Tracy appears to be 5'7 with shoulder-length black hair and icy green eyes, the left of which she usually keeps concealed with a crimson eyepatch as she is partially blind in it. Most notable about her, is her attire: white boots, gloves and backpack with black pants and a black shirt with a Red R on the front.
Yes indeed, Tracy is a member of Team Rocket.
Name: Tracy Dianellos
Rank: Queen of Diamonds
Bounty: $175000.00
Or more accurately, she
was a member of Team Rocket. Since coming to the Park, Tracy has been much more relaxed with revealing the truth (see spoilers below).
Along with her pokeballs, Tracy comes equipped with a a .45 modified to fire non-lethal riot-control bullets, a pair of throwing knives and a titanium katana with a crimson hilt and sheath.
Her greatest weapons, of course, are her pokemon. She limits herself to carrying seven at a time, one of which is always Ninetales, but she has since reconnected to the TRHQ database and can now access those that were left in the HQ's care at the time of her departure.

This is the team you are most likely to run into while in the Park. Artwork copyright
The Roop.
Gender: Female
Height: 3'7
Weight: 50 lbs.
Preference: PRED/prey
Attribute: Fire
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Calm
Energy Ball
Ninetales is naturally evolved, hundreds of years old, and as such, is a capable psychic as well, even from inside her pokeball. To say that she is to Tracy what Pikachu is to Ash would be an understatement – they are closer than you could ever imagine (see spoilers for explanation).
Gender: Female
Height: 4'3
Weight: 86 lbs.
Preference: pred/prey
Attribute: Normal
Ability: Immunity
Nature: Adamant
Crush Claw
Brick Break
Aerial Ace
Tracy relied on her own wit and athletic prowess in the field as opposed to her pokemon for one simple reason: She was a horrible trainer and only began to grasp even so much as the basic fundamentals after teaming up with Henry. It took her years even to figure out that there was more to combat than just calling her Pokemon out and yelling “Sick em!”
Part of the reason it took so long for Tracy to become an effective trainer is because her partner, Henry thought it would be easier to train her pokemon for her instead of sit down and talk with her. Another part of it is the fact that the first pokemon he gave to her was Zangoose, who had not only adapted well with Henry’s training and battle techniques, but had also learned how to mimic them.
Being the actual trainer in the family, Zangoose enjoys thinking of herself as being (almost) human, enjoys "human" activities like card and puzzle games and prefers the company of humans over pokemon. . . Well, more accurately, she prefers
Henry’s company over pokemon. She inherited Henry’s general distrust in humanity, but she maintains an open mind and would be willing to give anyone not in the uniform the benefit of a doubt.
Zangoose thinks of Seviper as being just rivals as opposed to mortal enemies. They wouldn't have caught the next one if it weren't for such.
Gender: Male
Length: 8'11
Weight: 116.4 lbs.
Preference: PRED/prey
Attribute: Poison
Ability: Shed Skin
Nature: Impish
Poison Jab
Aqua Tail
Like Zangoose, Seviper does not view the other side of the feud with disdain. He enjoys a competitive rivalry with Zangoose, as well as an on-again, off-again romance.
At first, life in the Park seemed like a dream come true. That was before he heard snakes described as "good at swallowing and so easy to swallow." Now he's on the fence.
Gender: Male
Height: 4'7
Weight: 335 lbs.
Preference: PRED
Attribute: Ice / Water
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Calm
Ice Beam
Henry decided early on in his career that, since Tracy was a very ineffective trainer with little tact and no real appreciation for anything but naturally strong poekmon, he would try to balance things out between them by allowing Tracy to have all of his pokemon that were genuinely powerful and easy to handle. He therefore kept the usually underappreciated Dewgong for himself and gave to Tracy the undeniably powerful Walrein.
Walrein appears mostly indifferent, having already had several trainers and seen many extraordinary things even before joining the family – even some of the more recent developments only slightly piqued his curiosity at best. Unbeknownst to the family, Walrein had actually learned how to safely swallow living things
before coming to the Park, so even that new development did not surprise him. Like Henry’s Dewgong, he prefers life on the land.
Gender: Male
Height: 6'7
Weight: 181 lbs.
