The first thing you'd know of her presence would be a soft sound... a rustle, in the dark. And then, if she had her way... probably nothing else.
Yuzuki Tomiko is many things. Bold is not one of them. It is, in fact, the opposite of her nature. Shy, timid, and reclusive, the Tsuchigumo girl prefers to keep to herself as much as possible. People make her nervous, for a variety of reasons, not least of which is the fact that, at one point, someone started an angry mob over her once when she was young.
... it's a long story.
The point here, though, is that she'd prefer to be left alone, if possible. She's convinced, CONVINCED, that she's hideous, and a monster, and hated, and would, in fact, prefer not to deal with people at all. Even if it gets awfully lonely, out in the woods she calls home, she prefers to keep to herself... watching people go by, without making a sound, or being seen at all. Most of them never know she's there.... a fact that relieves her, even as it makes her sad.
Still... still, she keeps busy. She keeps her mind off things, as best she can, plying her trade. She makes bolts of cloth and earthenware dishes and such items, dragging them to villages in the night to 'trade' for food and drink, and bacon(which she feels deserves special mention). She has no idea why this works, only that it does, for some reason, and it keeps her healthy and fed. Still, something does seem to be missing... but who would want to keep a monster company?
Convinced though she may be that she is a monster, her appearance likely tells a different tale, to the casual observer. While she may be as pale as a ghost, she is, in fact, flesh and blood, with a pair of striking garnet eyes and long, silken black hair(fitting, really, considering her species). Her figure is slender and petite, at a mere five feet and two inches tall, not exactly having the benefit of much exercise, though she is healthily fit, walking everywhere when she travels. Typically, she's dressed in a simple kimono, black and unadorned by embellishments, whilst a red obi(belt/sash) is worn around her waist, and simple geta upon her feet(wooden sandals), with socks as well, depending on the weather at the time.
As a Tsuchigumo, naturally she has a few abilities... being a spider youkai, she can, as you may suspect, create silk... a fact that she regards as useful, if somewhat embarrassing at times. However, in addition to this, she has another ability, thanks to her ancestry... a bloodline ability, passed through her clan, down to her, their last member. Specifically, the Shaping of things. What this means, well, you'll get to see.
Alt by The Tower. Link below.