Chloe is a young genius who found her calling in detective work. Only just about finished with her freshman year in highschool but already quite well known for her amazing work with the force, specifically for vore crimes. She specializes in more heinous and evil cases and is especially drawn to vore and unbirth related crimes.Chloe chose her specific niche in crime investigation by no accident. She's very curious into the fetish and the more she works in this area the more curious she becomes. Her line of work is incredibly dangerous and she's well known among the evil underbelly of the nexus for her unrivaled success. More than a few bad eggs would love to see Chloe removed from the world for good. In certain outlaw cases, she has taken a liking to dole out the punishment her self. Chloe feels true justice only applies when the villain suffers a similar fate to their victims. She also hardly believes in "reform" once a villain always a villain. A villain is much more useful as fuel for her to catch more bad guys or a fun way to let off some steam after a hard case! Even she realizes how fine a line she walks doing this. If she starts enjoying her job *too* much she just might become a villain herself!
Chloe's Setting:
Chloe generally exists in settings where vore is known and taboo. Partaking in it with safety precautions and strictly willing
adults is allowed but generally looked down upon. There are seedy places that help people partake in their strange fetishes.
However, murder is still murder and people must be careful who they trust. Some people are into the fatal aspects of vore and are
incredibly dangerous. Chloe is out to find those people and seal them away. She used to always take her perps alive for sentencing. Nowadays she ends up unbirthing or devouring them in "self-defense"
She's well trained in hand to hand and evasive maneuvers. She trains self-defense every day.
Always thinks 4 to 5 steps ahead. If she ever feels there's a chance of danger she always has an escape route planned ahead of time.
She has a magical magnifying glass. Not only is it used to help find clues, but struck at the right frequency she can use its magical attribute to change the size of herself or who she's focused on. The MMG is a great way to keep baddies more easily detained~! The MMG's big downsides are it takes time to recharge, and that it also needs to be fairly close range. Not only that but the effects can take extra long on magically resistant foes. It's a bit of risk putting herself that close unless she can be sure she'll overpower them in time.
She has a sidearm, a 6 shot revolver loaded up with nonlethal shots. They are very concussive shots, and capable of stopping
an elephant charging at you, but powerful magic prevents them from ever killing. A great tool to stun a baddie for a quick escape, or intimidate someone trying to take advantage of her small stature. She only ever has 6 shots on her, carrying extra shells is too cumbersome and annoying.
She has a bit of an ego, and once she thinks someone is the culprit, it's really hard to change her mind. She has no limits when it comes to apprehending what she believes to be the bad guy!
She has an animal form that intensifies her senses, allowing her to follow scent trails and hormone patterns to identify her targets. She doesn't like using this form too often, as it dulls her brainpower and deduction skills quite a bit. It also lowers her inhibitions quite a bit. She always afraid she might go on a rampage in this state. Especially to indulge in her secret kinks. She's most vulnerable to let out those secrets in this form and if any of her rivals were to learn about some of these things she could be in some serious trouble!