Preference: PRED
Attribute: Ground / Dragon
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Impish
Dragon Claw
Steel Wing
While a lot of trainers think dragon types to be the pinnacle of perfection, Henry had absolutely no confidence in them on account of their obvious and easily-exploitable weakness to ice attacks. So, when Tracy asked that he give her Flygon to use as a flyer, he had very little regret about it. He enabled Flygon to learn Steel Wing before the transition, and that has helped balance out the otherwise obvious handicap.
Gender: Male
Height: 4'7
Weight: 76.8 lbs.
Preference: pred/prey
Attribute: Fire / Dark
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Bold
Nasty Plot
Dark Pulse
Houndoom is ashamed to admit it, but won’t conceal the fact that he originally only consented to accept Tracy as his trainer because it was springtime, the birds and the bees were calling to him, nobody had explained to him the difference between people and pokemon, and he honestly thought at the time that he and Tracy might have had a chance together. He’s since learned the difference, but that hasn’t done anything to cure him of his "human fetish."
Gender: Female
Height: 3'11
Weight: 87 lbs.
Preference: pred/prey
Attribute: Dark / Flying
Ability: Overcoat
Nature: Calm
Dark Pulse
Air Slash
Henry gave Mandibuzz to Tracy to use as a messenger, or at least so he claimed. He chose Mandibuzz specifically for her because, as they advanced through the ranks, Henry became more distrustful of his peers, so much so that even his own partner became suspect. Mandibuzz's real job, in this sense, was to spy on Tracy. Even if Tracy had acquired a psychic-type of her own, Mandibuzz, being a dark-type, would not have had her mind read and her true purpose revealed.
Gender: Male
Height: 6'7
Weight: 176 lbs.
Preference: PRED
Attribute: Water / Psychic
Ability: Own Tempo
Nature: Calm
Slack Off
Calm Mind
Ice Beam
As their notoriety increased along with their standing, Henry eventually convinced Tracy to start traveling with a psychic type. He picked Slowking, not just because he was an observant psychic and a versatile fighter, but because he was at near-human intelligence and capable of speaking human languages. Slowking was the original man behind the man (or in this case, the mon behind the ma'am). That position was eventually taken by Zangoose, whom Tracy much preferred over Slowking and whom Slowking had some hand in training.
Henry also may have chosen Slowking knowing that Tracy would underestimate him. Like most of her pokemon, Slowking's true loyalty was always to Henry.
Gender: Female
Height: 3'11
Weight: 173.8 lbs.
Preference: pred/prey
Attribute: Normal
Ability: Scrappy
Nature: Jolly
Brick Break
Milk Drink
Miltank was acquired and trained by Henry during a point of paranoia among Team Rocket. Rumors had surfaced concerning the possible existence of a Spiritomb that had been spliced with Shedinja's Wonder Guard ability belonging to a rival syndicate (rumors that later turned out to be false), which Henry determined could only be defeated using fighting moves by a scrappy Pokemon. He acquired a kangaskhan for himself with this ability, and as an extra precaution, gifted Miltank to Tracy. Tracy felt little need for her after the rumors were disproved, however, so Miltank found more value as a second to Zangoose; while Zangoose looked after the pokemon in the team, Miltank looked after the ones at home. Her role has not changed much since then; now she finds herself mostly employed as a babysitter whenever Tracy or Pelipper are busy elsewhere.
Gender: Female
Height: 6'11
Weight: 793.5 lbs.
Preference: PRED
Attribute: Rock / Steel
Ability: Rock Head
Nature: Impish
Iron Head
Iron Defense
Head Smash
Aggron was Tracy's combination strong-arm, bodyguard and load-bearer (tasked with carrying their heftiest of payloads). She was also Tracy's mount for a while, a job which she was retired from once she evolved onto her hind legs.
Gender: Female
Height: 3'3
Weight: 53 lbs.
Preference: prey
Attribute: Grass
Ability: Leaf Guard
Nature: Careful
Sword Dance
Leaf Blade
Henry spent an extensive amount of time training Leafeon before he was confident enough to turn over his only grass type. Her small size and cute appearance mask the fact that she has the highest estimated level of any pokemon in either family. Henry erred in teaching her Return, however, as this proved ineffective once she was in the care of a trainer Henry had previously stated he did not trust. She more often now appears as a decoy, now using her cuteness to decrease suspicion whenever Tracy appears in disguise.
