
(I know this profile isn’t great, but I wrote it quickly and basically jotted things down as they came to mind. In other words, major W.I.P..)
Tomoko, or ‘Tomo,’ is a young, aspiring magic wielder who specializes in summoning companions to fight by her side. But she is not just any type of summoner… Wherever she goes, she wields a massive scythe that nearly equals her in size with the blade alone. Even with it’s large size, she is capable of using it with ease, making her more than capable of fighting on her own if need be. Simply put, Tomoko is classified as a Combat Summoner.
While her own combat skills are quite limited, she is able to bring up all sorts of creatures and humanoids to work with her… But all summons require a sacrifice. In her case, it is blood.
Whether it be her own or the blood of her enemies, the more she spills, the more powerful both she and her summon becomes.
The scythe itself is the signature item she must use to perform her rituals. While completely solid like steel, it appears to absorb the blood it touches like a sponge. When she spills enough, her summon of choice will appear nearby, ready to do her bidding.
Even though her lifestyle is that of shedding the blood of others, Tomo is often seen as a secluded, quiet loner who only converses with her summons, as scarce as that may be.
‘Conversing’ may not be the best choice for the word, however, considering the small girl has no voice of her own. She is commonly seen with a small fairy type being hovering above her shoulder who will speak for her. This can make some things rather difficult at times, but she has grown so used to others trying to avoid her that she has little interest in trying to learn other ways to give out her thoughts.
Who would want to be around someone like her, who constantly cuts herself open willingly and refuses to speak to others?
Basic Stats
Name: Tomoko (Tomo)
Age: Unknown (Appears to be pre-teen)
Race: Unknown (Appears human)
Height: 4’
As mentioned, and what can be seen, the scythe itself is quite large compared to her. In her hands, it is nearly weightless, allowing for easy and precise usage. The blade slices through metals such as steel
with ease and will not dull, even if used for such a thing. However, if someone else were to attempt to lift it, the scythe feels heavy in the hands of whoever tries to take it. Heavy enough to the point that it feels it cannot even be lifted by normal means.
As noted, Tomoko is capable of calling many types of minions. The more powerful the summon, the more blood it requires.
These summons are classified by levels. Level one requires very little, just more than a few drops of blood, while level five or greater can sometimes require a full sacrifice, or maybe more.
While her current repitoire of available summons is small, one must remember she is a student. Meaning she is still learning.
Students of her type rarely exceed a level three summon, but because of her upbringing, she has already achieved level 5. The highest level her family has ever performed is 9.
Level 1
1. Lara
An imp-fairy type summon that only stands six inches in height. This one is nearly always seen at Tomo’s side and is the one who speaks for her. Very easygoing, but also quite direct and protective. She has weak healing abilities.
Level 2
1. Lesser Angel, Lesser Demon
With the angel's protective and healing abilities, she can keep Tomo and her comrades safe while the lesser demon excells in combat and brute force.
Tomoko can summon both of them at once.
Level 3
1. Crucius
A lesser Cerberus with white fur and glowing red eyes. It can vary in size, but it’s average height is 8’ at the shoulder. Extremely protective of Tomo. It acts as though it would attack any person that crosses it's path if it were not under Tomo's control.
Level 4
1. Colossus
A massive female humanoid with skin as tough as stone that stands at least 50' in height.
While she has achieved this level, she refuses to do so unless the situation is dire, due to it's cost.
Special Ability
As the name implies, Tomo is capable of fusing with her summons. This will alter her physical form in some way, but also give her new abilities. She cannot stay in this mode for long, however, as it does eventually begin to take it's toll on her mind.
Coming from a long line of summoners, Tomoko was given no choice as to what direction she was going to put her abilities to use in. As an infant, her parents often left her in the care of a lesser succubus who had been Tomo's father's first summon. This had let the succubus earn great trust in the family, aside from her contract to follow her master's orders.
The succubus, however, was not like many others. She treated Tomoko as her own child, since she was not allowed to bear her own, as was part of her contract. While she felt a loathing for the infant, she could not bring herself to cause it harm...
For the years this succubus was charged with taking care of Tomo, the actual parents of the girl were rarely seen. This was seen as both a blessing and a curse. While she did get to see her adopted daughter any time, she knew that, by not knowing her real parents, the child could miss out on major events and be uncertain her entire life.
But even so, Tomoko was taught the art of summoning by her caretaker, begining the very moment she was able to wield the knife that the girl would shed her own blood with...
Being incapable of speach, this nearly meant she would never be able to follow in her family's footsteps. In order to perform rituals, the summoner had to perform a ritual, which involved chanting.
It was then that the succubus formed the weapon Tomo wields today. Tearing her wings from her back, the two bloodied items merged to form a scythe... One that would allow Tomo to perform her rituals with greater ease. All it required was, she would need to have it soak the spilled blood of her foes.
As time went on, Tomoko learned much, but was required to expand her horizons, as was her parent's order.
Being forced to leave home once she reached a certain age, she was told not to return until she could summon a minion of level eight or greater.
Being bound by contract, the one who took care of Tomoko all this time, the very one Tomo eventually called 'mother,' had to watch the small girl leave... And was given the order to slaughter Tomo if she tried to return without meeting the prior demands.
Only equipped with what little she was allowed to bring with her, Tomo now explores the world, in hopes of finding a teacher... Or anything, rather, that will allow her to go back home.
A W.I.P. Alt of;
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