
Tyson got all wrapped up in breeding Snuff_Mouse, bloating each hole with nut, leaving him flooding from all of them. However, as easy as it would've been to chomp down on the mouse and enjoy his own meal, adding to those supple curves and losing out to his own arousal was practically destined; He was always a sucker for a plump figure. Snuff wouldn't be able to enjoy his catch forever, however, as that particular iteration was abused to the point of breaking by the arcanine's ninetails son, but not before shitting out the worthless remains of that dog.~ (PERMA, 9/4/2021)
Tyson Ardor is something of a family man. He works hard in his 9 to 5 to keep his family well taken care of. He has two sons, a ninetails, and a houndoom, or as he likes to say, a son and a daughter. His wife is a lovely ninetails. He has a good job and a modest house in the suburbs. By all accounts, he as a good life.
If you were one of his night time affairs, you'd never know, given how much he hems and haws about how hard it all is as he makes visits to the wifes of men who have far less. But gods, he loves listening to their whimpers and moans, balls deep in these bored house-wives, begging for a real cock, something he's all too happy to deliver ...
Quick Stats:
Real Name: Tyson Ardor
Gender: Male
Species: Arcanine
Alias: N/A
Age: 35
Height: 7' 1”
Age: 35