Gender: Male
Height: 2'4
Weight: 89 lbs.
Preference: prey
Attribute: Ground
Ability: Sand Rush
Nature: Careful
Drill Run
Metal Claw
Aerial Ace
Excadrill was chosen to dig out bunkers and other such hideouts for Tracy just as Henry's sandslash was doing for him. He chose Excadrill for her because he was more meticulous, as opposed to sandslash, who was faster; Henry didn't trust Tracy to know the difference between a solid hideout and a hackjob and gave her the pokemon less likely to provide one. Being employed as nothing but a digger gradually wore on Excadrill's patience, however. He came to the park halfway in the process of morphing into a pokemon version of Brock: Eager for companionship, and not entirely picky about who or what he gets it from.
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3
Weight: 175.8
Preference: PRED/prey
Attribute: Electric
Ability: Motor Drive
Nature: Impish
Wild Charge
Flame Charge
Zebstrika was Tracy's replacement mount after Aggron evolved into her final form, and also doubled as a smuggling partner since few police or security would ever give a cavity search to a pokemon. Since Walrein never came out about his talents until after they came to the park, Zebstrika was Tracy's first vorish pokemon. It was never proven, but they believed Zebstrika could have carried something as large as a small human in her uterus if she had to.
Feraligator (not Feraligatr, Feraligator)
Gender: Male
Height: 7'7
Weight: 195.8
Preference: PRED
Attribute: Water
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Careful
Dragon Dance
Aqua Tail
Ice Fang
Feraligator was Henry's master-concept, the pokemon he'd conceived as being as close to foolproof as could be accomplished. It took him forever to finally locate a female and didn't think twice about all the trouble it took to get her to breed with the necessary pokemon. Unfortunately, Feraligator never quite took Henry's word and accepted Tracy as his acting trainer the way the others did. The pokemon that fathered Feraligator also fathered Henry's Lapras; it wasn't hard for either of them to figure that out.
Gender: Female
Height: 5'11
Weight: 227.5 lbs.
Preference: PRED
Attribute: Normal
Ability: Guts
Nature: Jolly
Hammer Arm
Aerial Ace
Bulk Up
Ursaring was the first pokemon Tracy ever actually succeeded in catching by herself. She had originally caught her as a Teddiursa with the intent of using its Pickup ability to help her pick pockets or salvage material, but just like with Aggron, things went awry on account of Tracy pushing her to evolve. Tracy was frustrated by this and didn’t have the patience to try and train her to the same level as the rest of her team. Tracy employed her occasionally as a guard – someone to scare away any kids or campers from the caves in which she occasionally hid in, but other than that may consider herself retired.
Gender: Male
Height: 3'11
Weight: 61.9 lbs.
Preference: pred/prey
Attribute: Water / Flying
Ability: Keen Eye
Nature: Modest
Air Slash
Hydro Pump
Pelipper was only acquired a few days before Tracy’s turning period, and as such never really got to know her as the bitchy and unforgivably inexperienced trainer that Zangoose and the others did. He’s therefore maintained a sunny outlook on life and harbors no ill thoughts or distrust of other human beings in general. This made him more than apt to become a father figure to the last two pokemon in this list, a position which Pelipper enjoys greatly.
Gender: Male
Height: 1'8
Weight: 21.1 lbs.
Preference: PREY
Attribute: Electric
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Jolly
Thunder Fang
Fire Fang
Ice Fang
Tracy had intended for some time to catch a Shinx for two reasons: to have an electric pokemon she could use to power up her electronic devices, and to one day evolve into a Luxray so he could use his X-ray vision to act as a scout for her. Shinx was acquired only a few days before she made her way into the park and her training career was put on hold, however, so for now Shinx only fulfills one of these jobs. He’s come to think of Pelipper as being his dad, and by extension is a big sister to Vulpix.
Gender: Female
Height: 1'6
Weight: 15 lbs.
