Being a Pokemon Trainer is the best. You get to roam all around the region, even the world itself! You have almost no cares at all,
you just wander the countryside, the cities, the mountains, (the sewers on rare occasion) and just encounter pokemon, other trainers,
and have a fantastic time! You get to explore wonderful sights, make unforgettable bonds with pokemon and create wonderful, sweeping
memories. Of course, there are drawbacks, unstable income, needing to feed yourself, your pokemon, transport yourself, potential
major weather problems while caught out on the trail miles away from civilization. Still, the lows define the highs, and it wouldn't
be as fantastic if there weren't setbacks! At least, so goes the creed of Gabriella Evermore. She is a...young and spunky trainer
by all accounts. She is however, quite far from home, although she talks a lot about it, about the dead trees, the sweeping
graveyard, the crypt that extends multiple floors down into the ground...yeah she doesn't come from a 'fun' town by most
people's accounts, downright creepy, but she talks about it cheerfully enough.
However, she doesn't seem eager to return home. She's all about that adventure, exploring new regions, seeing new vistas! She doesn't
even really seem interested in gathering all eight badges or challenging the Elite 4 of whatever region she happens to be in at the
time. For Gabriella (Gabby to anyone who talks to her), it's all about the exploration, the experiences. Gyms can be fun, but
they're not her focus really, although she does like competitive scenes like tournaments, Battle Frontiers or similar! They're
a great source of income when she's struggling to scrape by. Fortunately, she's also an expert forager at this point, and is pretty
good at scavenging food, doing laundry in rivers, and just hoofing it out in the woods, and as far as she's concerned? Her life is
going great! Sure, her mother completely disapproves of her lifestyle, rails about it going against family tradition and how
Gabriella is a disgrace, needs to stop dyeing her hair and come home and accept her place in the world, but hey! That's just more
reason to not head home and keep exploring.
Oh and yeah, she dyes her hair. Wondering what her original hair color is? Well, looking at a few pictures of her
mother might give a few clues to that...and a few other things too.
Gabriella gets a bit...odd sometimes. Really odd. She'll generally assure people it's nothing but sometimes it's just weird. At times
it almost seems as if she's possessed!
What's a trainer without pokemon? Gabby has plenty!

Species: Banette
Ability: Insomnia
Lisa Lisa

Species: Eevee
Ability: Adaptability

Species: Litwick
Ability: Flash Fire

Species: Rowlett
Ability: Overgrow
Aqua Necklace

Species: Wishiwashi
Ability: Schooling

Species: Persian
Ability: Limber