Fancharacter (Bakemonogatari) creation of

Name: Tsubasa Hanekawa
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9
Weight: 124 lbs.
Tsubasa is the glasses-wearing, soft-spoken class president of her school. When attending school, she wears her uniform, which consists of a pink blouse and a navy blue skirt, as well as a pair of patent leather shoes.
She has long, dark hair, nearly black, and eyes of much the same color, only a hint of blue in them.
The girl herself was pretty, an innocent, unassuming and altogether cute girl. Her glasses lent her an approachable air, as did the twin braids she kept her hair in, most of the time. Tsubasa is surprisingly well-developed, even for a senior, with an ample bust and a shapely set of hips. Only her classmate, Hitagi Senjogahara, has claim to a more womanly body than she.
When out of school, she typically wears skirts and blouses, and, on occasion, will be seen in her school uniform anyway, as she's most comfortable in it.
Tsubasa is known for being quiet, reserved and kind, among her peers. Only a few who are very close to her have seen the humor she enjoys sharing. She's known as something of a know-it-all, but her personality and humble nature keep her from being too grating on the nerves about it, and as a result, many of her classmates, and those beneath her come to her for advice on matters ranging from schoolwork to their personal lives.
Reliable, hard-working and logical, Tsubasa is a model student, and, most would assume a perfect daughter. In truth, she's been abused, off and on, by her parents, for most of her life. As a result, she's strived to make them proud, feeling as though she's failed them, and that's why she's been beaten. She doesn't blame her parents for their abuse, at least not consciously. Still, the stress of being perfect gets to her, as it would to anyone.. She just tries not to let it show.
Perhaps as a result of all of this, Tsubasa is a loner, having few actual friends, and even few who she'd consider close. But, that doesn't mean she's not friendly and personable, when the need arises! She's endlessly polite, and appears to have a near-inexhaustible supply of patience on most matters.

Tsubasa, the Ghost Cat
In Japanese culture, there is the legend of a spirit, something known as a bakeneko, or ghost cat. They are known as spirits of mischief and hunger, as deadly hunters and dream-walkers. Legend even tells of their ability to return the dead to life!
Tsubasa herself isn't one of the legendary bakenekos. But, as it happens, she is possessed by one. She met it, in the shape of a normal white cat on the side of the road one day, and was claimed by it while petting it. The ghost cat, taking pity on the abused, over-stressed girl, visited her in her sleep, claiming a portion of the girl's mind, and, sometimes, her body.
A silent protector, the bakeneko appears in times of stress, danger or trauma. When possessed, a startling change comes over the quiet class president. Her hair comes unbound, and fades to a perfect white, while a pair of equally snow-white cat ears spring from the top of her head. She takes on many feline characteristics, notable in her movement and actions.
But, for the ghost cat's services aren't free. It has to feed on the energy of others in order to survive, which means that it makes use of Tsubasa's body to keep itself fed and healthy. The girl knows nothing about this, as it almost always happens while she's asleep, and even when she is possessed while awake, she remembers nothing of the incident afterward.