Preference: PREY
Attribute: Fire
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Timid
Energy Ball
As her move set might indicate, Vulpix is the daughter of Ninetales. She already has the moveset Henry would have recommended to them, so they have decided to raise Vulpix as a child instead of as a pokemon, and more importantly, to let her evolve naturally after a hundred years have passed.
For reasons disclosed in the spoilers, only Pelipper had no misgivings about Vulpix, so he has become her adopted father and looks after her more often even than Ninetales herself. Many nights curled up asleep inside Pelipper’s beak have given the pokemon an affinity for warm enclosed spaces, which they worry will inevitably get her in trouble if they remain in the Park for too long.
Gender: Male
Height: 2'4
Weight: 27.7 lbs.
Preference: PREY
Attribute: Dark
Ability: Illusion
Nature: Bold
Calm Mind
Zorua was acquired after the group had made itself at home in the Park. Tracy and the gang were concerned that Shinx would evolve soon and wouldn't suffice as a sibling to Vulpix after such. They therefore agreed to look around for a potential third sibling for Vulpix, and found a perfect candidate in the equally foxy Zorua. Shinx didn't evolve as they thought he would, but they are not regretful of having taken in the third.
Perhaps ironically, it is Zorua that acts less like a sibling now. He behaves more like an elected protector, which his ability to appear as other pokemon has made him surprisingly adept at.
Pokemon acquired during plot events:
Gender: Male
Height: 12'6
Weight: 138.7 lbs.
Preference: PRED
Attribute: Fire / Flying
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Adamant
Brave Bird
Sacred Fire
Ownership: Shared with
Tracy acquired Ho-Oh through Shae, a mutual friend of Henry’s, but because of the nature in which he was acquired on top of the fact that she is an unconventional trainer in many ways than one, Tracy hesitates to call herself his trainer. The only thing she has succeeded in training him to do is tolerate her company. She does not know if Ho-Oh is displeased with her or wants her to work hard for his affection. For a legendary, he doesn’t talk much.
Tracy was once ruthless, but has since calmed down and become stoic and aimless, possibly because of her recently acquired blindness in one eye. She has never had any real love for other human beings, but unlike her partner, she has no qualms about dealing with them, though she typically avoids physical contact with all but her pokemon. She seems detached from the world at times.
Tracy and her partner,
Henry, both split when one of their capers earned them an appearance on America's Most Wanted, and later were assigned face card bounties in the "Deck of 52" for Team Rocket. They originally agreed to go separate ways, but for some reason, she has come here instead.
Like her partner, Tracy intended to take hiding in a place where legends of rare and powerful pokemon were in abundance. She first stumbled upon a
Ninetails, but unknown to her, this was a ninetales that had evolved naturally, hundreds of years old and gifted with remarkable psychic powers. Tracy, who had never been much of a trainer to begin with, was defeated, and the ninetales used her powers to assume Tracy's identity and claimed her weapons and pokemon as her own. With only one or two exceptions, her pokemon have conceded to the defeat of their trainer and accepted Ninetales as their new master.
Tracy/Ninetales tried to infiltrate Team Rocket, but could only get anywhere near the TRHQ through Tracy's computer. The wires were buzzing with countless e-mails about "Little Raikou," a double-agent inside TRHQ that had just struck again severely. Sensing a common ally and a way into TRHQ, she followed her psychic instincts, trying to find Little Raikou. Her search eventually brought her here, where she was pleasantly surprised to discover that Little Raikou was none other than Henry, the former partner of the original Tracy; they have been working together ever since.
Ninetales is a powerful enough psychic that she can control her illusionary Tracy and launch psychic attacks from inside her pokeball. Ninetales used her age-acquired magic to trap the original Tracy inside one of her tails, and later (accidentally) gave birth to her as a vulpix (the one in her team) with no recollection of her past existence. Those memories still belong to Ninetales, so if you define a person based on their experiences and memories, Ninetales is now the real Tracy.
The illusionary Tracy is capable of physical contact, but it requires Ninetales to use her psychic powers, which can be draining on her after extended periods of time.
Tracy the human is not an actual person and therefore cannot eat, be eaten or have sex. Tracy the ninetales, however, is yiffable, a capable predator, and can be prey under the right circumstances.
Bad spellers need not apply. If I can't read it, I'm not responding to it.
(Alt of Terastas)