You know, for all the famous youkai in Gensokyo, there are a lot more who are rarely if ever heard about. For all your Yakumos, your Yuukas, and the like, there's going to be someone who just does their own thing, and doesn't really cause trouble. Tokiko, here, is a prime example of just such a youkai.
She can't help it, of course. She's less powerful than the others, and it's as simple as that. Sure, she's a youkai, but that means next to nothing, beyond being a very broad term for what she is. Hell, no one's even sure what species she is! All anyone knows is that she can most often be found around Kourindou, and less often.. well, pretty much anywhere else.
Really, not a lot is known about her, at least to most. She likes books, and she argues with Rinnosuke a lot. No matter how they argue, though, she always turns up again! What's UP with that? No one's sure, but it doesn't seem to matter.
What does matter, though, is this: As one of the younger youkai, Tokiko is relatively small and weak. That does not, however, stop her from being a bit of a brat.
Really, is it any surprise? She's pretty much always gotten what she wants, from money to books to peace and quiet to Story Time with Rinno! She has, as a result, become a bit spoiled, and used to getting her own way! This does not mean, though, that she can't fend for herself, nor does it mean she's helpless. Sadly, it also doesn't mean that sometimes things don't go quite badly indeed for her, like the time a certain shrine maiden beat her up and stole her money.
Still, she's got it easy, for the most part. Like most youkai, she pretty much does as she pleases and has as much social interaction as she wants! Fortunately for everyone, it pleases her to be left alone with her books, usually. One might wonder, though, if things are due to change...
Alt by The Tower
Sometimes, things go badly...
Story time!
Nothing like a good book
Just Another Picture!