
Vore Battle profile for Milliarde_Savanta.

Basic Vore Moves:

Oral Vore:
Milli holds B >> Milli puts B in mouth >> B enters Milli's throat, taking 1hp constriction damage >> B enters stomach and takes 3hp of damage per turn and must roll a 16 or higher to escape.

Milli holds B >> Milli begins UBing B >> B is now completely in Milli's womb and takes 4hp of damage per turn and must roll 13+ to escape.

Breast Vore:
Milli holds B >> Milli begins BVing B >> B is completely in Milli's breast and takes 3hp of damage per turn and must roll 12+ to escape.

Active Abilities:
Quick Maneuvering: Milli's training allows her to move significantly faster and better than most. She can attempt a switch in a grapple on the first stage with a +2 modifier, but if she fails, she takes a -1 to all escape rolls for 5 turns.

Wing Flap: Milli attempts to flap her wings to create a strong gust of wind. If she succeeds in beating her opponent by 5 or more, the initial grapple must be rerolled. Can only be used once every 5 turns and not beyond the second stage of vore.

Pressure Point: Milli hits the opponent with a pressure point hold. If Milli beats her opponent in a regular roll, she rolls a last d20 to see if how well she hit it. If she fails, the opponent gets to the next stage. Can only be used every 5 turns.
+Rolled 1-5: A simple pinch causes mild irritation and a flinch. The opponent loses one stage of grapple and takes 1 HP of damage.
+Rolled 6-10: A quick jab to the pressure point. It causes a turn of paralysis and 1 HP of damage.
+Rolled 11-15: A quicker, more painful jab. The opponent is paralyzed for two turns and takes 1 HP of damage.
+Rolled 16-20: The most powerful hit. Opponent is paralyzed for two turns and takes 2 HP damage.

Simple Seduction: Milli attempts to seduce the opponent. If she succeeds, the opponent gets a free grapple or next stage up in vore. However, the opponent gains a -2 to rolls for 5 turns.

Passive Abilities:
Quick Reflexes: Milli is quick to react. She gains a +2 for the initial grapple.

Extra Strength: Milli is stronger than normal and thus harder to escape from. She gains a +1 to all rolls.

Military Training: Milli knows a lot about military exercises and practices. Against opponents with military backgrounds she gains a +1 against their special moves.

Wolf-versus-Wolf: Milli has a special liking for other wolves of any sort. She gains a -1 against all rolls against another wolf.

Unfamiliar with Vore: Milli isn't entire sure about vore yet or on how she feels about it. She takes a -1 to all rolls against any vore except oral.


Enslavement: Milli isn't one to enslave another person, but someone who attacks her may find themselves being taught a lesson for some time.