
Age: 23
Orientation: Bisexual
Current Lover: n/a (":'(")
Friends: Meringue
General Bust Size: C range
Height: 5' 11"
Tail Length: 20'
Normal Weight: 612 lbs

Goodness. My kind are certainly popular around these parts, hmm?
DangZerglings' official OC naga/lamia! Wooooooo! Valencia Melason is a rather interesting naga/lamia, as all of them should rightfully be. Hell, as any character on Eka's Portal should rightfully be. Now what could possibly set this fine lady apart from the rest? For one, she's intended for a setting wherein she isn't necessarily aware of what exactly she's supposed to be. Naga? Lamia? Some odd hybrid thereof? Well, if y'all know me, I've got a rather interesting explanation for all this, but let's get all of the details out of the way first.

Valencia can be seen with a variety of tops, given her human upper half. The pictured top, however, seems to be her favorite, since she wears it for days at a time simply because it's comfortable on her. What's tricky is getting a good lower half to go with her various tops, since she has no legs to properly wear pants with. Henceforth, skirts are really the only thing she can wear to cover up her womanhood, and unlike some mythos, she lacks panties to wear. Luckily for her, her skirts fit rather snugly around her tail, so she doesn't have to worry about perverts on windy days.

Yes, this naga/lamia is named after a certain town in Florida... and a band, even. Though, only the former has any sort of bearing on her personality, because, if the first paragraph above wasn't any kind of indication, she tends to be rather ditzy about things. Specifically, she has a strange mental condition that gets her constantly confused with two things that seem similar in nature and appearance. For example, it's not at all unusual to use kitchen knives and combat knives interchangably in cooking, call pigs boars, confuse different species of birds, or to use the terms naga and lamia to describe herself. Really, she's more lamia-like than anything else, but she still insists that she has naga-specific traits, such as egg-laying (if you manage to impregnate her). Otherwise, she's well-aware of herself and independent, albeit heavy.

Though... if there's something else to be noted about Valencia, it's her ears. Notice how they seem to have an elven point. Rumor has it among scientific communities that have studied her that part of the reason for the confusion is that she may have elven blood in her veins. This is somewhat evidenced by her affiliation with nature and resistance to magic, but that could just be the lamia/naga blood speaking. No one knows for sure, it might be just a fluke. On a side note, her favorite bellypets are schoolgirls.

NOTE: Proud member of the Sexy_Scales_Clan!

Brought to you by ZergAlts, who's running out of witty stuff to say down here.

Wait... so I don't stab people with the George Foreman knives? Well, that's kinda silly.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to ZergAlts for full sliders.
Whisper Always/Love