
Soulbound <-- See here for current cravings and altlist.

Name: Trianae (Goes by Tria)
Species: Human
Age: 23
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 136 lbs

Tria was raised in a small village where everyone knew everyone else. She lived with a kind woman who found her as a child crying over the bodies of her parents who had been slain by bandits. As a result, from the moment she could lift a sword she was training herself how to wield the weapon and defend herself.

What neither of them knew was that once Tria would turn 17, an ancient hunger within her would awake, one that could not be sated by any amount of food. However much she ate, she remained hungry. Fortunately, as a side effect from the apparent black hole in her stomach, she didn't seem to grow or put any weight on however much she ate.

It was at this point when she noticed a pig had gotten loose and ran into her house while she was looking for something to satisfy her. Without giving it a second thought, she instinctively pounced on it and before she could think about what she was doing, it's head was halfway down her throat.

Coming to her senses after sending it to her stomach, she suddenly realised her hunger had abated and the pig was thrashing away in her stomach which seemed to be able to contain it without pain. In fact it felt rather good to have something alive in there and after a little time it had suffocated and succumbed to her. She even enjoyed rubbing her pig sized bulge of a stomach, which felt more sensitive now with something inside it, almost arousing.

Her new discovery changed her, and while she didn't feel as hungry very often, when it hit she knew she needed to feel something living slipping down her gullet. Dead meat didn't do it for her anymore. The next few years she spent hunting down bandits and others who tried to take advantage of her village, taking them alive and chaining them up in a hideout nearby so she would always have live food ready without having to risk devouring a friend, and keeping her secret safe from the village. They would only throw her out if they knew, and she didn't trust anyone enough to share it with.

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