: Meteor Shot: A large rock about the size of a basketball. Deals 3DMG
3: Winter Ball: A ball of frozen ice and snow. The most mundane of the 4, has no other effects. Deals 1DMG.
4: Wind Ball: A simple ball of wind, but if it hits when the roll is above 15, then the enemy will be tripped up for their next attack, reducing their roll by 5! Deals 1DMG
MP: 3
MP at next LVL: 4
LVL up at main LVL: 2
Forcible Rape: [B holds A] >> [B presses his cock against A's asshole] >> [B inserts into A, giving A 1HP of damage] >> [B begins to thrust into A] >> [B climaxes into A's rear, giving A 4HP of damage]
Vash is not against teaching his enemies a lesson when entering a battle with possible sexual content... dropping your guard is asking for anal rape! Once Vash grabs onto you, you must roll a 15 to escape, but if you knock him off when he has his shaft inserted into you, that hurts his cock, and he is dealt 1HP of damage. A risk/reward thing.
Mind Warp: Using magic, Vash can attempt to go into his enemy's mind and weaken them, making their rollsed be reduced by 3 and their attack damage cut in half for two turns.
Attack LVL: 1
MP: 2
MP at next LVL: 3
LVL up at main LVL: 3
**Body Slam: Using his heavy body, Vash attempts to bash into his enemy like a metal wrecking ball. It deals 2DMG, but however, if missed, the enemy can preform a counter attack.
Darkness Shield: Cast a shield of shadow around himself to protect him from attacks for 3 turns. Damage will still be dealt to him... just reduced by 2... unless it's another darkness attack. If he is attacked with darkness, then the shield will absorb the darkness of that attack and inject the energy into Vash as health.
Attack LVL: 1
MP: 2
MP at next LVL: 3
LVL up at main LVL: 3
War Cry: Vash give's a powerful shout which can scare his enemy or make them feel weaker, lowing their roll by 3 for 3 turns. However, while not magical, it requires energy to use.
Attack LVL: 1
MP: 2
MP at next LVL: 3
LVL up at main LVL: 2
**Comet Strike: Played Ratchet and Clank? Then you know where this move comes from. Vash throws his blade straight at his enemy, in a way that will make it spin, and then pulls it back after it hits. However, doing this does not involve accuracy, so Vash's roll is reduced by 3 for this attack only, but damage done is 2dmg.
Mirror Image: Copies the enemy's buffs at any given time... however it can only be used one time... currently.
Attack LVL: 1
MP: 1
MP at next LVL: 2
LVL up at main LVL: 4
Vore Types:
Oral Vore: [A holds B] >> [A puts B in mouth] >> [B enters A's throat, taking 1hp constriction damage] >> [B enters stomach and takes 3hp of damage per turn and must roll a 16 or higher to escape]
You all know this, the classic oral vore. I'll let you look at the main Vore Battle Rules at the bottom of this section to learn more.
Anal Vore: [A holds B] >> [A begins AVing B] >> [B is now completely in the anus of A, thus entering the large intestines of A] >> [B enters the first part of the small intestines of A] >> [B enters the second part of the small intestines of A] >> [B enters the stomach of A and suffers the usual 3hp of damage per turn]
A humiliating way to put prey in their place. Due to how strong Vash is, he has a 1d3 chance to not get hurt by pressure damage if he rolls a 3.
Cock Vore: [A holds B] >> [B is completely engulfed in member] >> [B enters testicles and takes 4hp of damage per turn and must roll a 12 or higher to escape]
Vash is a fan of this.
Unbirth: [A holds B] >> [A begins unbirthing B] >> [B enters womb and takes 4hp of damage per turn. A 13 or higher must be rolled for escape.]
Bare in mind, Vash can only preform this as a male herm or c-boy.
Vampiric Vore: [A holds B] >> [A bites into B's neck] >> [A begins sucking B's blood, dealing 2DMG per turn. A 13 or higher must be rolled for escape.]
While it is quick to bite into prey, it is easy to escape due to the low roll requirement. Vash simply loves the taste of human blood...
Blood Drinking: While Vash may not be a vampire, he still has sharp teeth and fangs, and can drink the blood of his enemies. While preforming vampiric vore, he heals around half as much as much damage as his enemy takes.
Rage: If Vash had lost to 3 attack rolls and rolled under 10 each time fighting against them in a row, Vash becomes angry. His roll is increased by 5 and his attacks are doubled for 2 turns. However, he will become tired for one turn afterwards, reducing his own roll by 5.
Armored body: Because of the thick armor around Vash's body, any weapon based or piercing attacks will have their damage values reduced by one. However, all normal attacks work just fine, even vore attacks, however he cannot be bitten or chewed past his head and neck in oral vore thanks to the armor, an attempt at this will result in 1DMG.
Counter Attack: Vash can use any of his turns to plan for a counter, spending that turn and saving it for later. If he succeeds in dodging or avoiding an attack, he can counter and choose to use any attack he wants, but he still has to roll it. So, it can still backfire, but this roll is increased by 10, because game logic.
Dom Complex: If any of Vash's rape victims is present in watching or fighting against him, he gains +1 to rolls per character.
Rape Victims:
Some if the ideas I have gotten for this system are from
VoreBattleRules, and I can easily revert to that system if needed, although I may want to keep the EXP gains and such.
And now a prey log!
None so far...
And a pred log.
HoodedCrow was a clever bastard... Vash had him almost defeated... but it was all over when the demi-elf unbirthed him.
Lost or won against... but not via digestion.
None so far...
If you're just looking for a person to Vore Battle with, I am ready and eager!
And now, for some bonus images!

Caption: One of Vash's many wet dreams. Perhaps, one day, he will grow this giant. Drawn by